DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
lookin good D the reveg is pretty kool. when are you going to whack the guerilla seedlings out ? mine are still tiny but im thinking i might just chuck them out this weekend anyway maybe chicken wire round them.?!

im suprised that shit doesnt go on more often D robbing tourists inside shops instead of down alleyways
It happens more often than you hear about, that's for sure...

Think I'll need to wait a little while until my mobility comes back 100%.....hobbling around the streets with crutches surreptitiously planting MJ seedlings is probably not the best thing for me at the moment. haha.

But I guess if you are putting them out this weekend, chicken wire would do...but do you want to draw attention to them with chicken wire.....I suppose it depends on your location. Other alternative is to take a bit of cling film and wrap that around the seedling somehow (perhaps with some sticks - thinking more about the weather on that one...) The roots on my little seed pouches are sticking out all over the place.....they take up their daily water in about 10 seconds!!!


Well-Known Member
well, everything was up hill, but after i took my first set of clones things got scary, spidermites and fungus gnats.. but im back on track now, i'll have pics soon. thx for askin.


Well-Known Member
DST my bru, how you been man? Your video was wonderful, great job. The girls got way big since I saw them last.
Hey old parts, strange week this week, Full of the cold, can't breath properly, can't taste or smell nadda, hobbling around on crutches due to my operation last week, and was at a friends funeral yesterday....and I am waiting on some court case stuff to raise it's ugly head today/monday...so all in all, had better weeks, haha. But yeh, the girls are growing, and it is Queens Day on the 30th (carnival in Amsterdam, so public holiday tomorrow.) Hope all is good in the hood your end bru.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Hey old parts, strange week this week, Full of the cold, can't breath properly, can't taste or smell nadda, hobbling around on crutches due to my operation last week, and was at a friends funeral yesterday....and I am waiting on some court case stuff to raise it's ugly head today/monday...so all in all, had better weeks, haha. But yeh, the girls are growing, and it is Queens Day on the 30th (carnival in Amsterdam, so public holiday tomorrow.) Hope all is good in the hood your end bru.

Peace, DST

Damn dude, so so sorry to hear about your health and your friend. Very sorry friend, hope things get better for you soon. All is good on my end, things are picking up and I am seeing some light.


Well-Known Member
Damn dude, so so sorry to hear about your health and your friend. Very sorry friend, hope things get better for you soon. All is good on my end, things are picking up and I am seeing some light.
Thanks bru. Just hitting a low...but here are some pics to bring some colour and sunshine into visitors of DST's thread.....

Some pics from our visit to the Keukenhof

Amazing colours (colors) everywhere:-P

I was ready for diving into that loch

Love these colours...

Comfy pitchfork anyone?


Who said Ellies where afraid of mice....

Everything is sooo uniformed.

You can see where designers get inspiration from...this reminded me of Paul Smith


That's better, felling all bright and sunny now....Come on world, give us what you got, I am ready!!!


nulli secondus


Well-Known Member
Wonderful pictures man. Hell they even made my day. Quotes are really helpful in lifting up my spirits too.

Nice Jordans!! Now if I go to UK and see some dude rockin em I am gonna wonder, is that D?


Well-Known Member
Wonderful pictures man. Hell they even made my day. Quotes are really helpful in lifting up my spirits too.

Nice Jordans!! Now if I go to UK and see some dude rockin em I am gonna wonder, is that D?
thanx man, they are my faves! imports from the US none the less.....more chance of seeing me hobbling around the Dam coffeeshops, hehe.

Plants are the shiznit, love em to bits!!!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
wow nice pics man love the pitchfork seats, man i forgot its queens days we were supposed to be going to the dam this bank holiday weekend but funds are fucked at the min :(

and for sure nice jordans man. hows the knee doin man? still requiring constant doep top ups? :)


Well-Known Member
wow nice pics man love the pitchfork seats, man i forgot its queens days we were supposed to be going to the dam this bank holiday weekend but funds are fucked at the min :(

and for sure nice jordans man. hows the knee doin man? still requiring constant doep top ups? :)
Queens day is sure a hoot....it's kinda wore off on me after so many times. But Queens night is cool (tonight) I will be out hobbling around on the crutches, trying to get as much sympathy as possible,,,haha. It's doing okay actually, it's now turning kinda blue'ish yellow with the brusing from the scar tissue...and they are only 3 x 1cm long gashes.

Still medicating it for sure. I have only had 4 paracetemol since the operation (I don't really like pill popping). and that's more to do with the cold I got.

Well there is always the Gay Pride festival, Don?....funnily enough, those sweety pies really know how to party!!! haha. The thing that always makes me laugh, is the Hairy Mans Club party....oooer misses.


Well-Known Member
An arb shot of one of my Headbands that needs to be moved so I can take out "Time in motion ny47" to be photographed....
This is about 10 days flower

And repotted guerilla younglings.

Have a sunny day.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah yeah the woofters are actually a riot the gay club in the toon is usually a good laugh till someone wants to take you up cadbury alley. lol hairy mens club they call it bears night...

your seedlings look great man a little further on than mine. when you thinking of letting them rip?


Well-Known Member
hahah yeah the woofters are actually a riot the gay club in the toon is usually a good laugh till someone wants to take you up cadbury alley. lol hairy mens club they call it bears night...

your seedlings look great man a little further on than mine. when you thinking of letting them rip?
think I'll let them get their 3 sets up first then put em out to nature!!

Bear Night....desperately trying to switch of my imagination at the moment, haha!!!


Well-Known Member
Wonderful pictures man. Hell they even made my day. Quotes are really helpful in lifting up my spirits too.

Nice Jordans!! Now if I go to UK and see some dude rockin em I am gonna wonder, is that D?
lol.. we both noticed the jordans.

D, nicee pics. too bad about your week. just kno when it rains it pours.. but the sun will shine again.


Well-Known Member
lol.. we both noticed the jordans.

D, nicee pics. too bad about your week. just kno when it rains it pours.. but the sun will shine again.
Cheers T, the sun is shining today, it's Queens night so the big carnival starts this evening. Amsterdam is already rocking (or so I have been told - will find out soon when I go out) Tonight by hook or by crook I will be out having a Giraffe on my crutches.....ahahahaha - should be interesting.


Well-Known Member
maybe you should rent a scooter?.. lol just kidding...

we dont have queens day over here.. dont think.. the next holiday is cinco de mayo.. so i might go out drink tequila and eat mexican/spanish food.
dont forget the cam when u go .


Well-Known Member
Saturdays water and feed time. After topping the cheeses they are taking some time to recover so they will be show cased another time, haha. The flower room is coming along dandy. Even with the high temps of the last week, the room is running around 23-25celcius. I had the door to the potting shed open and the door is in the shade after midday so the air going in is pretty cool. Still not completely happy with the set up and have being thinking of some plans.

Just as an idea. An air ventilation system that would save having to buy carbon filter. Imagine how a bong works, set a similar thing up with a water chamber that can be changed, attached your fan to where your mouth would normally go drawing air through the bong system, instead of having a bowl, that would be attached to your exhaust port of your tent. The fan ontop of the system is then blowing out air that has been filtered through water. The water can be scented with whatever the fek you like. This comes from an idea I read about many many years ago so is not exactly original........Think it could work? Comments please?

Without further ado, to the pics. The Flowering room is at 2 weeks. Except for a couple of early starters.


New York 47

Advanced NY47: I think about 7+ weeks...

OG Kush:

OG Kush flowers

Thelma Re-veg: Going very well IMO (will write more about this soon):

Looking in:

The Greenhouse:


DPQ youngling: Looks hungry - will be fed next water.

Cali Orange Headband Cross. Looking very indica based.

The Bastard of Barbagseed

Flowering Headbands:

Flower Corner:

Brocolli Corner:

Cauliflower corner:

Strawberry corner:

Herb Corner:


Lettuce Corner:

LST'd Cherry Tom Corner:

Root veg corner - summer carrots, onions, garlic

Baby cucumbers:

And that's my picture update for this morning. Hope you enjoy, comments, questions welcome.

Peace out
