Homemade Stealth Cabinet- Lots of pics!


Active Member
Got a few pics of the bagseed in the small cab. They are filling out and getting frosty. Stretch has stopped. In 2 weeks they will have to make room for a new crop so they haven't got much time left to finish.
More pics later of big cab
:peace: :weed:
Looks like you're catching up on your journal just like me. Your plants have made great progress over the last week since your last pics.

Any details to report as far as temps, humidity and such? Is your cabinet meeting or exceeding expectations?

We need details!

Come by and check out my grow. LOT's of drama to report including one death, 2 in ICU and 2 running the mile without breaking a sweat. Plants are funny in how they handle adversity while experiencing the same environment.

Now to go bug SensiStan.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you're catching up on your journal just like me. Your plants have made great progress over the last week since your last pics.

Any details to report as far as temps, humidity and such? Is your cabinet meeting or exceeding expectations?

We need details!

Come by and check out my grow. LOT's of drama to report including one death, 2 in ICU and 2 running the mile without breaking a sweat. Plants are funny in how they handle adversity while experiencing the same environment.

Now to go bug SensiStan.
Hey js,
We've settled into a routine here. The cab is running like it should and the growth spurts seem to be slowing.
I finally put in another fan just for the cooltube so now I have the 3 original exhaust fans and 1 more for the light. Since I added the AC unit, I can keep it whatever temp I want so I keep it in the upper 70s.
RH stays between 40 and 60%.

I am happy with the way it's doing but it is already too small. I think I may try just 3 plants next time and see if it is better. I can also see a need for some sidelights. Later I will add some T5s to the sides and back.

I'll drop into your thread to check it out a little later. Sounds like a lot of things happening.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey munkee nice plants :D cant wait to see your overall yield i think ur gna have more bud than you know what to do with :D iv been running around all week looking after my young ones who are about to be fed for their first time :bigjoint: how old were yours before you started feeding ? i'll be putting sum pics up later for you to see :D


Well-Known Member
Hey munkee nice plants :D cant wait to see your overall yield i think ur gna have more bud than you know what to do with :D iv been running around all week looking after my young ones who are about to be fed for their first time :bigjoint: how old were yours before you started feeding ? i'll be putting sum pics up later for you to see :D
Hi SS,
Too much bud is a good problem. I know how to deal with that!
I started nutes when they were about 2 weeks out of the ground. I started with 13% of a full dose. Remember though, I use coco and it requires nutes a little sooner. Your soil will supply yours with some nutes for a bit.
I was cautious at first and didn't want to burn them but I have a point of reference now. I found that when my ppm exceeded 1200, they got a slight nute burn.
I'll stop by later to check out your pics.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hi y'all,
I've got a few more pics of the girls in the big cab.
The AK has slowed down and the screen is keeping her at the maximum height. The BH are slowly catching up to her but I am sure they won't get that tall. The tallest BH is 24" and the shortest is 21". When I put up the screen, the AK was 30" tall and has grown a few more inches since then but it is hard to tell. I think she would have reached 3' easily if I had let her go.
It looks like all of the plants in the big house are MUCH larger than typical.
The BH in the small cab are only 12" tall and there are several reasons:
They are on a 12/12 schedule.
They are in smaller pots.
They have CFLs (210w) and T5 (156w) instead of a 430w HPS.
The plants in the big cab have all the advantages. Better light, bigger pots, more hours. They also have the Autopots and airdomes.
One thing I wonder about is the airdomes. Would they be just as big without them, or do they really help?
I expect the girls in the big house to yield about 3 times as much as the small house.
The girls in the big cab will also have another 4 weeks to flower.

Still, I see the possibility of having an extra small crop for every regular crop. I have 4 vacant weeks in the veg cab and it would be possible to keep 4 extras in there for those 4 weeks. If I use clones or find a really fast autoflower I like, it might work.

I've taken a week off of the estimated flowering time for the crop in the big cab. It looks like they are a little ahead of schedule and I think they will be finished in 5 weeks. That means it is time to germ some seeds for the next one. That would be 4 weeks for veg and the new girls would move into the big house when the current grow is harvested.

I'm gonna try some Master Kush and start a few Iranian Short Season. The Iranians would stay in the small cab to flower. I don't know if they will make it in 9 weeks so I may have to rig up something for them to finish in



Well-Known Member
Hey munkee, those plants are looking sooo nice i rele wish mine were that big :( iv gotta say the master kush is a very nice strain to smoke and if you're interested in the BC...you know where to watch an example of it now :D also so a big thumbs up there :D maybe you could even post me some haha :bigjoint:.

rele looking forward to seeing harvest day. you've done a brilliant job here and iv gotta say my next growroom will definately have features very similar to yours :D (my next growroom which is being designed as we speak)

anyway , all the best . and swing by my thread , now with added pics .....


Well-Known Member
Hello y'all,
The cabs are working good and the grow keeps inching along. I should be about 4 weeks from harvest.
I've got some seedlings to plant for the next grow so the bagseed girls are slowly being evicted. In a couple of days there will be nothing but new sprouts in the veg cab. I germed 5 Master Kush and 3 Iranian Short Season. The MK will go to the big cab after about 4 weeks of veg but the ISS will stay in the veg cab to finish.
So....the State of the Grow:
The AK is still trying to get bigger and I keep putting her under the screen. I moved the light up again so now it is about 12 inches above the AK. She seemed to have a reaction a few days ago from possibly too much nutes and being too close to the light. She is the only one who suffered so maybe raising the light and dropping the PPM will help her out.
The Blue Himalayas are lookin really tasty and smell great. The only thing I don't like so far is they have so much leaf. It is going to cut down on yield. So if I grow them again I will try to give them more room to spread out.
BTW, I ordered an ONA dispenser and got a bucket of ONA gel for odor control. It seems to be really doing a good job. I don't have the fan yet....it is on backorder but I have a small fan blowing across it. It works so good I took off all of the carbon wraps from my filters and still smell nothing.

Here are some new pics from yesterday



Well-Known Member
You really are a natural at this mate :bigjoint: - enough said , if my grow turns out half as good i'll be happy
are you using soil in the veg cab ?


Well-Known Member
You really are a natural at this mate :bigjoint: - enough said , if my grow turns out half as good i'll be happy
are you using soil in the veg cab ?
Thanks SS,
I am sure your grow will be great. You know what you are doing and are serious about it. That's all you need.
The Bagseed girls were originally in soil but when I repotted them I put them in coco. The BHs in there have always been coco. I will be using coco for a while. In fact, I have a setup for hydro that is waiting for me to try it but coco is so easy and has such good results that I don't know when I'll get around to the Hydro. Seems like a lot of work. The results would have to be way better for me to switch. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I thought your watering system was a hydro system with a coco medium ? its been so long since you posted your initial setup :bigjoint: and i smoke too much weed :) Anyways i can really see the benifit to hydro and i want to try it on my next grow just to compare results to a 100% organic soil grow. Im gna use Aeroponics or a DIY Ebb and Flood system for my next grow. its actually not too bad as you only have one res to take all your readings from and you can just put the whole damn thing on a timer :D top up as required


Well-Known Member
I thought your watering system was a hydro system with a coco medium ? its been so long since you posted your initial setup :bigjoint: and i smoke too much weed :) Anyways i can really see the benifit to hydro and i want to try it on my next grow just to comparTe results to a 100% organic soil grow. Im gna use Aeroponics or a DIY Ebb and Flood system for my next grow. its actually not too bad as you only have one res to take all your readings from and you can just put the whole damn thing on a timer :D top up as required
I'm using Autopots which are automatic bottom feed. I have a res inside for the water so that may be what you remembered. The Autopots have coco and perlite. I'm not real sure that hydro will grow them any bigger so I'll put that off for a while. All of these plants in the Autopots are about 30- 50% bigger than they are supposed to be so I am very happy with the method. :mrgreen: :peace:


Previously i noticed you posted "Pic 6: I can watch the temp and RH from my desk. Perfect for a lazy man!"

You deserve a seat at your desk for making a grow cabinet like that :-)


Well-Known Member
Previously i noticed you posted "Pic 6: I can watch the temp and RH from my desk. Perfect for a lazy man!"

You deserve a seat at your desk for making a grow cabinet like that :-)
Thanks arnod3ablo,
I'll wear it out, believe me! I got another remote sensor for the small cab and I can watch them both from the same screen.:eyesmoke:
I'll have some new pics soon. The buds are filling out nicely.:peace:


Active Member
I think Munk and I suffer from lazyassposteritis. Look it up, it's says so on my MMJ recommendation. :bigjoint: Oops, time for another treatment!



Well-Known Member
HAHA i think the problem was i hadnt had any weed in 5 days and i was feeling energetinc :bigjoint: never a good thing that. now i have a nice big cheese joint and im back to my placid self. hooray for weed - natures ritalin