what do girls think of loners?


Active Member
i am married now. but i used to keep to myself and be difficult to aproach.
keeps stupid bubble-head girls away. snakes with tits is a good desription for a lot of girls.
not all of them are, though. the best girls realize that most girls are annoying, shallow, narcicistic
and mean; they respond to loners because loners aren't tangled up with stupid fuckers and users.
awesome chicks are hard to find.

good to know society has moved on from when we used to think women were inferior. you cant just say most girls are 'annoying, shallow, narcicistic and mean' the same as you cant just say 'most black people are stupid' or 'most jews are cunts' , life isnt that fucking simple and your a retard for thinking it is. you should let go of those bad experiences with girls from high school or watever and grow up, theres cunts in every breed.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
what can i say, male or female, people seem to be cunts on the whole, i've never met one person i have placed my trust in, who hasn't fucked me over for their own gains or agendas. maybe it's 10 years of chronic depressio talking, but hey, i'm beyond caring about what could be..

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i guess it is. i have absolutely no desire to know how they are doing, nor tell them how i'm doing. i couldn't care less about them. certainly i love my parents, but i couldn't care about hearing what they got upto at the weekend. heck, i think maybe 5 people know where i live, no more. if my doorbell rings, unless i know who it is and why they are here i will not answer it.

oh, and i love the company of animals. i have a 17yrd old burmese cat that i've had to leave with the parents. that does make me sad.


Well-Known Member
good to know society has moved on from when we used to think women were inferior. you cant just say most girls are 'annoying, shallow, narcicistic and mean' the same as you cant just say 'most black people are stupid' or 'most jews are cunts' , life isnt that fucking simple and your a retard for thinking it is. you should let go of those bad experiences with girls from high school or watever and grow up, theres cunts in every breed.
i am 35.
i have lived a little bit of life.
been around a couple different blocks.
everything i said is true.
just like i can say most guys are
selfish, asshole douchebags.
because it's true.

i should also mention that i am a certifiable misanthrope, in general i don't like people.


The bottom line IMO is most people are users and will pretend to be your best friend right up until it benefits them to stab you in the back. I think kind hearted people get taken advantage of people can smell it on us. I too am just now starting to try to cut the users out of my life and just stick with the people who truly care about me. Very few.


Well-Known Member
The bottom line IMO is most people are users and will pretend to be your best friend right up until it benefits them to stab you in the back. I think kind hearted people get taken advantage of people can smell it on us. I too am just now starting to try to cut the users out of my life and just stick with the people who truly care about me. Very few.
daddy always told me more people want to see you fail than succeed. And that's the truth... just have to find those that care and stick with that group


Well-Known Member
I'll be blunt, since you asked a very blunt question, and hopefully appreciate an honest reply!

LONERS ARE LOSERS. They sit at home and play video games and masturbate to night elves in World of Warcraft. That's the general though anyway, hopefully this isnt you! :) Women like men who can actually carry a conversation. That doesnt mean talk a lot, it just means be open, honest, communicative, and not such a turtle shelled limp dick.

GIRLS LIKE MEN WHO HAVE BALLS. Loners generally dont have any balls, they never take control, they never have much initiative, etc....> Plus, if your always alone, how would that leave a woman for her time? Always having to have the guy hanging around going "bebe, ima so bored, plz blow me or do sumtin wit me", or having a guy who has a few hot friends.................... Hmmmmmmm. :)

Shorter reply than anticipated, a friend just knocked on my door, but this is the general idea! :)
Good post, very blunt and true for a lot of women but not all of them. BUT, when these type of women get their claws into you they try to change you...don't let you go out with your m8s as much...start crying that you always take control and they never get their own way, and moan about you having too big balls and they want you to calm down and to top it off they don't want sex as much... Next thing you know, they've turned you into a bloody recluse!!! Then the inevitable happens and you start shagging their best m8 who is more fun lol


Well-Known Member
woman have different taste in different men, just as we do with food.

Some will like you, some won't.. Ratio of women who like you will vary with each individual man but for every fuck up there is someone compatible..


Active Member
well , maybye you guys are just living in the wrong place , all that savage capatalism, gun laws, excessive crime rates and low social mobility has made everyone turn in cunts. i liv in england and people here are generally pretty good, assholes are few and far between, maybye your 'every man for himself' social policies has poisoned your culture.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i'm english and live in england :P and every one of em has turned out to be a cunt. don't make this about america england australia and such now.

and who's a loser now? me? for not being like you and having a life like you? you're sounding like one of these UK cunts all of a sudden.


Well-Known Member
yeah, whatsup with that? You going into politics now?? let me check real quick........ You're in TOKE n TALK!.. get it right.


Active Member
i'm english and live in england :P and every one of em has turned out to be a cunt. don't make this about america england australia and such now.

and who's a loser now? me? for not being like you and having a life like you? you're sounding like one of these UK cunts all of a sudden.

um pretty much yea, you a loser, you might think that being selfish and not relying on anyone is kinda cool and interesting in a Leon hit man kinda way, but in reality its a very sad, wasted existence. and when the police break into your home and the stench of your rotten corpse slaps them in the face , their not gunna think 'man , he was pretty cool, he didnt need anyone' , their gunna think about how crap you life must hav been , that even when your dead, nobody noticed. so wake up sweetheart and get out more. you obviously do want human interaction as otherwise you wouldnt hav 3342 posts in just under a year, you obviously do enjoy talking to others otherwise you wouldnt be posting anything back to what people are saying.


Well-Known Member
lol For the past couple weeks I thought toke n talk was politics,

As for the actual thread like someone said if you dont put yourself out there you'll just be lonely and miserable lol.
Or you'll just attract some other fat,pimpled,MRSA infected,lonely video game playing ho,.,,,,,lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i enjoy talking to people online because when i find out they are dicks i can click ignore..

and i apologise for suffering chronic depression for more than half of my life, i really am. sorry! i do what i can but at the end of the day it at the core of my existence.

and the police did break into my home, and then they kicked in my doors, and they were VERY much concerned, so fuck you.

and i ent nowt like leon, he has things dfor small children.

if i were to go into detail about everyting that has gone down in my life, maybe you'd think twice about what you've said, but hey, you're right innit, you must know better than me because you have friends and i don't

edit: oh, and a big part of doing everything alone, is because i'm also fed up with how fuicking stupid 95% of society seems to be. i've never met a comprehensive school lad that has not been as thick as shit. if you're going to ask me to explain every detail of a film or expand on what i mean by something as simple as ABC, then yeah, you can fuck off :) i don't work well in teams because the rest of the team is generally a pile of twats with half a braincell between them


Active Member
haha, i'm niether of those. i am active out and about cheerful you name it, i just prefere to be on my own. i cna happily melt into a group of people, spend a day messing about with folk in the sunshine, but i don't find any massive appeak to it when i could be doing my own productive stuff hassle free. i see having friends a means to kill time and little more. i rarely need to kill time, i've forever something i need to be doing and such. but as i say, i never used to be like this really, jsut the past 5 years :)

and if my parents call, i know that nothing said in the conversation will be of use to me or make any difference if it is or isn't said. so i say sod it chances are it's a pointless phone call. if my twin or my older brother calls, it's just plain fact that it'll be a waste of my time. they're not phoning to sortout a business deal or such, they're phoneing for pointless chat, which is a waste of my time.
i know i dont know you or your family. but it sounds to me like they're not calling for pointless chat but because they care about you. i've suffered with depression as well. but unless theres a serious chemical imbalance in the brain, depression is a matter of the way you think. if you can change the way you think and the way you manage your thought processes, depression will seem almost controllable. and if theres anything i can share with you, it'd be one of the most important things i've learned in my short life, and that is that happiness is only real when experienced with others.