

Well-Known Member
Yeah it will evap better, especialy if you make it anhydrous by adding baked epsom salt first.


Active Member
I didn't mean to offend in anyway, just for me personally, the tea would be more logical as I live with family members. =P
Props to ya bud.


Well-Known Member
I didn't mean to offend in anyway, just for me personally, the tea would be more logical as I live with family members. =P
Props to ya bud.
No offense taken by SHEPJ... he's just someone who respects the psychedelic cause... there are no shortcuts or easy way out's when it comes to his style of tripping ;)


Will do (tomorrow morning).

I have pulled a total of approximately ~.45g (not done yet!)
you'll have to excuse my lack of knowledge here, i'm having a hard time taking in all the info i need for school, much less anything new.... but could you explain why there are all of these pulls/days to finish extraction?? I was under the impression that it was something that could be done in a day or two, and with 2-3pulls??

yet again, not questioning your techniques, as i have no valid education to do so... just looking to learn some more, as this is high on my list...... smoked dmt, with its short duration, is the only hallucinogen that i can talk my old man into trying with me :) , so i'll damn sure be doing an extraction soon myself.

and just to be sure i am following correctly, you started with 100g of mhrb and have pulled .45g, and still taking more pulls?? what are you expecting to yield in total from this 100g of starting material?? or to get straight to the point, a average ratio of starting material-product.
sorry for all the questions, but i like this thread :)


Active Member
Has anyone here tried Marsofold's DMT Extraction Tech?

He has it down to a few simple paragraphs.

How to easily make DMT:
Break 1-Pound of Mimosa Hostilis rootbark into 1" pieces using new heavy-duty
wirecutters, then grind it all up in a glass-topped blender, a little at a time.
Polar Extraction: Premix in an empty 1-Gallon plastic jug: 1-Quart White Vinegar
& 3-Quarts Water. Put the ground up Mimosa in a 3-Liter crockpot, then fill it
with the water-vinegar solution. Stir well and turn it on "high". After 2 hours,
remove the crockpot ceramic liner, hold the lid on slightly offset, and pour off
most of the liquid into a 1-gallon wide-mouthed glass or stainless container.
Add the remaining water-vinegar solution to the crockpot again. Stir well and
turn it on "high". After 2 hours, remove the crockpot ceramic liner, hold the
lid on slightly offset, and pour off all of the liquid into the same container
again. Discard the rootbark fiber and save the two combined extractions in the
1-gallon container. Allow the vegetable particles in the extraction in the
1-gallon container to settle to the bottom overnight. Then pour off the liquid
into an empty 1-Gallon glass wine jug, being careful not to pour off any of the
vegetable sludge at the bottom. Discard the sludge and keep the contents of the
wine jug.
Basification: Premix in advance a solution of: 5 heaping Tablespoons (70grams)
of Lye (Lowes Hardware, item# 146450 "Roebic Crystal Drain Opener") SLOWLY
added to 1-Pint of warm water. Stir well. Slowly add this solution to the jug,
then cap it. Gently tilt the wine jug back and forth for 1 full minute to mix.
Nonpolar Extraction: Add 250ml of (Ace Hardware) VM&P Naptha to the wine jug. Then add exactly enough warm water to the jug to raise the liquid level to an inch below the top. Cap the jug. Gently tilt the wine jug slowly back and forth for 5 full minutes to mix the contents. Allow the jug to sit undisturbed on a table for at least 4 hours. There should now be two layers visible in the jug,
a lower dark one and a smaller clear one on top filling the neck of the jug.
Use a glass turkey baster to suck up the top clear layer into a pint mason jar.
Be careful NOT to suck up any of the lower brown foam/black liquid layer into
the mason jar.
Freeze-precipitation/wash: place the sealed mason jar in a FREEZER for 3 days
to precipitate the crystals. Prepare a filter setup by placing a funnel into
a quart mason jar and putting a small coffee filter paper into the funnel.
Shake the naptha in the mason jar strongly to stir up all the crystals at the
bottom and quickly pour while still very cold into the funnel for filtering.
Impure yellow-white DMT crystals will be seen on the coffee filter paper.
Allow the crystals to completely dry out on the filter paper in the funnel.
Chill a bottle of NON-SOAPY clear Ammonium Hydroxide(Ace Hardware Janitorial
Strength Ammonia) in a refrigerator. Slowly pour 35ml of the cold ammonia over
the crystals (still in the filter paper) to wash them. Remove the filter paper
from the funnel, spread it out flat and allow the crystals to COMPLETELY dry out.
You will now have 2-1/2 grams of white crystal DMT. Mix it with some dried
parsley and smoke a little in your favorite pipe!...Marsofold
Optional Tips:
#1 Grind the rootbark up to 1mm diameter or smaller. Finer is better.
#2 Use three water-vinegar extractions rather than two. Divide up the
water-vinegar mix so that you roughly use 50% for the first extraction,25% for
the second, and 25% for the third extraction. After the last extraction press
out the fiber to squeeze the last bit of liquid from it.
#3 Basify to a ph of 13. Underbasification is the most common reason for a poor
yield. If you don't have ph papers, basify till it turns black, then add an
additional 25% of whatever amount of basification solution you used. This is to
guarantee that you're at a ph of 13. The brown foam you see floating on top of
the basified extract after tilting the jug should flatten out to a thickness of
no more than 1/2" after 45 minutes or so if you've used enough lye.
Add a bit more lye and re-tilt the jug to mix if it's thicker than that.
#4 Naptha: Dividing the naptha amount into two "pulls", then combining them into the same mason jar for freezing will raise the yield by 10%. The best way of extracting if you aren't sure of the yield is to use a slight excess to extract
and evaporate it down with a small fan to 1/3 of the original volume. THEN freeze it. This will pretty much guarantee excellent results. For example: For a pound of rootbark use 300 milliliters of naptha to extract. Evaporate it down to
100 milliliters. Then freeze it and filter out the crystals. You must very quickly filter it within a minute or two after removal from the freezer so that it doesn't have any time to warm up. And your freezer can't be marginally cold. If it doesn't freeze ice cream HARD, then it isn't cold enough.
#5 A small marble in the naptha rattled around in the mason jar will loosen up
the crystals for filtering. It won't hurt anything to pour it out with the crystals into the filter paper. A buchner funnel is the best kind for filtering.
#6 Washing: Be sure that the crystals are absolutely DRY before washing.
Weigh them and use 14ml of chilled ammonium hydroxide per gram of crystals.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
2.5g's off of 1lb does not sound that impressive. I am currently just under .5g with 100g MHRB.


Active Member
ya 9 grams off a pound is double the yield. great results man. I take it that was before cleaning the product? if not even better!


Active Member
2.5g's off of 1lb does not sound that impressive. I am currently just under .5g with 100g MHRB.
if you multiply 100g x 5 = 500grams(more than a pound)
now multiply .5 grams(how much you have) x5 (100 gram batches) = 2.5 grams

your yield sounds about the same as the mentioned tek so far.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
The extraction is not near done though.. I am mid-way through the 3rd pull (my technique for pulling is a little different and something I will go into detail on).


Active Member
The extraction is not near done though.. I am mid-way through the 3rd pull (my technique for pulling is a little different and something I will go into detail on).

I think your problem is your bark. I know you mentioned it was free so this isn't really a problem.

If you plan on extracting again I have an excellent powdered bark source. I just pulled 3.5 grams of some slightly off-white/yellow deem off 1 pull from 250 grams. That was after 4 calcium carbonate and 4 water washes as well. It could have been bright white but I neglected it for a day and ended up with slightly yellow