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Well-Known Member
While I do understand the volcano disrupting mail service, I did place my order back on the 8th of April which is a week BEFORE the airspace was shut down for the volcano. I understand that things happen that are out of our hands sometimes, but I did expect a bit faster service than this. It's now been 20 days since I paid and I haven't seen anything. That's a bit of a lengthy time for "Speedy" to be in the title. I'll keep waiting patiently, but it seems odd it would take this long.
lolz. "Will Get There Eventually Seeds" jk speedy!!! Looking forward to getting my order!!! :)


Well-Known Member
I was reading a couple pages of this thread I thought y'all was talking bout volcano as a new strain lol I was like I need to check out the hype. Speedy is a good business man guys give it some time obviously its not his fault. Good luck to all you guys and your packs.


I was reading a couple pages of this thread I thought y'all was talking bout volcano as a new strain lol I was like I need to check out the hype. Speedy is a good business man guys give it some time obviously its not his fault. Good luck to all you guys and your packs.
Well the volcanic ash disruption shouldn't be an issue to orders made on the 1st and 8th. Flights started being delayed around the 14th-15th I believe.


Well the volcanic ash disruption shouldn't be an issue to orders made on the 1st and 8th. Flights started being delayed around the 14th-15th I believe.

yes, and this is not one order but all orders.

I have had ALOT of experience with "stealth" packs from all over the world, and i mean lots (hundreds). I know that it can take this long to recieve, ive had to wait months before because of customs or simply at fault of the mail system. I can understand if things are going on, ive been there, but my order was made 21 days ago...

this isnt one pack, this is several packs.
I ordered on the 5th and received my order on the 15th so you guys will get your stuff. Its not like it was a storm or blizzard. It was a F***ing volcano! I havent heard of anyone not getting there seeds in this entire thread. Be patient.


I ordered on the 5th and received my order on the 15th so you guys will get your stuff. Its not like it was a storm or blizzard. It was a F***ing volcano! I havent heard of anyone not getting there seeds in this entire thread. Be patient.
i dont think anyone here is worried about getting their seeds, no one has said anything about being scammed or even the possibility. be patient? what else can we be? easy to say with a 10 day turn around.

how about you all that are not waiting currently take a step back and think about why we might be losing our cool.

think about it... you buy some seeds and wait 10 days, no show. Ok, just running a little slow, no problem. 15 days go by and you start to get anxious. You get on RIU and check out speedies thread and see your not the only one that has been waiting a while. yes, its starting to get irritating,

I do not think speedy has ripped anyone off, he seems to be a good business man, and a good person. Once the packs start showing up speedy will be praised by all of us happy customers and i can see myself ordering again.

we are just getting on here to vent a little, its frustrating. you can understand that, right?


Well-Known Member
It's not that we're all crying foul here. We're just a bit frustrated. It's now been 20 days since I ordered and nothing. The money's gone, all tied up in this (not that it's a lot of money), but we got growrooms that are empty filled with equipment that should be running. It's not a HUGE deal, but I understand the other guys venting their (inevitable in this situation) frustration. Hopefully Speedy won't take it personally as I'm sure he's not real happy that his customers are waiting 20 days and not getting their packages. It's out of his hands, but we're all a bit frustrated and anxious and we're communicating about it.


Well-Known Member
And the bad thing is since this has happened he has pulled a Houdini act on us

So it's really just a one way conversation, it would be nice to hear something from the guy I hope he is ok

Like I said before shit happens but you have to say something good or bad, I know my customers would want to know whats up either way


From what I see, "SpeedySeedz", is a very misleading and self-contradicting business name. Sorry I had to let that one out... I'm frustrated.


Active Member
i wouldent worry about it give it another week !i ordered from dr chronic on the 8th and speedy on the 13th , got speedy package and i just got comfermation that dr chronic sent my order today on the 28 so id just give it a few more days , he already assured everbody that theyed get there package



i wouldent worry about it give it another week !i ordered from dr chronic on the 8th and speedy on the 13th , got speedy package and i just got comfermation that dr chronic sent my order today on the 28 so id just give it a few more days , he already assured everbody that theyed get there package

i don't think anyones worried about not getting their order. we know speedy will reship if we don't receive our beans. the issue here is receiving our orders within a reasonable time. there are people saying they ordered on the 8th and haven't received anything...


Well-Known Member
i don't think anyone's worried about not getting their order. we know speedy will reship if we don't receive our beans. the issue here is receiving our orders within a reasonable time. there are people saying they ordered on the 8th and haven't received anything...

From looking at people order #'s it just makes you wonder???????????


Well-Known Member
were normally pretty quick, just this mail thing has been out of hand, plus with my dad not being well, plus having to go to the dentists yesterday and have a couple of teeth pulled. I've done nothing but spit blood for 12 hours.

Over today and tomorrow I will look at what orders have and haven't arrived, those that haven't will get re-sent, I'll also offer everyone their choice of glass pipe to make up for the lack of plants in their grow room.

will be similar to http://www.speedyseedz.com/images/trial glass.jpghttp://www.speedyseedz.com/images/trial


Well-Known Member
Over today and tomorrow I will look at what orders have and haven't arrived, those that haven't will get re-sent, I'll also offer everyone their choice of glass pipe to make up for the lack of plants in their grow room.

will be similar to http://www.speedyseedz.com/images/trial glass.jpghttp://www.speedyseedz.com/images/trial
first off, sorry to hear about your dad. and i know what you mean about the dentist, not looking forward to my appointment, lol. second, i'm glad to hear about the resending, definitely makes me feel better about the wait. the pipe would make up for the grow time lost (at least in my opinion).

I ordered on the 8th and you told my me order shipped on the 13th, haven't received anything so far. order number is #100000621
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