nirvana white widow and mystery seed cfl 12/12 grow


Active Member
i would but i don't have a cam right now (got stole) and i keep forgeting to ask to borrow one anyway my grow is ghetto lol oh and the WW's ain't doing good idk why they haven't opened up yet idk wtf is up with them i know i'm mad about that shit though man, but the LR2*AK47 is looking good it poped this morning and is already opened up so no prob's there and the bagseed are doing fine i've gave them a dose of weak nutes and some root starter solution. and if i can't get out to get any fish emulsion they'll be receiveing a dose of my yellow stuff *PISS* in a few day's lmao grean them biatches up there at 2 nodes so they can handle weak weak doses nothing too strong though


Active Member
Fuck i fucked up yo I left to my sis house to help watch her kids and the lights were off for 3 days! Fuck i hope they dont hermie


Active Member

^^^^link to my grow journal i'll be updateing periodicaly i can only get pic's when i can borrow my buddy's cam though but there go dude i'll be putting in all the spec's and what not u know soil, nute's,light's later on or either tomorrow. so check it out and stick in there with me (remember the oldest plant's there are only a week and they just got put under more light (were under 46 watts of cfl's) now under 230 watts of cfl's soon a 150 or 400 watt mh


Active Member
Fuck i fucked up yo I left to my sis house to help watch her kids and the lights were off for 3 days! Fuck i hope they dont hermie
idk man they may (finger's are crossed that they dont) what happened did you're timer stop working???????? sry for what happened man they may be so young that it's not a prob just try not to let that happen again or get a new timer<< prob best idea man


Active Member
Theres nothin to say but im happy to be a father! Lol i havent gave nutes yet im going to wait one more week dont want to burn them again. Other than that they are doing great cant wait to c the actual bud take form.



First pic is Amanda second is miracle third is clifton and i don't have names for the sprouts yet lol
if ur using cfls ur best bet is to put them within inches away form the plants, compact flourescents run very cool , i use mine withing a inch or a lil less but i have proper ventilation