OK all you urine haters check this out!


Active Member
I recommend people by a good 4 in 1 digital meter before they even by soil or seeds. I've fucked up plants with urine also, before I realized it has to be very dilute. It's a fertilizer that works best in dilute quantities on every watering about 200-300 ppm.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
just one thing, you're trying to persuade us how great it is, and that's alla the plants have done in 7 weeks, lol.


Well-Known Member
this piss thing is true thier is a big artical about it and arguments about it from scientist and shit, piss is good for plants as it has N in it. mexico claimes it doubled the size of their crops. and aslo it wont tast elike piss to all sayin that. think organics, people use horse , pig,sheep,all types of shit and piss is in those so why dont the weed grown with that shit not taste bad. so no piss doesnt make weed taste bad. i myself use regualr nutes but piss does work with no bad flavor or anything. mabye the soil will smell but thats it. and piss is made up of mastly water anyway, why do u think people can make water out of piss and drink it. im not for using piss thoughas i got real nutes. but it does work so why bag on people who are using it its free to use and good for the plants


Well-Known Member
i seriously have brought dead trees back to life with piss, lol me and my homies actually peed on this stump for bout a whole year straight gave it nothing but piss we called it the pee tree hahah w/e but yea it actually started to grow little branches and leaves it was crazy

and because of that experience i am now using it [my piss that is] to bring the tree in my front yard back to life :P
i seriously have brought dead trees back to life with piss, lol me and my homies actually peed on this stump for bout a whole year straight gave it nothing but piss we called it the pee tree hahah w/e but yea it actually started to grow little branches and leaves it was crazy

and because of that experience i am now using it [my piss that is] to bring the tree in my front yard back to life :P
and its you and your idiots friends NOT mother nature right?? can you imagine these guys all in a circle jerk pissing on a stump...lol...whats that cartoon where they sit in front of the fence drinking beer with boomhauer? redneck central


Well-Known Member
So how about taking vitamins and tuning your diet so you could just piss-out the perfect hydro formula?


Active Member
and its you and your idiots friends NOT mother nature right?? can you imagine these guys all in a circle jerk pissing on a stump...lol...whats that cartoon where they sit in front of the fence drinking beer with boomhauer? redneck central
:lol: King of the Hill...

Lookie me sig!! Shit works. err... I mean piss! Piss we're talking about here!!! But yes, someone posted before. Why is everyone so comfertable with using organics like horse, cow, bird and bat shit; but scared of their own piss? I don't understand.


Active Member
and its you and your idiots friends not mother nature right?? Can you imagine these guys all in a circle jerk pissing on a stump...lol...whats that cartoon where they sit in front of the fence drinking beer with boomhauer? Redneck central
lmao, i love riu when i'm stoned.


Active Member
So how about taking vitamins and tuning your diet so you could just piss-out the perfect hydro formula?
(I got some perfect stoned laughter out of this post, Thanks.) Dude, I've got it down to a science. I eat lots of fruits and veggies, I eat meat a couple times a week, I take a centrum about 15 minutes before I eat breakfast.


Active Member
You guys ever smell that shit called superthrive? The secret to that shit is concentrated, filtered, sterilized piss, with a little plant whoremoan added.


Active Member
I'm pissing on my tree even as we speak, thats smoking MJ nurtured by your own body, some kind of Zen enlightening experience.
Joking, I just piss in a cup and mixx with my normal watering about 200 to 300 ppm with some other ammendments. It's home made superthrive.


Active Member
Damn i tried some urine last year in the beginning, not sure how great of a difference it made. Is it seriously that great of an additive, i used it with Botaincare pure blend. This year I'm using Flora Nova, would adding help that much more for vegging?


It sure did wonders for my hosta!!!! Me and my friends regularly pissed on a hosta outside my back door and the thing grew into the biggest hosta I have evr seen!!! 6'x8'!!!! No piss for my sweet nugs though!!


Well-Known Member
Regardless of the proven benefits I would still feel like a friggin dink telling folks that I pissed in a cup and measured out exact amounts to mix with water to feed my plants. That, and it does not matter to me how short of a period it takes for the stench to dissipate. The smell of piss is not something I want to live with for any amount of time. For all you folks that use pee-pee on your ladies, go for it but count me out.
Ahmen my friend. Nicely put too. Human urine is very acidic and would make the PH of the soil go nuts. Even if it worked, it wouldn't be worth it. Plus, I wouldn't want any chance of my harvested buds.. i wouldn't want any chance of them smelling/tasting like piss. And yes, even after thoroughly flushing the soil.. your still going to have buds that smell/taste like piss because of the high acid content of human urine. Even if you flush the soil, its going to be too late because the plant will have already taken up the urine, therefore its already in the plants system (the stems; leafs; and of course, the buds).

If people want to go pissing in the plants soil, let them be. But I will not nor never ever, use piss to "fertilize" my cannabis plants. Never.

It's just not a good idea all the way around... despite those people that swear by using it. Just not a good idea.. I would just stick with regular fertilizers and nutrients... and skip the whole piss theory.

But, for those of you who still plan on using piss.. on your plants.. good luck to you because your going to need it... IMO. ;)



Active Member
For using rabbit shit, how would you incorporate that to soil? Or In a tea? In progress of making a Compost tea


Well-Known Member
I dont know about pissing in my plants and then supplying others, I think the end users should be aware of it, at least IMHO

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
yeah and don't pee in my pool either you mofo------hahahahhah" So it what kind of Nitrogen is in human urine? is it ammonium or uric <--?