Well-Known Member
Cast your vote now, start your own thread for your own slogan man.first I guess, spell planned right.
lol .......
dude calm down; havent you heard to only listen to half of what you read on the internet?are you ass-holes that high on your horse that you would correct a stoner on his spelling. Don't even get the pun. Maybe the slogan should be "Rollitup, home of the ass-holes!!!" You know I wrote the slogan thing grinning from ear to ear, and you just drove that right into the ground. Its not the first time either, I have read on numerous accounts of you jerks tearing people up for asking the wrong question. I was raised, the only stupid question is the one that goes unasked. Thank you for nothing.
I love yours mang, sad but true.... sigh"THINGS NEVER GO AS PLANED"Cast your vote now, start your own thread for your own slogan man.
I like that. It pretty much covers all the bases!yup murphys law of mj growing whatever can go wrong will. but then you get some nice surprises and it all works out in the end... most of the time.