im sure this has crossed somebody mind before and the topic has probably been brought up. but im sitting around today smoking with a close friend and the topic came up about him joining the marines. and then after a while i moved on and brought up that i don't think soldiers earn enough money a year to do what they do. i did some reading and doctors can make from 100,000 all the way up to 800,000 a year. and yes they make good money because they spent many many years in college and work to save the lives of people. but US soldiers have to risk their life every day, or whenever they are on duty to protect 309,205,583 people in america. but they get paid 15,000 a year? if that. i understand there are many reasons why they don't make as much as doctors, and that we probably cant afford to pay them as much as we would like to. but i just think 15,000 isn't worth it.. there are many perks and things you get to do after serving your time. btw i am in no way against the armed forces if thats the way im making it sound. just an opinion.