Roommate Problems..........


Undercover Mod
Here is the situation. I moved into an apartment with a long time friend. I was at college for two years a came back home and was looking for an apartment. Well my old buddy was also. So we decided to move into an apartment together. After the first few months it came aparent to me that my buddy was a severe pillhead.

The problems not that he doesn't pay rent or anything. It is all the shady as people he deals with. About a week ago someone broke into his bedroom. They ripped the screen out the window and bent it all up. Strange thing is they didn't steal anything even though they got in. They were obviously looking for pills in my roomates room cause it was his window.

He spends everyday either doing or lookin for pills. He does Opana and OC everyday all day. I've seen him almost OD three time and i've only lived with him for 6 months. I've seen people he brought over almost dead on my couch and I have told him it needs to stop multiple times and it will for a few days then he is deep in it again. y

One of the more distubing things I've seen is that he would rather get fucked up for three days straight than buy any food for the week. He will literally starve to get fucked up. He survives because I let him eat groceries I buy. He always says he'll pay me back, but he never has. He probably owes me 250 dollars just in food for the last 6 months. I don't care so much about that.

Should I put my foot down and say quit or move out? He is not on the lease only I am.

I have noticed one thing when you're aggicted to pills you're always going to quit tomorrow.


Undercover Mod
To tell you the truth he grew up in a broken home and he copes with his problems with drugs. His father used to torment him when he was a kid. His dad beat him with a 2x4 and was an extreme alcoholic. Theres alot more but its really screwed up.


Well-Known Member
I'd kick him out dude. There was a time when he'd put you in front of pills, it sounds like that time is past. It's tough to walk away from people you love, but junkies are junkies.


Well-Known Member
It's called tough love, bro. Tell him to get his shit together or GTFO. It doesn't mean you don't care. If you let him get away with his shit, you are only helping him get worse. Drug abusers always affect the people around them before they feel any consequences themselves. The longer you let him eat pills without consequences, the worse it's going to get. I feel for you's a shitty position to be in, but you need to stick to your guns.


Active Member
Man, I just lost my 25 year old cousin to an OD on OC on 5/3/2010. This shit is no joke. You will be calling the coroners office to come pick up your buddy if you dont intervene. just my 2cents. good luck bro. (you cant say anything once their dead, and you have to live with that, think about it)


Undercover Mod
Not eat, sniff. You guys are right. It started out when i realized what he spends all of his money on I tried helping him quit. But he really has no interest in quitting.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
quit giving him your food and let the problem solve itself.. if after a while i realised i could spend every penny of my food money on drugs and still eat, i probably would, why not haha, if h's that much the fiend for his pills that you say he is, chances are he'll play chirades and such even to you.

have to say though, if you moved in together, you're gonna have a pretty good time booting him out if you've both seperate contracts etc. how is it all set up. unless it was stated in the contract that you need little more than "i'm fucking fed up" then i guess it would then have to be down to the home owner/landlord to find reason to void his contract. i know my contract hwoever has nothing in relation to being kicked out because you get pilled up and crash on every flat surface, the contract would have to respect the right to a private life no?

either way not a nice situation, i've had friends ask to move in with me, and it was a resounding HELLLLLLL NOO, i knew what pikey drug addled fiends they were


Undercover Mod
He was never into them as much as he is now. When we were in HS he only smoked weed. When i came back he never did them in front of me so i had no idea.

He's not on the lease only I am.


Well-Known Member
Right now you're enabling him by giving him a place to do his shit. Junkies never want to quit and will never quit unless something changes. That change could be you kicking him out, it could be him getting the shit kicked out of him over a pill deal, could be him getting arrested, or it could be him OD'ing. You could try an intervention but I wouldn't count on that solving this.

At the end of the day you need to decide:

Do I want my house getting broken into again?
Do I want junkies dying in my house?
Do I want the cops in my house getting the junkies?

It's tough but you're not in this for him, you're in it for you. If you want things to change YOU need to change them. You can't count on a junkie for anything.


Active Member
If he's as addicted as you say, then there's no way in hell he's going to quit on his own. In fact, if pill addicts quit cold turkey, they can easily die from withdrawals if they're not under a doctor's care. The only way your friend is ever going to stop taking pills is if he goes to rehab. If he were addicted to something like meth, you could lock him in his room for a week and he'd be off it, but pills don't work that way.


Well-Known Member
You suffer from meth withdrawals too. That's where you really see the TWEAKyness! Anyone seen that anti-meth commercial with the high school girl screaming in the nasty bathtub looking like a zombie? That's a withdrawal. Pretty disturbing shit.

Y is totally right, rehab is the only way dude

I dug this up for you guys too. Perhaps some of the UK'ers haven't gotten the pleasure of being terrified by it yet.


Active Member
Sounds like he needs an intervention. Either that or try to smoke him out enough were he could learn to depend on weed instead, at least that way he can't OD and die... <--- I have no idea if that would work, probably not
Whatever you do, act quickly. Pills can take his life before you have a chance.


Well-Known Member
people sometimes need to learn the hard way my dude. my best frind for over 4 years recently started doing heroin and now nothing matters to him, I have spent ATLEAST 200$ on food/ party supplys for him and just a few weeks ago his drug addiction got so bad he tryd to jack me for 20 zbars. unfortunatly i had to beat my own best friends ass in his own front yard while he was on house arrest. 3 days later i had to deal with 3 of his "new" sleezy herion addict friends at my doorstep. dude it will only get worse i can assure you that.


Undercover Mod
He doesn't plan on quitting, he basically admitted hes gonna do it till he dies. I'm gonna let him stay here for part of the summer, but thats it.


Active Member
Well, if he's so much admitted to you that he's gonna do this till he dies, you are seeing the writting on the wall.
Tell him that you care, but that you are sorry and are unwilling to stand by and watch it happen.
He's putting you at risk.

His behavior will one day cost YOU dearly. It will cost you your peace of mind, possibly cost you your apartment, and could cost you your life should one of his drug buddies go balistic whilst looking for pills to steal and you walk in at the wrong time.
If he doesn't understand this....dude, you gotta know he's not a true friend.


Well-Known Member
You suffer from meth withdrawals too. That's where you really see the TWEAKyness! Anyone seen that anti-meth commercial with the high school girl screaming in the nasty bathtub looking like a zombie? That's a withdrawal. Pretty disturbing shit.

Y is totally right, rehab is the only way dude

I dug this up for you guys too. Perhaps some of the UK'ers haven't gotten the pleasure of being terrified by it yet.
what an eerie commercial.. woah.. lol!!