Active Member
For starters you can go to war at 18 but this law will do nothing for you. Currently if you are caught with 28 1/2 grams or less,you are lookin at a fine of $25 to $60 depending on what area you are in. marijuana is already de criminalized in Californiia. IF this law passes,anyone under 21 with even a joint can literally do time. You got a nephew or a friends kid that is 20 years old and you wanna give em a hit,you could do 3 to 5 years. Also,if your over 21 and you get caught with more than 28 1/2 grams,you will be in more trouble than before. If your kid decides to try marijuanna at 15 or 16 like most kids. Or sooner,I know. I started at 11. Anyway,your kid gets caught trying it for the first time,they can get 3 years. This law is a scam and a hustle by California,aimed at people that they know won't really read the shit. This law will RE CRIMINALIZE marijuanna in California. You watch,the revenue they crerate will go to people to figure out how to spend it. But most of it will go to task forces to fight all the new crime that this law will create. I mean think about it,right now your only real fear is the Fed. If this law goes through you better believe you'll be runnin from the state too. It will be ten times easier for them to see what your doin,you truly will be stuck with your 25 sq ft area. That's what,one perfect outdoor plant? Also,if your growing and some kid jumps in your yard and jacks you,gets caught smokin it down the street and says he got it outta your yard YOU could do 5 years. The prediction is anywhere up to $80 a gram on the street if this law goes. Typically people don't get shot up as much over weed. But if it starts costin as much as coke or others,your gonna see more of it. Than were gonna need more police to handle it. I'm tellin you,it's not what you think and Cali will not get any better financially. It's a hustle. Make sure you guys read EVERYTHING,not just the good points. Vote NO.