is something eating my leaves?


Active Member
wow definatly looks like it?
are you growing in soil?

check underneath leaves closely for lil fuckers


Well-Known Member
Yes, it looks like an insect ate part of that leaf. The pellet you found could be a dropping from something like a caterpillar but I really have no idea without seeing it. Is this an outdoor plant or do you ever take it outdoors?


Well-Known Member
well Its pretty obvious something is eating your leaves. and the yellowing in between veins with veins remaining green is usually mag If it gets worse and you start getting hard crispy yellow edges that would just verify. But yeah the mantis could do it I also hear lady bugs love to eat spider mites and aphids, but maybe mantis like to eat lady bugs.
I was just being a sarcastic ass. but I hope you get it taken care of bud. Bugs def suck man.

Anyway peace.


Well-Known Member
If that is a stickbug and not a preying mantis I would remove it as stickbugs eat plants I think. Maybe it is just your pictures but I don't see the huge front legs that a preying mantis should have.


Well-Known Member
we put this mantis guy in there but i heard there only eat bugs aka not veg eater. let me know
Mate i dont want to be the bearer of bad news, but that is not a mantis, Its a stick insect and they eat plants. They also are born ready to lay egg's and will lay up to 10-20 a day. Baby's will crack the egg's after 3 day's and will feed straight away on foliage....

Get it out NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
