Roommate Problems..........


Well-Known Member
a junkies only friend is his dope. been there got the t-shirt and it sucked. this all happened over 25 years ago. my best friend saved my life by loading all my shit and throwing it in a dumpster and calling my dad. after a breif stay in a local drug rehab i came out a new man. i got hooked on them after a back injury. i hope all works out with you and your friend, he will hate you for it, but it's time to throw down some tough love. i will always consider dennis one of my best friends for helping a bro when i was down.


Undercover Mod
Well guys karma has won. Tonight i had to leave work because their was a fist fight at my house. My father showed up and he gave me two choices. 1. my roommate moves or
2. we both move out. And I'm not going anywhere. He's fucking gone tomorrow! I'm gonna help him take his shit to his moms house. He doesn't even know yet because hes in a drug coma on the couch. I tried waking him up and couldn't. He does have a pulse and keeps moving however.

Thanks for the advice guys.....

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
addicts don't have friends they have people who help them stay high ,its not them its the sickness they will say and do anything to get what they need ,you are no friend if you keep helping this go on ,you are part of the problem

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
You've already lost him man....not saying he cant get help or change at this point, but it needs to be by force...because the drugs have taken all his logic and rationality and im imagining his personality too, essentially his soul is lost to the pills. He's just putting up with everything your saying or doing( and trust me i understand your trying) day to day while constantly searching for that next high, and thats not gonna change if you keep enabling him even in the slightest bit. If I was you id completely separate myself from him and just wish for the best.


Well-Known Member
yeah man i hope your friend can find help and one day you can be friends again. he will realize one day you are just trying to help. you are right karma worked its magic and you wont forever be dragged into his bullshit. glad things worked out the best for u at this point.