150W HPS Cabinet LST Grow.


Active Member
Yeah I will let you know how the cook up goes. It should be a heap of fun. She is a good friend of mine and one of a select few who know about my small operation. I like to keep it that way and as long as I do I should not have any trouble with authorities. They have hit some major operations, I am sure a tiny stealth shelf setup with four 8 inch tall plants will stay well under their radar but you can never be too careful. Biggest thing is not to tell anyone.

A solution to heating your setup during the winter would be to flip the light cycle so the lights are on during the night. I may do this for my next grow as the nights here are freezing and my setup gets too hot during the day. Makes sense. Just see how noisy it is during the silence of the night, you don't notice the slight fan hum in the day. I have mates and study groups in my room often and no one has noticed any sound, smell or commented on the shelfs.
I would be careful about wrapping a bulb. They will get real hot (your objective) But could burn and start a fire, safety first.. I put a green plastic bottle over a cfl and wrapped the bottle in green cellophane for my green light. It got fucking hot.
You could try something as lame as a hot water bottle? Might be effective. I have no idea what my temps are at night. What is considered too low?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I will let you know how the cook up goes. It should be a heap of fun. She is a good friend of mine and one of a select few who know about my small operation. I like to keep it that way and as long as I do I should not have any trouble with authorities. They have hit some major operations, I am sure a tiny stealth shelf setup with four 8 inch tall plants will stay well under their radar but you can never be too careful. Biggest thing is not to tell anyone.

A solution to heating your setup during the winter would be to flip the light cycle so the lights are on during the night. I may do this for my next grow as the nights here are freezing and my setup gets too hot during the day. Makes sense. Just see how noisy it is during the silence of the night, you don't notice the slight fan hum in the day. I have mates and study groups in my room often and no one has noticed any sound, smell or commented on the shelfs.
I would be careful about wrapping a bulb. They will get real hot (your objective) But could burn and start a fire, safety first.. I put a green plastic bottle over a cfl and wrapped the bottle in green cellophane for my green light. It got fucking hot.
You could try something as lame as a hot water bottle? Might be effective. I have no idea what my temps are at night. What is considered too low?
I actually do have my day during the actual night, 8pm to 8am. It works pretty good since my box is in my garage. After a few successful grows, and fixing the suttle smell issues, I may try to convince the wife to let me bring it inside, but I doubt she will let me. I think anything below 60 degree F is could be bad for extended periods, but it is the difference between night and day temps too. I have read no more than 25 degrees F, but I know I have had worse than that.

My taped up light should be ok, I used the heating and air aluminum foil tape stuff. It got hot, but I was still real safe making sure it didn't touch anything. But they have straight green cfl's, so I am thinking of getting one for lights out just to check on them. I am hoping my new cooltube helps with temps and noise, since the fan will be encased in the tube.


Active Member
Right, Photo time. Today is day 56 of flowering. everything is coming along nicely. Temps stay at a constant 28 degrees c during the day. No idea of temps during the night. Still feed the plants every two days with 5mls budzilla per 1.5 litres of water. I have actually ignored the ph level of everything so far and seem to be getting away with it.
The white hairs are starting to turn brown, good sign and the buds are all swelling up and covering in crystals. Give it 2-3 more weeks and it will be harvest time. I will start asking stupid pre harvest questions soon.
I have pretty much shunned plant number 4 as it is a bit of a leafy, scrawny mess and there is only room for three plants under the HPS. So plants 1, 2 and 3 are my focus.

Check some of the pics out. I would love some more guesses as to what these three plants will yield at harvest.



Well-Known Member
looking lovely as always! you know if you go to three plants in the box you should use shorter, wider pots, then you can get even more creative with the lst job. you kept them very low.


Active Member
My guess is 1.5 oz dry.
Heres the 150 watt mh fishtank coral light that I told you about. I set it up last night with the supplimental cfls.


Active Member
Thanks for the feedback guys. I am panning on using bigger pots next time round. See if I can find something short and wide like you said Gumball. I thought it through this time and kept it as low as I could while still leaving rom to water the plants between the pot and canopy. All the wire tie downs get in the way though.
I will note how long this strain takes from start of flower to harvest then maybe try a perpetual set up. Two plants in their last half of flowering, two plants just starting flowering. And in a separate speaker box under fluro tubes two plants vegging that I clone off before they move into the flower box as the original two are harvested? And use the same lst training. It's an interesting thought and would be a bit more exciting to have three groups of two plants at different stages? 6 plants total.

Hey Quickrip. Thanks for the guess. The small setup is really doing me proud soo far. And that is an sweet looking setup with your CMH lamp. What stage do you plan on using it for? I don't know much about the CMH lights and are more familiar with the HPS but from what I gather the CMH provide a sweet spectrum to veg under but are not as ideal for flowering? Yes/No?


Active Member
Thanks for the feedback guys. I am panning on using bigger pots next time round. See if I can find something short and wide like you said Gumball. I thought it through this time and kept it as low as I could while still leaving rom to water the plants between the pot and canopy. All the wire tie downs get in the way though.
I will note how long this strain takes from start of flower to harvest then maybe try a perpetual set up. Two plants in their last half of flowering, two plants just starting flowering. And in a separate speaker box under fluro tubes two plants vegging that I clone off before they move into the flower box as the original two are harvested? And use the same lst training. It's an interesting thought and would be a bit more exciting to have three groups of two plants at different stages? 6 plants total.

Hey Quickrip. Thanks for the guess. The small setup is really doing me proud soo far. And that is an sweet looking setup with your CMH lamp. What stage do you plan on using it for? I don't know much about the CMH lights and are more familiar with the HPS but from what I gather the CMH provide a sweet spectrum to veg under but are not as ideal for flowering? Yes/No?
you got it buddy. That setup is for my moms. I also have a 400 watt hps with a mh conversion bulb for veg. This will all make more sense in a couple of weeks when I have it all setup and running. Its gonna be sweet.


Active Member
no, the cmh is good for the whole grow. not as much lumen output, but they have a larger energy output through ALL wavelenghts of light from 400nm-700nm. check out this link if you like to learn more. https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/277820-noob-advice-133.html#post3999883
one thing to note about the link, i have since found that the 4k is the better light for vegging flowering in one bulb, compared to the 3k cmh bulb.
I can agree to a point. But if you want more lumens during flowering [which most would] hps is the way. More lumens = More buds. The eye hortilux dual spectrum could be a good option giving a bit of it all.


Active Member
you have the craziest setup man, i'd love it if you check out my growth. Nothing as neat as yours but it decent lol


Active Member
you got it buddy. That setup is for my moms. I also have a 400 watt hps with a mh conversion bulb for veg. This will all make more sense in a couple of weeks when I have it all setup and running. Its gonna be sweet.
The CMH And HPS set up sounds like the way forward. It seems you can do the whole grow using either CMH or HPS lights. I know a guy who veg's under HPS. It works for him as he has no height restrictions, where as I find personally that vegging under fluros is the ticket for me. I can keep my plants 2 inches from the light. Keep the node spacing tight and that then lets me pull off a semi micro lst grow with hopefully a decent yield.
I know that Quickrip has a fair amount of space to play with so looks like your setup will work a treat for your mothers. Good plan. I can see how it will all work and will keep following your progress when it's up and running. The HSP and CMH wil give you the best of both worlds with no compromise. Magic.

Gumball and Quickrip, you guys should both throw up a latest pic of your main bud colas on this page. I have just crossed off 8 weeks into flowering and it would be sweet to see what the buds, pistols and tric's look like compared to your grows, seeing as we are all within a week of each other in our grows.


Active Member
Hey Trifase, cheers for the guess and the compliment. I am getting pretty excited about this, it's a real interesting time of the grow. Especially since this is my first straight female grow. The hermies I have raised in the past have all fucked themselves and each other by this time, fulled themselves with seeds and been a major disappointment lol.
That link is magic, thanks a lot for that man. Gave me a good idea when to consider cutting the girls down. I am still learning as I go but I try and stay a step ahead.

Fiveoh. Good to see you on here, glad you like the setup. It is a heap of fun, cheap and easy. Hope it does me well to the end. I will go have a look at your grow now and give you some feedback.


Well-Known Member
Here you go, 9 weeks since sex shown today. i will take better pics under the sun light on saturday morning on my journal.

the one with all colas aint that good, but i wanted to give a little more.


Active Member
Here you go, 9 weeks since sex shown today. i will take better pics under the sun light on saturday morning on my journal.

the one with all colas aint that good, but i wanted to give a little more.
Oh snap, that is some frosty, crystally goodness. Yours have way more icing over than mine at this stage. Good to see, 10 points lol.
How many weeks since switching to 12/12 do you know?


Well-Known Member
Thanks bags :bigjoint: shit, it was like mid february when i put her in 12/12, but hell i cant remember this bitch has been growing so long, and just think she is just bag seed!!


Well-Known Member
her seed popped the soil on jan 10, i put her in 12/12 on feb 28, and she showed sex on the march 11th, so she is exactly 8 weeks since sex was shown, i dont know where I got 9 weeks from, cause the math is all f'ed up!!!


Active Member
Really? Shit I switched to 12/12 on the 11th of March. So weeks later than you. Yours must be a very long flowering strain. Pity you don' know the strain or genetics. Mine is the same. Just bag seed from beginning of last year that I have done a couple of grows with and managed nothing but hermies. So I named the strain H1N1 as it makes you feel swiney as hell.
Shit I hope I don't have much more than 3 weeks to go... How much longer do you guess on yours?


Active Member
I am new in this field, and I am from China, may I know how many of you use this grow light system? where do you buy these accessories?
I am going to need a bigger picture my friend but it looks like your standard HPS setup, and I am confused as to why you want to know where to get it from? The store at the bottom of your post looks like a good place to start. The HPS light is a good choice for growing, any indoor horticulture/hydroponic store will help you out. Or an industrial lighting depot. They are a common security light. Hope this helps.