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Well-Known Member
i guess i meant to take images from the same days that might have similar weather patterns maybe may1st-june1st 1981 and 2009 and try to see if there really are any differeces-
they should be easy too see, if not maybe there is no difference and it's only our perception that's changed, like the way i thought the world was a good place when i was 5


New Member
Yes, it is nailed it.... as jets pass through VARYING moisture levels...contrails come and go.

I have read up on conspiracy thinking on many psychology web sites, and I now agree with them.... this is a form of psychosis. Unfortunately, it is not easily cured. I suggest you stop looking up and try and live a semi normal the rest of us.


New Member
I'm documenting these eveyday and more than half these aircraft aren't on civilian radar... It's very strange, but you can carry on living in this perfect world, the Government care for you :) be happy
Extracted from

How does it work? shows live airplane traffic from different parts around the world. The technique to receive flight information from aircraft is called ADS-B. That means the can only show information about aircraft equipped with ADS-B transponders. Today about 60% of the passenger aircraft and only a small amount of military and private aircraft have an ADS-B transponder.


Active Member
Yeah you know it all CJ, suppose I should listen to you. Seems your good enough to judge peoples mentality, you must know it all.


Active Member
Extracted from

How does it work? shows live airplane traffic from different parts around the world. The technique to receive flight information from aircraft is called ADS-B. That means the can only show information about aircraft equipped with ADS-B transponders. Today about 60% of the passenger aircraft and only a small amount of military and private aircraft have an ADS-B transponder.

I've seen ones that look like drones, they aren't going to show up. Are they?


New Member
Yes, it is nailed it.... as jets pass through VARYING moisture levels...contrails come and go.

I have read up on conspiracy thinking on many psychology web sites, and I now agree with them.... this is a form of psychosis. Unfortunately, it is not easily cured. I suggest you stop looking up and try and live a semi normal the rest of us.
If youd actually consider them and do some research, youll find that a lot of these "conspiracy theories" are true. The truth is hard to handle for some, maybe thats why some of them have gone crazy.

And to be honest, youre not one to talk about living a normal life without mental illness. Youve made 22,000 posts in less than 21 months, 35 posts a day. That means your on this website easily 5 hours a day, 1/3rd of waking hours and god knows how many other websites that you go on and for how long. You obviously have no job and you spend a large part of your day online just trying to disprove other people and saying negative things. You expect us to believe you live a normal, healthy, and productive life?


New Member
Gosh contrails everywhere..... almost as if planes are flying high above in the atmosphere where there is MOISTURE.......

PB ... c'mon post up the TRUE conspiracies!!!

yes if one is true,.....then hey why not something COMPLETELY UNRELATED TOO!!!! WOOT!!!! that makes PERFECT SENSE!!!! RIGHT??? :lol: :lol:


Active Member



Active Member
If youd actually consider them and do some research, youll find that a lot of these "conspiracy theories" are true. The truth is hard to handle for some, maybe thats why some of them have gone crazy.

And to be honest, youre not one to talk about living a normal life without mental illness. Youve made 22,000 posts in less than 21 months, 35 posts a day. That means your on this website easily 5 hours a day, 1/3rd of waking hours and god knows how many other websites that you go on and for how long. You obviously have no job and you spend a large part of your day online just trying to disprove other people and saying negative things. You expect us to believe you live a normal, healthy, and productive life?
Nice one, you must be crazy to give me an answer like that LOL :p


Active Member
My own vids




Well-Known Member
ok assume for az moment that the trail itself is ONLY water vapor

what explanation for patterning, i does appear that they are in a prescribed pattern
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