Dispensary Boom in Vancouver?

Dispensaries purchase from MMAR patients just like in the USA, i know 1 guy who lets go of his lbs @ 2600$, he knows what there making so he marks up. Prices are much lower since then but havent had drinks with the guy in awhile to chat.
Those are some pretty steep dispensary prices for Vancouver, no?:


Dana Larsen, a director at The Dispensary on East Hastings Street in Vancouver, is an early entrant into the dispensary market and vice president with the Canadian Association of Medical Cannabis Dispensaries (CAMCD).

$8/gm?.....LMFAO.....there is a sucker born every minute !!!!!
$8/gm?.....LMFAO.....there is a sucker born every minute !!!!!

Step One: Buy local product for $1000/lb
Step Two: Lease cheapest location in sketchiest neighbourhood
Step Three: Charge boutique prices in the name of compassion
Step Four: $$$$$$$ and/or eventual bust if they just start selling to anyone and everyone

It's like being an LP without all the pesky regulations and overhead!

I'm all for compassion clubs, but opportunistic ones like this that are just popping up now and charging these kinds of prices have some pretty questionable motives IMO. We'll see what the police do, but there was just a raid the other day and I have a feeling that they will be clamping down on dispensaries that don't have rigorous record keeping and admission policies.
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Step One: Buy local product for $1000/lb
Step Two: Lease cheapest location in sketchiest neighbourhood
Step Three: Charge boutique prices in the name of compassion
Step Four: $$$$$$$ and/or eventual bust if they just start selling to anyone and everyone

Send Uncle Buck a message, he could use the income until this in-laws have to bail him out and pay the attorney !!!!
Some are operating rather loosely, yes. But for the ones that (i hope) are operating properly, with clean facilities and adequate security that the price may be justified in the end. We've all tried buying locally and setting up shop, hell its probably how most of us on here pay our rent, but these guys are taking it too far. Agreed. Why doesnt everyone just buy a pound for 1,000 locally, support your local farmer not greedy corporations right?
I noticed some offer "National Shipping" à la LPs.

If you're a registered patient with an LP, who loves in a province other than BC, and become a member of a CC in Vancouver, do you think there's a big risk in having the CC ship to you across provincial borders?
I noticed some offer "National Shipping" à la LPs.

If you're a registered patient with an LP, who loves in a province other than BC, and become a member of a CC in Vancouver, do you think there's a big risk in having the CC ship to you across provincial borders?

no not at all. theres sealed lbs that go across Canada daily.
if you are detected and its opened youll be chatting to rcmp, seeing the inside of there concrete buildings. ive never had a issue in years, but im not dumb and always have been fully legal, sending dppl lic along with packs.
Quite a few dispensaries/clubs seem to do mail order with no problem. If the MMPR ever takes off like they are hoping there's going to be 100's of kilos in the mail everyday anyway, whats a few more slipping by. They don't check every single piece of mail that goes into the postal system ya know, far from it.
Any way to minimize the risk that mine happens to be the one package they open
Mail is NOT opened in Canada !
Yes there is...send it Priority courier with Canada Post. It's a one day service so it's the fastest..more money though. Second, package it smell proofed. Make it won't smell. If it going in Canada you on't have any issues. You can also purchase extra insurance to cover it's value...this is optional. This is the best most secure way to mail it in this country or use UPS or FEDex or Canpar. But use the highest level of service. You'll be fine then.
I noticed some offer "National Shipping" à la LPs.

If you're a registered patient with an LP, who loves in a province other than BC, and become a member of a CC in Vancouver, do you think there's a big risk in having the CC ship to you across provincial borders?
I used to buy from the BCCCS and they would ship it to me no problem. Now that may be because what BC the Yukon generally follows, but I can't see why shipping would be a problem.
Such a hypocritical system in place now, it's criminal. In one city of the country you have in essence illegal business' operating in the open, in another (read east), everyone is getting shafted. WTF is going on here? LOL