Do you think there done? 12.2 mp cam close up shot...


Well-Known Member
That is a god awful lot of pistils! Very Impressive sir!
Don't take what I have to say as truth because I'm a bit of a noob but, With that many pistils still sticking out like crazy I would think it isn't done yet. I hear they change to darker colors and start curling back into the bud when it is closer to being done. What kind of trichome colors and ratios are there?


Active Member
Not jet man, most pistils are still white, still young man, get a portable microscope and check tricromes and see if they still early, wn they are milky its ok for like more up mellow high, milky amber is my preference, all amber its a heavy relaxation high Medical MJ...good grow


Well-Known Member
Not jet man, most pistils are still white, still young man, get a portable microscope and check tricromes and see if they still early, wn they are milky its ok for like more up mellow high, milky amber is my preference, all amber its a heavy relaxation high Medical MJ...good grow
thanks i have a 60-100X scope but its really hard for me to see them for some reason idk ill just have to look harder..


Active Member
Get yourself a 30x scope the 60 is way to much magnification I've used the 60x scopes and found them to be very difficult to adjust properly to see the trichs. Go to radio shack get the plastic loop type magnifiers they have 3 10x lenses you can stack to get the 30x magnification that makes looking at trichomes much easier all at about 7 dollars works great.
As for your question those definitely need another few weeks before their ready.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about that, I have a 40x loupe and its pretty tough to get a good reading on the tiny little trichomes even though you can just see their heads. I have a 60-100 x microscope or something like that, 60x is just right it is definitely not too much as long as you can adjust the focus on your scope!


deffinatly have to 60 - 100X scope from the shack and when the zoom is turned down to 60 all you have to do is move the focus from side to side and i have never had a problem, always a clear view of the trichs...only downside is that if you press it up against the buds they tend to stick to it and i pulls a little bit of the trichs of with it, thin layer of hash on the bottom of mine, so just snip one of the real close in leafs and look at the trichs on that, works just as good.....


Active Member
Hmm I probably need glasses then I cant get the 60-100x scope to get a clear look. As nhus stated it gets really sticky and covered with trichs before I can get a good enough view, my little loop with the 3 10x magnifiers works for me as the light cycles over the plant I take my opportunity to catch a view of the trichs. my 1000w HPS and MH are on light rails.


Well-Known Member
right on, i was thinking about harvesting one of the plants in two weeks... so should i start flushing now or give full nuts for another week?


i always do a 2 week flush but thats just preference, i know people that do 10 days and people that do 4 days, they claim that if you do about 300ppm of ff grow big (thats what i use, yours maybe different i would just say the veg nuts i guess haha) but yeah 300ppm of that and it tricks the plant into thinking its getting full nutes it tries to eat them up and when its actually just mostly plain water they cycle threw it faster looking for the nutes that arent there and they claim that makes them flush faster, never had a bad or nute tasteing bud from them so im sure theres some truth to it but i just do plain water for 2 weeks, makes life easy...make sure you let 10% of what your flushing with drain out the bottom or else its not really working...


Active Member
When I grew with chemical nutrients I always started flushing 2 weeks before they were ready to harvest, some folks don't think you need to flush, to each his own I have noticed a bite in the lungs and a burn on my lips when I smoke non flushed bud but that could be me.


Active Member
Looks to me like they have AT LEAST a month left before considering flushing since you're only using CFLs/small pot containers. Those buds are really small too. Trichs/pistils should be the least of concerns. You should just keep feeding and wait for a growth spurt at least.


Well-Known Member
Looks to me like they have AT LEAST a month left before considering flushing since you're only using CFLs/small pot containers. Those buds are really small too. Trichs/pistils should be the least of concerns. You should just keep feeding and wait for a growth spurt at least.
i dont think the buds are small.. i havent compared them to anything, how can you tell, and the trichs are the most of my concerns...

i may wait another 1-2 weeks to start flushing im not looking for amber trich's, but cloudy for more of an uplifting high...


Active Member
Sorry, what I meant was at this point of juncture -judging by pictures, trichs/pistils shouldn't be of concern -bud size should be instead. I'm quite familiar with those Folger containers which I've eyeballed for scale comparison to those buds. A heady high from early harvested bud or cloudy trichs is BS as well. Grow sativa if you want a "heady" high.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, what I meant was at this point of juncture -judging by pictures, trichs/pistils shouldn't be of concern -bud size should be instead. I'm quite familiar with those Folger containers which I've eyeballed for scale comparison to those buds. A heady high from early harvested bud or cloudy trichs is BS as well. Grow sativa if you want a "heady" high.
wheres your grow journal?