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nah sorry i speak english lol. so its ok that i put them in the pot without germinating them right? they will just take longer to grow?


Active Member
i would germinate them it gives them a much better start when putting them in soil. wet a paper towel press the seed inside it'll sprout in a few days. dont wait too long or else it will start rooting into the paper towel!!

you can stick them straight in the ground for sure but at least germinating you can see if the seed actually sprouts but stick it right in the ground and youll be waiting a week to see nothing grow from a bunk seed!

oh and theres no such thing as germinizing lol
to be 100% soak them over night in water. the next day put them in a paper towel and wet the paper towel and I stick them in a ziplock bag and put them on top of the fridge for a few days, opening the bag everyday to get fresh air in there and in a few days they crack open and should be showing the tap root.


Well-Known Member
i would germinate them it gives them a much better start when putting them in soil. wet a paper towel press the seed inside it'll sprout in a few days. dont wait too long or else it will start rooting into the paper towel!!

you can stick them straight in the ground for sure but at least germinating you can see if the seed actually sprouts but stick it right in the ground and youll be waiting a week to see nothing grow from a bunk seed!

I have too agree with farmer here, your far better of germing them first, cheers!


Well-Known Member
germinizing (LOL) is silly IMO.

i get close to 100% success rate like this....

soak in warm water for 24 hours. sometimes 12 hours. sometimes 5 hours.

drop in dirt.

hi humidity and bright lights.


Well-Known Member
to be 100% soak them over night in water. the next day put them in a paper towel and wet the paper towel and I stick them in a ziplock bag and put them on top of the fridge for a few days, opening the bag everyday to get fresh air in there and in a few days they crack open and should be showing the tap root.
not starting an argument here but ....

can you tell me why you do all that with the towel and bag? opposed to straight in the dirt?


Active Member
RAPID ROOTERS!!!!! Turn it upside down and place the seed (white tip up) about 1/2 inch into the rapid rooter. Make sure to keep it moist but don't over water it. :-)


Well-Known Member
lol okay guys... germinating seeds is ALMOST to each his own. Since I was 11 years old all I've ever done is wet a papertowel with tapwater, stick it in a plastic drinking cup and put it in a dark, warm place. All my seeds usually germinate except for a small %. There is many ways guys swear by, for example I've heard, wet papertowel with a ziplock, I hear some guys say cool place thats lit with light, I hear guys say dark, warm. some guys use water in a jar, some just plant in dirt. It is like you say TOMAITO I say TOMATO same difference. Just tissue paper, keep warm, wet and dark.......but that's just MY OPINION haha


Well-Known Member
lol okay guys... germinating seeds is ALMOST to each his own. Since I was 11 years old all I've ever done is wet a papertowel with tapwater, stick it in a plastic drinking cup and put it in a dark, warm place. All my seeds usually germinate except for a small %. There is many ways guys swear by, for example I've heard, wet papertowel with a ziplock, I hear some guys say cool place thats lit with light, I hear guys say dark, warm. some guys use water in a jar, some just plant in dirt. It is like you say TOMAITO I say TOMATO same difference. Just tissue paper, keep warm, wet and dark.......but that's just MY OPINION haha
but why? your adding a step that is unneccessary and IMO risky. your just hadling them more and their delicate. whats the point?


Well-Known Member
i never drop seeds in water ... fold it in some damp paper towels seal it up in a ziplock to lock the moisture in and bam you got a taproot in 2 days.. its kinda fool proof really... its kind of important to seal the moisture in cus once that paper towel dries up the seed is finished . thats the most common mistake !!


Well-Known Member
i have done this before, on like 50 seeds or so. so now that i learned seed biology, what makes it safer? i mean this has been getting at me a little for a while now. nobody can tell me why its prefered. i mean since i started dropping them in dirt after a short soak, i maybe had one seed not pop ...2 or 3 times. your certainly not beating that % so i just dont get it. i know to each his own but unless someone can tell me a factual reason that it benefits the seedling somehow, ill be teaching young noobs to skip the silly 'germinizing' method and go straight to dirt.


Well-Known Member
lol okay guys... germinating seeds is ALMOST to each his own. Since I was 11 years old all I've ever done is wet a papertowel with tapwater, stick it in a plastic drinking cup and put it in a dark, warm place. All my seeds usually germinate except for a small %. There is many ways guys swear by, for example I've heard, wet papertowel with a ziplock, I hear some guys say cool place thats lit with light, I hear guys say dark, warm. some guys use water in a jar, some just plant in dirt. It is like you say TOMAITO I say TOMATO same difference. Just tissue paper, keep warm, wet and dark.......but that's just MY OPINION haha
i agree but the most important part is keeping the towel moist if it dries out your done..thats where an air tight container comes into play


Well-Known Member
i agree but the most important part is keeping the towel moist if it dries out your done..thats where an air tight container comes into play
I always jus re wet the toilet paper every day, never had it dry out but ya, sealing it can work but it may suffocate the seeds? I dont feel like burping a ziploc everyday I just add a bit of water to the cup, POP they go.

RZZA: you seem very frustrated with germinating. You tell noobies what you want man. I prefer like most people lol to see if the GD seed is gonna work b4 i plant it okay?? I don't think there is any "advantage" to the seedling lmao, exept for knowing that it's popped and it WILL break the surface. Just kinda takes the guess outta it, that's all I have to say.
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