Wwms Is Down!?!?


Too many brownies
i just tried to log on and e mailed them on sat and sunday no response
Yeah He usually emails back within 24 hours (more like a few hours)...but my last two emails have gone unanswered now for a few days. Oh well hopefully its nothing. Im sure the guy has a life just like everyone else hahaha

but the only reason I got a little worried is because of the fact that the site is down.


Well-Known Member
Looks like it was just updated. They have some cool jars now, and I thought i saw a grinder on there too. I want to order the cheese? Didn't you have a thread on that fdd?


Well-Known Member
panic panic......... lol i thought the world had ended.

Shit you know i bet they are so busy helping thousands. and you know the prices are right inline with every other large bank so as they expand you might see a slight decrease in instant service. i always get great service from any bank i shop. my adverage order is 250-550. this is one person, so instead of sleeping they are doing 10 things at once. if the site is down for 3 hours....... dont panic...... i sent my money 2 days ago wheres my shit? lol. it takes 7-10 days normally so get used to it. WWMS will strive to keep the buyer informed and happy. rest assured you will get your order!

Now go worry about something productive like the cops


New Member
i just went to heaven died.... met god... smoke'd a spliff.... talk'd bout life... and he said to me... Smoke Weed evryday :D

lol.... nice page.. works with .. as i can see you've allready noticed that... and btw damn wich is the one with the big buds on that page.. ( thats when i died ) The Ultimate Afghani or White Skunk ? prob. Afghani ....

thnx fo new page


Too many brownies
panic panic......... lol i thought the world had ended.

Shit you know i bet they are so busy helping thousands. and you know the prices are right inline with every other large bank so as they expand you might see a slight decrease in instant service. i always get great service from any bank i shop. my adverage order is 250-550. this is one person, so instead of sleeping they are doing 10 things at once. if the site is down for 3 hours....... dont panic...... i sent my money 2 days ago wheres my shit? lol. it takes 7-10 days normally so get used to it. WWMS will strive to keep the buyer informed and happy. rest assured you will get your order!

Now go worry about something productive like the cops
I wasnt that worried but its been almost 2 weeks now and everyone claims they got their seeds in about a week from wwms.

Ive ordered seeds online before from drchronic twice and it only took about 5 days for me to get my seeds in my hand.

but like I said I really wasnt that worried....maybe the title made it seem that way oops hahahaha

I would like an email back though...its been like 4-5 days since I emailed him now. Oh well glad its nothing hahaha


Active Member
i ordered mango kc seeds off these guys on dec 4th and still waiting..though im tending to be optomistic as it is the holiday season and they do have to travel to australia...


Well-Known Member
yeah, i have an order coming too.

im not worried about it, as most everything is severely slowed down around this time of year. Odds are, most of us arent local, so whatever shipping method, its got to pass thru the hands of a couple post services which are backed up in their own ways.

this isnt the only thing i have on order in the mail right now, and it is by no means the slowest.

we'll all be fine.


Well-Known Member
nope, still waiting too. Ordered 12/5, shipped 12/11. But it makes me feel better that I am not the only one waiting. Seems to imply that it is just the holiday backup rather than something else.