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Active Member
I always jus re wet the toilet paper every day, never had it dry out but ya, sealing it can work but it may suffocate the seeds? I dont feel like burping a ziploc everyday I just add a bit of water to the cup, POP they go.

RZZA: you seem very frustrated with germinating. You tell noobies what you want man. I prefer like most people lol to see if the GD seed is gonna work b4 i plant it okay?? I don't think there is any "advantage" to the seedling lmao, exept for knowing that it's popped and it WILL break the surface. Just kinda takes the guess outta it, that's all I have to say.


Well-Known Member
The germanz are coming oooh not the germanz..

Yo rzza is right, less handling of the seed is better, alot of top breeders do it this way.. It's proven I'm sure,..
Me personally, I GERM first then plant it out,.. I'm too cheap to waste media on a seed that don't sprout, and yeh, I wanna see the germ count with my own eyes!!


Well-Known Member
I always jus re wet the toilet paper every day, never had it dry out but ya, sealing it can work but it may suffocate the seeds? I dont feel like burping a ziploc everyday I just add a bit of water to the cup, POP they go.

RZZA: you seem very frustrated with germinating. You tell noobies what you want man. I prefer like most people lol to see if the GD seed is gonna work b4 i plant it okay?? I don't think there is any "advantage" to the seedling lmao, exept for knowing that it's popped and it WILL break the surface. Just kinda takes the guess outta it, that's all I have to say.
i dont see why you have to add the 'okay?' at the end but whatever...

i am frustrated it which i mentioned a few minutes ago. im not however, hostile about it the way your making it sound.

i simply dont understand why the overwhelming part of our community adds this extra step that i see pointless.

you gave me YOUR reason and im sure that why most 'germinizers' do what they do. it makes sense i suppose especially if your a legal patient and you have to stay under your count.

but to summarise for the OP, its not necessary to germinate the seeds first but alot of people do it. if you go straight to the dirt you should see them in less then a week.


Well-Known Member
I always jus re wet the toilet paper every day
no, i know, im just tryin to help newbs man, plus i had that happen to me one of my first times.. i work 12 hour shifts and i had it under cfls to keep it warm with nothing covering the towel i got home the paper towel was crispy dry and the tap root rotted on me so it was a lesson learned:joint:


Active Member
all the reasons have been listed if you've been reading i dont know why you keep asking i listed them in my first reply..

1. no wasted soil for seeds that dont sprout

2. no wasted time for seeds that don't sprout

3. you can see exactly when it sprouts

4. how the hell is it a wasted step? handling it does nothing just as long as you are gentle. and the process doesnt go slower bc youve germinated them. if anything it goes faster bc its a controlled environment unlike ground soil

5. the person asking is not a "top grower" so obviously doesn't know how top growers do it or should even try to do what top growers do because they tend to do things a bit more advanced. yea obviously it works every time for you bc you dialed down your setup and know how to make it work. doesn't mean you should give the advice "gee because it works for me ive done it more than 50 times" well they havn't and don't have the same environment as you

in all this time arguing about germinating or not you could have germinated some seeds for gods sakes

Brick Top

New Member
they will go quicker if you germ them tho,
Some believe that if you use a proper growing medium and germinate right in the soil you will not only get as fast or faster germination, of equal or better ratios, but also have more vigorously growing plants.

While I never charted things and kept track and can only go by memories and observations I tend to believe that is if not flat out totally accurate that it is at least likely to often times be the results of germinating that way.

The problem is most people who try it do not use a growing medium that is conducive to consistently holding the proper amount of moisture for good germination. Because of that the paper towel method, that I will use though I use a freshly washed very well rinsed wash cloth instead of paper towels because of the texture the beans are really surrounded well by moisture with a goodly source to rely on, but are not being drowned, and I have that in Tupperware instead of using a plastic wrap or some other sort of covering .. anyway it seems to be easier and it seems to be faster and it seems to be more reliable …. but it is only because of the growing medium someone is attempting to germ in not being the best that makes things different.

It might be GREAT soil to grow in but sometimes it is not the best to germ in. Sometimes you need to make a small pocket of a different soil mixture, something like the size of a small pot of soil, in the middle of your pot where you will germ your beans in the soil.

Most people will not go to such efforts when they can just dampen some paper towels and plunk down their beans and cover it up and wait a bit.

What actually makes paper towel germing ‘the best’ or the most common is its simplicity, it’s removing of some margin of error, though it does add a slight new and different degree, that being damaging tor root of a popped bean when placing it in the soil. It will happen now and then. Paper towel germing will not make for better plants, but it will make increased germination ratios easier for most to keep high so most they will go that route … as I said even I will do now and then.

The tradeoff seems to be it being easier to maintain high germ ratios at the cost of some plant vigor. As easy as it can be to grow herb and as naturally vigorous of a grower as it is, most will gladly sacrifice that bit of plant vigor for it being easier to keep that successful germ ratio as high as possible.


Well-Known Member
all the reasons have been listed if you've been reading i dont know why you keep asking i listed them in my first reply..

1. no wasted soil for seeds that dont sprout

2. no wasted time for seeds that don't sprout

3. you can see exactly when it sprouts

4. how the hell is it a wasted step? handling it does nothing just as long as you are gentle. and the process doesnt go slower bc youve germinated them. if anything it goes faster bc its a controlled environment unlike ground soil

5. the person asking is not a "top grower" so obviously doesn't know how top growers do it or should even try to do what top growers do because they tend to do things a bit more advanced. yea obviously it works every time for you bc you dialed down your setup and know how to make it work. doesn't mean you should give the advice "gee because it works for me ive done it more than 50 times" well they havn't and don't have the same environment as you

in all this time arguing about germinating or not you could have germinated some seeds for gods sakes

how do i lose when i have better success rate? and dude all five of these say the same exact thing so how bout this

1. you know that it sprouted. an idiot.

3.i like to argue with people who are trying to learn. an idiot.

"gee because it works for me ive done it more than 50 times".....i said i have germed about 50 seeds, not 50 times, i was being actual not exagerating.

"in all this time arguing about germinating or not you could have germinated some seeds for gods sakes "......dude your argueing, i was simply discussing different methods of growing.


Active Member
no, i know, im just tryin to help newbs man, plus i had that happen to me one of my first times.. i work 12 hour shifts and i had it under cfls to keep it warm with nothing covering the towel i got home the paper towel was crispy dry and the tap root rotted on me so it was a lesson learned:joint:
I still say rapid rooters - and if you put them in a try with a dome over it under a little light you should have great success rate. Keep them moist - the dome will help that process. Why mess with paper towels and all that mess when you can stick a seed in a rapid rooter and let it be. :-)


Active Member
Is it a must to germinize your seeds or can you just plant them in the pot and let them grow?
you can plant them straight into soil, pointy tip down. No need to add any steps that are not necessary! Get "starter" soil, moisten the soil, plant the seed(s) 1/4-1/2inch into the medium in party cups, place them (cups(s)) under a humidity dome, dark and at a temp 26-30C. You need starter soil neways for the first 7-10 days after sprouting. And don't put them under light untill they sprout, untill they have sprouted they can't "utilize" any light, and introducing them to light too soon may make a MJ plant stretch w a weak stem as a result. Don't complicate things!

they will go quicker if you germ them tho,
They will? Something you just heard or read or you actually done comparisons, in that case you need to do as I explained above, 99% sprouting rate...who da fk cares bout germ rate?!?!?!

spreken ze deutsch?
Ja klar! Ich habe in Berlin gewohnt! ;)

nah sorry i speak english lol. so its ok that i put them in the pot without germinating them right? they will just take longer to grow?
No, they won't take longer to grow. Do as I explained above and the seeds will crack within 24h and sprout within 48-72h.

Yes this is correct, if you have a light on they will go faster as the soil will be warmer as well.
"Faster" is a relative term! What's important is to keep the heat, moisture and RH high. As I explained above
"And don't put them under light untill they sprout, untill they have sprouted they can't "utilize" any light, and introducing them to light too soon may make a MJ plant stretch w a weak stem as a result"
i would germinate them it gives them a much better start when putting them in soil. wet a paper towel press the seed inside it'll sprout in a few days. dont wait too long or else it will start rooting into the paper towel!!

you can stick them straight in the ground for sure but at least germinating you can see if the seed actually sprouts but stick it right in the ground and youll be waiting a week to see nothing grow from a bunk seed!

oh and theres no such thing as germinizing lol
Why does it get "a much better start when putting them in soil" if germinated elsewhere first, on what do you base that? It doesn't! And I base that on experience and side by sides done by myself. Germinating a seed in paper towel doesn't raise the probability of the seed to sprout, it just adds a stupid step wich also is a risk as the lil root tip may break when handled and planted.
youll be waiting a week to see nothing grow
that's why people use the "paper towel method" or other germinating methods to "see things happen" not because it's "better", well some people here seem to have gotten the idea that it is...!

to be 100% soak them over night in water. the next day put them in a paper towel and wet the paper towel and I stick them in a ziplock bag and put them on top of the fridge for a few days, opening the bag everyday to get fresh air in there and in a few days they crack open and should be showing the tap root.
WOW! That must be the most complicated method of all. I plant them in soil and the next day a tap root can be seen...

germinizing (LOL) is silly IMO.

i get close to 100% success rate like this....

soak in warm water for 24 hours. sometimes 12 hours. sometimes 5 hours.

drop in dirt.

hi humidity and bright lights.
not saying it doesn't work, but what makes it work is the heat and the high RH. Turn off the lights untill they sprout.

i never drop seeds in water ... fold it in some damp paper towels seal it up in a ziplock to lock the moisture in and bam you got a taproot in 2 days.. its kinda fool proof really... its kind of important to seal the moisture in cus once that paper towel dries up the seed is finished . thats the most common mistake !!
You make one important point here, moisture! Moist + humidity + heat = 99% sprouting rate. It's more up to the genetics then what method of choice!

theres no reason not to germinate them first. its safer and you'll learn a thing or two about seed biology :P
I've given a few above, why not to germinate before planting...

I always jus re wet the toilet paper every day, never had it dry out but ya, sealing it can work but it may suffocate the seeds? I dont feel like burping a ziploc everyday I just add a bit of water to the cup, POP they go.
Who da fk wants to burp a ziplock every day when all you can do is plant a seed in soil and just wait for it to sprout then turn on the lights? Ya'll gone BONANZA up in here?

The germanz are coming oooh not the germanz..

Yo rzza is right, less handling of the seed is better, alot of top breeders do it this way.. It's proven I'm sure,..
Me personally, I GERM first then plant it out,.. I'm too cheap to waste media on a seed that don't sprout, and yeh, I wanna see the germ count with my own eyes!!
"less handling of the seed is better" BANG ON TARGET PAL!

Starter soil for 1 party cup = 10cents

Ya'll do what ever method you want, just remember, moist + heat + humidity. What ya'll do w your paper towels is up to you, personally i wipe my ass w them...

:peace: //CaL

edit: first pic is of roots after 8-10 days in the party cups. Second pic is 20 days since sprouting, 23 days since planting seed: Headband

edit2: Sry if my post came out "offensive", I'm not pointing any fingers, but plz don't only say things like "they will go quicker if you germ them tho", explain also WHY you think this to be so, validate your "opinion".


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