Excellofizz Tablets , ever use em?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if anyone has ever used the excellofizz tablets?

they seem kind of pricey and i wasnt sure how long they last for.

I have a little side project of an aerogarden in a closet, so i want something really simple, and cleaner than yeast and suger.

your thoughts on these tablets?


Well-Known Member
just did a search online, found buckets of them for like 55-60 bucks for 15 of them.

so roughly 4 bucks each is the going price

Mr. 420

Active Member
Actually just purchased some of them today to test out...I bought a 50 tablet package which cost $150 so using one puck a day will cost $3 which will be enough to get through one harvest sorta if i miss out a day or so here and there.. Not sure what to expect, I opened up the tablet and drop it in some water and the whole thing fizzed up like crazy, after about 10 minutes the fizzin stopped yet I still believe that its supposed to be giving off co2 even tho it appears to be a small pool of liquid blue slime.. Seems easy enough, one things for sure any co2 is better than none.. so far not too bad..

Mr. 420

Active Member
Actually trying them out for the first time last night was interesting...The tablet doesn't actually dissolve all the way into the water like lets say an alka seltzer... it actually left a somewhat grayish slimey residue on the bottom of the container... the liquid turns dark blue when you drop a tablet in and the fizzing can be a little messy and will stain you if it gets on your clothes.

After a few hours of letting it release co2 i came back into the room and after being in there for a few minutes I felt a little light headed...(anyone get this too from being in a room with high co2 levels) anyhow the plants love it and so far seems like its worth the money.. PEACE

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
Actually just purchased some of them today to test out...I bought a 50 tablet package which cost $150 so using one puck a day will cost $3 which will be enough to get through one harvest sorta if i miss out a day or so here and there.. Not sure what to expect, I opened up the tablet and drop it in some water and the whole thing fizzed up like crazy, after about 10 minutes the fizzin stopped yet I still believe that its supposed to be giving off co2 even tho it appears to be a small pool of liquid blue slime.. Seems easy enough, one things for sure any co2 is better than none.. so far not too bad..
How did the EXCELLOFIZZ work for you?


Just some info on these pucks i have found.

Excellofizz is perfect for the grower who has been considering the use of CO2 but has been hesitating due to the high cost factor, or for growers in a small area. Try Excellofizz for 1 month during flowering and see what a difference CO2 makes.

Excellofizz is ideal for small indoor gardens. It allows for a simple and economical way of providing somewhat accurate CO2 to your plants with no equipment needed for dispensing or monitoring, especially in situations where venting is limited. Excellofizz emits the proper CO2 levels for indoor plants by reacting and giving off pure CO2 gas and also absorbing oxygen from the air. Simply place one of the Excellofizz pucks into the container provided. Pour 2-1/2 ounces of water into the container and leave the lid open slightly. Excellofizz will then slowly react, emitting the proper amount of CO2 gas for approximately 8 hours into the photo period. Excellofizz will then continue to increase CO2 levels after the reaction has completely subsided by absorbing oxygen from the air. Excellofizz is also fragrented with eucalyptus which is also known to repel mites and kill airborne bacteria.

Each puck, when reacted, will emit enough CO2 gas in a 10' x 12' area to raise the level by approximately 1600ppm. This will give a total of 1900-2200ppm for optimum growth. Many growers with smaller areas will break the pucks into two or more pieces to get more use out of the Excellofizz kit. Each Excellofizz Kit comes with 15 pucks.

Canna Bus

Well-Known Member
Excellofizz works for me. I'm growing in a 2' x 4' tent vegging under 432W T5 fluorescents. I use 1/2 tab every other day. I'm happy with the results.
Jorge Cervantez recommends it, and it's also supposed to assist with masking odors. I have a carbon filter, but a little boost never hurts.

This was a great thread to come by because I was browsing my CO2 options.


Well-Known Member
Would you guys suggest using this over dry ice as a temporary co2 replacement? Planning on getting a propane generator but in the mean time this could work well. Do they carry it at the local home depot or wheres a good place locally to get it?
Would you guys suggest using this over dry ice as a temporary co2 replacement? Planning on getting a propane generator but in the mean time this could work well. Do they carry it at the local home depot or wheres a good place locally to get it?
Try Amazon or other online hydro shops... I just ordered some and I will keep you posted on the results.