The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
whats on everyone, im trying hydro/dwc i need nutes but havent a clue what to get and from where...
any suggestions?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i'm just using canna aqua range. seems to work well. get it rfom or greenshorticulture and all over the internet, literally everywhere :)


Well-Known Member
i'm almost ready to start a dwc experiment myself buddy and im kinda thinkin of going for the canna range or general hydroponics range of nutes, try googlig growell or greens horticulture for u.k suppliers, or even ebay.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
only thing about the lucas formular is to be aware that during the plants life, let's say week A, the plant might gobble up all off everything but K or whatever it may be, but as such, your ppm/ec will still read a good number, so when youtop it up, you are just adding more of K or whatever it may be, that it already had enough of and surplus. it works fine, you've just got to keep your eye out and be prepared to refill from fresh. salt buildups and such inside the tote might also want cleaning out periodically.

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
50 minutes on the phone while drunk to a girl you don't fancy is not fun!
might be a silly question but why waste your time on the phone to her if you aint interested in shaggin her aint that the only reason we talkto the opposit sex ? to try n chat there nickers off lol!!!

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
ye i know wot you mean shit happens after a few beers but id av proberbly shaggd it (you can always shut your eyes an think of someone tasty while she does all the work) an then had the piss taken outa me by me mates the next day haha

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
TIP TOP you were talkin abpout tents an stuff these metal cabinets are excellent if you have a garage or even a spare room as its lockable so no one can mess with ur shit an its easy to blend in in certain rooms like an office or garage

im tryin to find one local to me after nearly killin myself yesterday with my co2 bottle that i forgot to turn off so now i wanna move the stuff into the garage an with one of these metal cabinets you could still open the garage door without havin to worry about nosy neighbours


Well-Known Member
well thats my little dwc box all made up; hole cut for net pot, covered in gaffa tape, just need sum black air line, a decent air stone or two and some hydroton pebbles; i should even have sum hydro canna a & b sumwhere that i got from sum 1, btw way tip ive got a little plant ; originally came from a clone and has established itsself quite well: its around 10" in height. its in soil, should i gently wash the dirt off the roots and use it or would i be better just germing a seed


Well-Known Member
Man: Im a bit kinky. Was wondering what you could do for me?
Woman: Well it depends, what kind of kinky?
Man: I like to be totally dominated, degraded and humiliated
Woman: Yea, no problem. It will cost you £40
Man: Great, what do I get for that?
Woman: A celtic top...


Well-Known Member
howdy peoples, hope every1 is good.

av been on the clone hunt these last few wks 100% had enough of blueberry now, so far have managed to get PPP,bubblegum,chronic,echeese,psycosis,white widow,northan soul and acopolco gold. 3 of them are from seed but i wont get em until they r clones. got 1 more run of blueberry then i think im gonna go with the ppp and echeese.

would highly recommend that northan soul as a cash crop its a cross of skunk#1 and northan lights very hardy strain see a few growing at the wkend n they looked BIG!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
nice going sambo mate! that's quite a haul you've found.

and dura, i would personally either clone her out, or find another seed. i've read up on switching them over and it seems that it is VERY hit and miss as to whether you'll suceed in killing it or not :lol: that gaffa tape you mention? what type, namely because 1. i've never found light proof gaffa tape other than the really heavy black duck tape, and 2. if you resorted to a dark colour your res is more than likely going to heat up as it absorbs everything, aluminium tape is normally reccomended, it keeps light and heat out and as such encourages healthy roots (i sound like a fucking infomercial)


Well-Known Member
its just the standard grey/silver coloured gaffa tape and yeah i noticed it wasn't totally light proof i think i might stick sum cardboard on each surface just to cut down the light pentration, ithink i'll just got with a seed. do i just pop it in to a presoaked rockwool cube and add a little a water or do i paper towel germinate and take it from there. i always do the paper towel method for my soil grows and then put them into a heated propogator and keep my humidity high. give me run down on your method buddy if you dont mind.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i've yet to try rockwool without a constant water source. rockwool dries out fairly rapidly as far as i can tell, and as such i think if i tried with just rockwool in a heated propgator, i'd be too lazy to make sure it was always moist etc. i'd reccomend germinating and then putting in the cube i guess.


Well-Known Member
what sorta cube do you mean if u dont mean rockwool, a jiffy plug or what? like i said i only ever use the towel and then striaght into soil with a dribble of water.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
nah, i mean rockwool, but i root my clones out in my DWC bucket, so the bubles keep the rockwool a constant wetness, as opposed to if i just wet a rockwool cube, chucked clone into it, popeped into prop, i'd constantly be forgetting to give it a little water as it dries up etc. no reason you can't do it as normal, just i've not tried so wouldn't want to cock it up :lol:


Well-Known Member
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hi guys. im from notts but living in ireland at the mo. ive been growing for about a year now and am a canna coco grower-canna nutes. anyway im very proud to be british so i thought i better join this thread! lol. the best thing about living over here is i get to rub everyones noses in every time someone british wins something! (all the time)
anyway im scribed and heres a few pics- (shamless plug for my journal! lol):-P