how can i get more color from my erkle?


hello everyone. I am 6 weeks into my flowering and have yet to see any purple on my leaves or buds. i am growing purple erkle and purple kush neither have shown color yet. is there anything i can do before harvest to bring out the purple? i have heard sugestions to lower the temp at night to around 58 degress F, but my room is at 80 to 82 during the day and im using co2. will this be to much of a differnce in day/night temp. also i heard when flushing on the last week to use ice water and that it shocks the roots bring out the color. is ther any truth in that?!?

thanks for the help any answers wil be apprciated.


Well-Known Member
Purple maxx from humboldt county's own works everytime and increases thc garaunteed by me to work


Well-Known Member
Shocking roots inreases thc not color hps often don't show proper colour on buds please use this product I recco.


thanks mjh i will try it out the purple maxx. so are u saying my hps is the problem? should i add a metal halide bulb?


Well-Known Member
Yeah lower temps but hps I meant only throws an allusion of "not so purp" TGA all tha way love purp urckle