Have You Ever Cheated?


Well-Known Member
Have you ever cheated on someone?

Or have you ever been cheated on?

I'd love to hear some stories. I'm in a particular situation right now that I need a little help with.


Active Member
I fucked two prostitutes when I was in Amsterdam, we were "on a break" though, relationship wise, if that counts


Active Member
no but im 100% sure if a man can he will and women cheat mainly to get back at there partner for w/e reason most wont even find out so i dont no where there logic comes from but still.

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
Never cheated...........never would or will. I also don't sleep with married women but I've had a lot of them try to get me to.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Many moons ago when I was a dumb ass kid I cheated on my GF while I was away for the summer. I told my best friend about it, he told his GF who was best friends w/ my GF.
2 days later she showed up where I was for the summer, when I opened the door she punched me in the face. LOL i deserved it. I didnt blame her, i was an ass and deserved the dope slap.

2 days after that I whipped my buddies ass for running his mouth. Flash forward 20 years and my old friend is now married to my ex GF, weird fuckin world we live in :-)


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
did my time burning the candles at both ends of the stick b4 i was married... words of wisdom DON'TDO IT. end the end thats all you have is the end.


Active Member
i have a girl of 2 and half years with me right now, but the love is honestly not there anymore

there is another girl i have been hanging out with, but have yet to get any action from, but i would jump at the chance

now before you go calling me an asshole, in my current relationship i dont get much respect, its all about her her her, and she has this fucking attitude of "well i dont like weed so your not allowed to smoke it"

she thinks she can run my life, so yeah i would cheat on her, with some one who treats me like an equal, who smokes weed, and who just plain wants my nuts

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Do her and yourself the favor of ending the relationship before cheating on her. You sound unhappy w/ her. Why torture yourself? Move on and find someone that makes you happy.


Active Member
i am not happy with her at all, and the relationship has progressed to the point of being unhealthy

i make excuses to not hang out with her

i find any reason i can to get out of having sex with her, while at the same time beating off daily

every time we hang out i always let little things go but if i do or say anything wrong god help me

but i CANT fucking break it off for some reason, i physically can not

i used to rationalize this behavior by thinking well i hate being single so im with her so i can be with some one, but now 2 other chicks want my nuts and i still cant fucking do this

maybe i want to get caught, so it cant end this without me having to end this, i dont know

its a pretty fucked up situation


Active Member
Do her and yourself the favor of ending the relationship before cheating on her. You sound unhappy w/ her. Why torture yourself? Move on and find someone that makes you happy.
no shit, if its that bad why force yourselves to keep going back...if she cant stand a weed smoker for a bf, and you cant stand not smoking weed...go find a girl who can lol

ink the world

Well-Known Member
i am not happy with her at all, and the relationship has progressed to the point of being unhealthy

i make excuses to not hang out with her

i find any reason i can to get out of having sex with her, while at the same time beating off daily

every time we hang out i always let little things go but if i do or say anything wrong god help me

but i CANT fucking break it off for some reason, i physically can not

i used to rationalize this behavior by thinking well i hate being single so im with her so i can be with some one, but now 2 other chicks want my nuts and i still cant fucking do this

maybe i want to get caught, so it cant end this without me having to end this, i dont know

its a pretty fucked up situation
Hmmm, that is odd man. There has to be some kind of reason you cant, lemme put on my Dr. Phil outfit and see if we can figure this out. :-)

Ok, fuck Dr. Phil he's a pussy. The bottom line is you gotta be a man about it dude. Its time to man up. The relationship sucks from what you said, look at it like pulling a tooth.

Yeah it hurts, but get it done and over with and the pain is gone.
If shes causing you that much pain you gotta get rid of her, using cheating on her as an out is not very manly.


Well-Known Member
padawan needs to tell us his situation he is in
Damn Keenly! Our situation sounds pretty similar, in that we both have a tough time doing the breaking up.

My situation is that I was with a girl for a little over 8 months and it was pretty good for the most part, not really much arguing or anything like that. Our personalities clicked which was what attracted me to her initially. She's just way too deep into it for me, she told me she loved me and I can't even begin to think what that word even really means. I really like her but I feel like she's too attached at this point and I'm not ready for that kind of commitment right now. It's gotten to the point where we've become almost best friends, which makes it that much harder...

I pretty much have the option of hooking up with a friend of mine, which was why I posted the thread, to get some insight and stuff. ITW's perspective seems about right. It's better to just break up first, not only for your own personal satisfaction (I know I'd feel like a douche bag if I cheated on someone) but because it's the right thing to do. So that's what happened. Broke up today... and it was hard as fuck! Still sad about it. She was awesome, I just can't commit myself like she wants right now.

So I guess we're technically on a "break" right now. I told her I need to think things over...


Active Member
I know it sucks right now, but you did the right thing breaking it off with her. You'd feel worse a lot longer if you cheated on her, as you obviously respect her. You just don't love her and that sucks for her now, but it's better this way in the long run.

Brick Squad

Active Member
padawan needs to tell us his situation he is in
Aye man i was in a similar situation too like literally the same exact thing!
kinda crazy

but i was dodging her i would tell her i could not hang out i would rather play WoW (world of warcraft. cured addict)
and i was fucking other girls behind her back i party she did not and finally i just could not break it off
just as you said so i pushed it and pushed it until she did and i was like Okay PEACE!
haha thats how i went about it and never been happier just trust me and dont waste anymore time
on something that you are not happy doing i did it and i regret it alot missed out on chances of dating
girls that would have made me alot happier.

Hope i helped and GL man!

ink the world

Well-Known Member
GJ Paddy, thats the way to go about it....better to look back and not have the regret of hurting her without there being a need.
Sometimes a little pain is the only way to avoid a lot of pain.


Well-Known Member
Thanks ITW, you're right, and that shit was painful! Still painful. It's tough seeing someone you care about so much so sad.

I always thought I was completely immune to cheating on someone, but I think this experience taught me a valuable life lesson.


Well-Known Member
No, but got so very close.

Back in highschool i was with 'my' girlfriend for prob. about 3-4 months and had hosted a party but cant for the life of me remember why she wasnt there that night but she wasn't. Soccer i think.

But near the end of the night one of the girls didnt have a way home quite yet and so she stayed a little later.. we were both completely into each other and had been attracted to each other for a while. But both of us had prior engagements.. we both had boyfriends/girlfriends.

Next thing i know were sitting on top of each other in the dark. And were both necking. Just kissing softly. Not making out. When we kinda both realise we'd both get in some major shit. And i do recall her saying something about her boyfriend would most likely want to kick my ass if word got out. And with her b/f being a year older and one mean looking mofo and my g/f being one of her friends we decided to stop and not speak of it again.. lol so much for thaaat.....

..but never again after that. You wouldnt like it if were done to you.. and vice-versa. It's just too bad that we had to learn it the hard way...


I cheated on my last boyfriend. I'm not proud of it, but our relationship was pretty much over at that point. I know it was wrong, and I should have broken up with him first, but everyone makes mistakes. Later, I found out that he had cheated on me several times during our relationship, so I didn't feel so guilty after that.