Active Member
I recently purchased 10 white widow seeds and 10 Northern Lights from Nirvana, which I'm sure most of you are familiar with. Now, I believe I have very good germination techiniques with usually a success rate around 100%. I could not get a single one of the NL seeds to germ while sprouting 5/5 of the WW. I explained to Nirvana what I'd just explained here and surprisingly they are sending another 10 NL seeds. I read in the Growers Bible that if this occurs or you have terrible luck and grow nothing but males to complain to the breeders and they might reimburse you. I just never thought they would. So, here's another reason to use Nirvana. Just don't abuse this privilege by displaying a lack of integrity or we may never see these actions by Nirvana or any other seed company. Thanks for reading................................