Introduction, and 100 Watt HPS Cabinet Grow


New Member
^This makes me think..Why not take cuttings to grow like this on purpose? Two main stalks like that can be quite beneficial in a SCRoG, I would think.


New Member
Bubba Kush is great. Especially when I don't have to wait her to flower. Obtained some earlier and took a macro shot. I hope to do better than this.



New Member

I don't have a close hunch why, I just really liked this picture. Maybe it's the bubba kush bubble hash bong load before I took it, IDK. It's today's update reagardless. Questions comments concerns post away.
I need help... I have 6 seedlings that are in those little black containers that have 6 or more in them. Dont know if they are male or females yet. Will you be my teacher PLEASE!! I have a grow room but hooking it up financial fell through..I want to do it in the closet with tin foil and a warm light.. can you help me please. My dad was a pot farmer and all he used (from what i know) is that he grew hella plants in his closet (hes gone now or i would ask myself), with the walls and doors covered in tin foil and a flood light (i think) please help.. you can reach me at or just im me if it says unavailable no worries i am always on line. I will be up til about 5am today so please let me know what to do with these kids before i lose them.


New Member
I need help... I have 6 seedlings that are in those little black containers that have 6 or more in them. Dont know if they are male or females yet. Will you be my teacher PLEASE!! I have a grow room but hooking it up financial fell through..I want to do it in the closet with tin foil and a warm light.. can you help me please. My dad was a pot farmer and all he used (from what i know) is that he grew hella plants in his closet (hes gone now or i would ask myself), with the walls and doors covered in tin foil and a flood light (i think) please help.. you can reach me at or just im me if it says unavailable no worries i am always on line. I will be up til about 5am today so please let me know what to do with these kids before i lose them.
I'll be more than glad to help you here, but here only. It's past me to have a private conversation with someone from RIU. Sorry. It sounds like you are starting off completely new and need the basics. I can very well teach all of this, but it's lots of information and easier for me to paste a link. So, here is Roll It Up's Newbie central : . All of the forums with stickies are what you want to look into. Once you have some idea of what you are getting into, then come ask some questions.. Oh, and for future reference, if you need general help start a thread of your own and let everyone see it. You get much better results that way. Lastly, but most important, take your face off of your profile picture. The last thing you want is a creeper, or even worse law enforcement knowing who you are.

Good luck


New Member

At this rate I'll be able to start flowering towards the end of next week. Yes, 48" of headroom is available...BUT Subtract 9" for the pots, 3-4" for the distance between the light and plants and also knock off another 6" or so for the reflector and light. That roughly brings me to 30". Oh, and does anybody know what the lowest wattage water-cooled setup available is?


Well-Known Member
Nice scrog just started one myself check me out always looking for tips!!! First time scrogg here!!! Subscribed


New Member
Nice scrog just started one myself check me out always looking for tips!!! First time scrogg here!!! Subscribed
This isn't SCRoG, sorry. You might have been mislead by what I said a couple posts back about it. Thanks for checkin it out either way it's nice having people take interest.


Well-Known Member
not to still your thread swelchjohn, but I seen someone ask about cmh. i have done quite a bit of research and I like these in the attachement. i like the ones that danielsgb recommended, but I think those are only 250 and 400 watts, too big for a lot of small stealth cabinets. if anyone has any questions about them, pm me cause I dont want to still this awesome grow journal from swelchjohn.


Well-Known Member
By the way swelchjohn, very nice and clean setup, I expect u will have close to ur qp in the end. I am definitely subscribed. So u are able to keep ur hps within 3-4 inches wothout burning the plants?


New Member
By the way swelchjohn, very nice and clean setup, I expect u will have close to ur qp in the end. I am definitely subscribed. So u are able to keep ur hps within 3-4 inches wothout burning the plants?
Thank you GB, it's nice to read! I like some more encouragement towards my QP goal. Yes, 2-4 inches is completely suitable. I find myself moving the light up sometimes twice a day now, given the fast growth. While those clones were still babies I had the light up around 20-24". They were under T5, and I didn't want to shock and burn the piss out of them by immediately giving them maximum HPS. I'm thinking just for the sake of the plants' rapid growth and not having to move the light as often, just keep 6 inches distance . This shouldn't cause stretching, if I'm wrong give me some figures.


New Member
not to still your thread swelchjohn, but I seen someone ask about cmh. i have done quite a bit of research and I like these in the attachement. i like the ones that danielsgb recommended, but I think those are only 250 and 400 watts, too big for a lot of small stealth cabinets. if anyone has any questions about them, pm me cause I dont want to still this awesome grow journal from swelchjohn.
Thank you for the courtesy bro it's much appreciated.I really did look into CMH, and I don't want staggered results. Simply put : I won't use it because I don't know what to expect, not because I think it won't work. I want to have an experiemental cab with CMH, just to see what you folks are talking about.