Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

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Well-Known Member
Uhhh, aren't you a grower? wouldn't you stand to lose money if the iniative passed? I think you are being less than honest. As a grower I'm pretty sure you oppose the bill on monetary terms as well as all your high minded ones. The guy that said people should get a real job and grow as a hobby was right on the money. If you are getting 2000.00 or more for a pound of pot, you are part of the problem.
growing is work! do farmers get paid? do cotton and tobacco farms make money? why shouldn't weed farms? growers don't set the price the market does. growers would charge $400 an 1/8 if people would pay it. people pay 3000 a lb so thats what it costs. demand drives any market not supply


Well-Known Member
Uhhh, aren't you a grower? wouldn't you stand to lose money if the iniative passed? I think you are being less than honest. As a grower I'm pretty sure you oppose the bill on monetary terms as well as all your high minded ones. The guy that said people should get a real job and grow as a hobby was right on the money. If you are getting 2000.00 or more for a pound of pot, you are part of the problem.
um, i'm a grower, but i can work if i have to. i'm selling more glass than weed nowadays. and once again, i'm not afraid of the market changing drastically, that's others OPINION, not mine. i pay what i'm offered. i do NOT set the prices, the buyers do. :wink:

you gonna send me some free weed? i'll stop growing right now if you supply me. it's easy. :)


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Yeppers fdd2blk Ive been reading along in the background, every word. And mainly the point I got is people are scared of it becoming legal because they will not make as much money.
My real point is I could care less, I'm going to continue to do what I want to do "just like all of you", except
I wouldn't have to worry about prison time for growing a plant.
I grow many many other plants besides pot and love growing each one just as much. But its not because of MONEY.
Yes I agree I wont grow it and give it all away, I like profit just as much as anyone.

Point is it should be ok for me "us" to grow and feel safe and not face prison time, not keep a FAT POCKET!!!!

Just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Yeppers fdd2blk Ive been reading along in the background, every word. And mainly the point I got is people are scared of it becoming legal because they will not make as much money.
My real point is I could care less, I'm going to continue to do what I want to do "just like all of you", except
I wouldn't have to worry about prison time for growing a plant.
I grow many many other plants besides pot and love growing each one just as much. But its not because of MONEY.
Yes I agree I wont grow it and give it all away, I like profit just as much as anyone.

Point is it should be ok for me "us" to grow and feel safe and not face prison time, not keep a FAT POCKET!!!!

Just my 2 cents.
not sure where you are but i grow and have no threat of prison. i grow my legal amount. get a med card it does more for you than this prop


Well-Known Member
Yeppers fdd2blk Ive been reading along in the background, every word. And mainly the point I got is people are scared of it becoming legal because they will not make as much money.
My real point is I could care less, I'm going to continue to do what I want to do "just like all of you", except
I wouldn't have to worry about prison time for growing a plant.
I grow many many other plants besides pot and love growing each one just as much. But its not because of MONEY.
Yes I agree I wont grow it and give it all away, I like profit just as much as anyone.

Point is it should be ok for me "us" to grow and feel safe and not face prison time, not keep a FAT POCKET!!!!

Just my 2 cents.
and i fully agree. this initiative is NOT the way to do it though. this is NOT our only chance. to think that is just silly. there are several other initiatives being worked on. i am voting to legalize, but i am not doing it this time around.

just because i grow and sell doesn't automatically mean anything. pretty shallow to think it does.

i would not be allowed to grow 2 big plants over the summer, outside, to supply me for the year. for a lot of people this would be the cheapest and most practical method. yet if this initiative passes this would not be allowed. you couldn't harvest and store a years supply at one time. this is just one more reason i'm voting NO. i want to do one personal grow for just myself, to supply me for the year. not allowed. i'd be over my one ounce limit.

this initiative is written by the clubs, for the clubs. why is this so hard to understand?


New Member
and i fully agree. this initiative is NOT the way to do it though. this is NOT our only chance. to think that is just silly. there are several other initiatives being worked on. i am voting to legalize, but i am not doing it this time around.

just because i grow and sell doesn't automatically mean anything. pretty shallow to think it does.

i would not be allowed to grow 2 big plants over the summer, outside, to supply me for the year. for a lot of people this would be the cheapest and most practical method. yet if this initiative passes this would not be allowed. you couldn't harvest and store a years supply at one time. this is just one more reason i'm voting NO. i want to do one personal grow for just myself, to supply me for the year. not allowed. i'd be over my one ounce limit.

this initiative is written by the clubs, for the clubs. why is this so hard to understand?

Still harping on that IMAGINARY one ounce limit are you?

I suggest you re-read Section 11301, article (l).

And quit speading FALSE INFORMATION


Well-Known Member
the only people who make tons of money are illegal growers they grow way to many plants. legal growers don't grow as much and don't make as much. this prop won't help them, won't keep them out of jail, and it won't help card holders because the limits are less than we have now. if this prop helps you it is because you are to lazy to go get a card. i want it legal and cheap but i don't think this prop is the answer and if it passes it will kill much better props that are in the works. read the jack herer cannabis hemp initiative. i would vote for that, i would get other people to vote for that, it helps people get out of jail and stay out for cannabis "crimes".

just look into the options before blindly voting yes on this crap initiative


New Member
i don't know if i should be flattered or scared. :shock:

crystal meth much?

i read none of it. :sleep:

i'm voting NO, and you fear me because of it. :fire:
More like pot and boredom.

You read none of it, because you FEAR the truth. At the risk of sounding cliche, you can't handle the truth.

Or you fear me. But I am not that egotistical to claim that as the sole reason.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
I'm by no means in a place where It's safe to grow, otherwise I'd have a contest with you, lol.

I'd love to know what it feels like to be able to put out a couple girls and let them do all they can do.

I just wish the Big Bend State would jump on the band wagon and let me have a go at a medical card.


Well-Known Member
More like pot and boredom.

You read none of it, because you FEAR the truth. At the risk of sounding cliche, you can't handle the truth.

Or you fear me. But I am not that egotistical to claim that as the sole reason.
no one spends over an hour going thru 300 post to pick apart one person. it's scary. you are only making me feel that much better about my decision. and why do you care so much about what i think?

you don't vote in cali, i have nothing about you to fear. i do vote here.


Well-Known Member
Still harping on that IMAGINARY one ounce limit are you?

I suggest you re-read Section 11301, article (l).

And quit speading FALSE INFORMATION
is says for personal needs, so if you need more than one oz you need a doc note. how is that dif than the doc note i have now?

and i really don't care what you think you don't get a vote on this so say yes all you want your vote wont count


New Member
the only people who make tons of money are illegal growers they grow way to many plants. legal growers don't grow as much and don't make as much. this prop won't help them, won't keep them out of jail, and it won't help card holders because the limits are less than we have now. if this prop helps you it is because you are to lazy to go get a card. i want it legal and cheap but i don't think this prop is the answer and if it passes it will kill much better props that are in the works. read the jack herer cannabis hemp initiative. i would vote for that, i would get other people to vote for that, it helps people get out of jail and stay out for cannabis "crimes".

just look into the options before blindly voting yes on this crap initiative
Yeah, it won't help anyone except your millions of fellow Californians who want to grow or buy it legally.

Talking about blindly voting, didn't I demonstrate that you have CLEARLY not even read this initiative?

Why, I believe I did. That sounds like the pot calling the kettle...a kettle


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it won't help anyone except your millions of fellow Californians who want to grow or buy it legally.

Talking about blindly voting, didn't I demonstrate that you have CLEARLY not even read this initiative?

Why, I believe I did. That sounds like the pot calling the kettle...a kettle
if any one wants to grow they can go get a card like the rest of us


New Member
no one spends over an hour going thru 300 post to pick apart one person. it's scary. you are only making me feel that much better about my decision. and why do you care so much about what i think?

you don't vote in cali, i have nothing about you to fear. i do vote here.

Took about an hour and a half. I had been leaving your lies and misinformation alone and it was bugging me. You and your 46,000+ posts (must be the meth) speak loudly on this webiste, I thought some of the folks out there should get to see your thought process succinctly.

I may not vote in Cali, but you can count on me driving AT LEAST 7 votes by family members, even more once I contact friends who live there.

I expected something just as articulate from you in reply though.


Well-Known Member
and before you bring up money again its 90 to renew thats $7.50 a month to be legal if people are to cheap for that its their prob


New Member
if any one wants to grow they can go get a card like the rest of us
Not EVERYONE can get a card.

Not all states are as lenient as Cali in giving away cards either.

Plus, what kind of message are you sending? In order to enjoy cannabis, there MUST be something wrong with you. Literally.



Well-Known Member
Not EVERYONE can get a card.

Not all states are as lenient as Cali in giving away cards either.

Plus, what kind of message are you sending? In order to enjoy cannabis, there MUST be something wrong with you. Literally.

now the personal attacks start? cool, this should be easy. :fire:


Well-Known Member
I'm by no means in a place where It's safe to grow, otherwise I'd have a contest with you, lol.

I'd love to know what it feels like to be able to put out a couple girls and let them do all they can do.

I just wish the Big Bend State would jump on the band wagon and let me have a go at a medical card.
sorry man, you guys are the ones i feel for you don't get the med option.
some one has to write and propose the idea. why not you?
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