Missouri Police fail.

rrright... keep singing the cops praises socal
Im sure the police chief saying heads will roll, wasnt spin

Who are you to judge him?

I'm glad he's actually doing something about it, if even just to ease off the public outrage... at least now the public will have a good legal leg to stand on in case something like this DOES happen again, more rules = more ways to get caught = less police corruption.
Im a citizen of the united states.
and please tell me what has he done about anything other than releasing a press statement?
That video is wrong on soo many levels. First- he announces a narcotics search warrant and if the account I read is true they only found a few grams of pot. So the info they got the warrant to begin with was bogus. Then they break down the door of a nice looking middle class home in the middle of the night with their storm trooper gear on guns a blazin. Frickin incredible. Shooting someone's pets? Wow.
Egg all over your face. What retards. :clap:
Im a citizen of the united states.
and please tell me what has he done about anything other than releasing a press statement?

I'm guessing you didn't read the thread... he did 2 things so far.

1. A captain (the rank BELOW chief) must sign off on these types of warrants from now on.

2. A search warrant MUST be executed within 8 hours of signature.

I'm willing to be the 8 hour limit rule will be broken, and then bam, a good lawsuit on the department, in which hopefully MORE rules will be enacted.

This is the way to get the changes we want, and I can't believe you'd knock it.

Unless of course you have a better idea?