First Grow: Bagseed Surprise!

MT Marijuana

Active Member
You are checking your PH correct? what do you use to test if you do? the canoe leaves could be a sign of PH fluctuation, had it happen to me a couple weeks back when i ran out of test drops. saved a couple bucks and got a digital meter and plants haven't been happier since! Good work BTW Peace!!


Well-Known Member
There is a question developing in my head about all this. Although my plants are healthy and strong it seems they have a tendency to droop at certain times. I cannot pinpoint the cause yet but I am thinking it is either heat, or humidity.
this is normal

i have a few questions

how many plants do you have total, and which did you top/fim? when do you plan on flowering?


Active Member
You are checking your PH correct? what do you use to test if you do? the canoe leaves could be a sign of PH fluctuation, had it happen to me a couple weeks back when i ran out of test drops. saved a couple bucks and got a digital meter and plants haven't been happier since! Good work BTW Peace!!
I have a soil Ph meter the cheapest piece of crap I could buy, lol my bad. I will invest in a real Ph tester one of these days, but not all my plants are showing signs of this problem. This is my first grow and I am doing three plants in soil, two plants in a soil prelite mix, and six plants in hempy (85/15 perlite vermiculite mix). It's only the hempy buckets that are showing signs of a problem all the other plants are looking very good. I use tap water aired out for more then 24 hours and even though my Ph meter sucks it does test lower then 7. Thanks for the advice I'll follow up soon.

this is normal

i have a few questions

how many plants do you have total, and which did you top/fim? when do you plan on flowering?
I have 11 plants total. I topped my healthiest plant and it worked great I got two new tops for sure. I started the flowering cycle 12/12 three days ago and I have one female showing for sure. The hempy plants have not shown yet but are getting healthier as I add more micronutrients I am going to try a foliar spray for the next application. All the plants that I am growing in soil are doing great. Bright green leaves and good thickness. I have been using bat guano 12-2-1, and will start using Age Old Bloom 5-10-5 this week.

Would it be safe to top or FIM now that I am in the flowering cycle?

Thanks for the help guys and I promise more pictures as soon as the wife gives the camera back!

MT Marijuana

Active Member
i wouldn't top or anything now that your in flower. I wait at least a week or so (at least, if your topping later) after I top or fim to put them in flower. This gives them a lil time to grow out so you don't have two nugs growing together touching, gives them a lil space :) PH is fairly important I'm finding and should be around 6.5 and more importnatly not vary too much. I would invest in some litmus strips or drops in the meantime for $5 you can have some consistency


Active Member
i wouldn't top or anything now that your in flower. I wait at least a week or so (at least, if your topping later) after I top or fim to put them in flower. This gives them a lil time to grow out so you don't have two nugs growing together touching, gives them a lil space :) PH is fairly important I'm finding and should be around 6.5 and more importnatly not vary too much. I would invest in some litmus strips or drops in the meantime for $5 you can have some consistency
I will pick that up the next time I run to the store. After 5 days of 12/12 I have gotten the sex results back. 5 males which leaves 6 females, 5 of which are showing female buds and one that is still undetermined. The only problem is 3 of the six are in the hempy buckets that are still not working as well as the soil pots I have set up. Would it be too late to transplant from the hempy buckets to soil? I am gonna chop the males which would leave some buckets that could be used.

It's a sad day no matter how I look at it. I spent a long time on all these guys so far and two of the best looking plants turned out to be males the other three I could care less. can I use the male plants for hash or anything or do they just get pitched. Thanks for the feedback guys and I'll update soon.


Well-Known Member
Hey bad what up. First sorry bout the bad luck on gender. I'm no pro nor have I tried it but one of the better growers on riu said he had more males than expected so oh well some early hash to smoke. But again thats all I know about it. Anyway good luck on the rest of the grow.


Active Member
Hey bad what up. First sorry bout the bad luck on gender. I'm no pro nor have I tried it but one of the better growers on riu said he had more males than expected so oh well some early hash to smoke. But again thats all I know about it. Anyway good luck on the rest of the grow.
Yea that's what I am hoping. Will they work as hash if I cut them now or do I need to grow them a bit more? I have no other use for the males that I can think of. I already cut them to take away any chance of pollination.

Females look great though. I took a look at the root systems on my male plants and they were freakin huge! I pulled up the entire 2.5 gallon pot of soil with the stem attached. I'm guessing the female plants will be looking the same. Also I don't think I can transplant from the hempy back to the soil at this point without damaging the root system to much. So I will press on with both methods.


Active Member
So I examined all the buckets from my old male plants. I have found that the hempy buckets had an extremely strong odor coming from them when I washed them out. Also the soil was very slimy. I have a feeling this is a sign of root rot. I am now worried that the two females I have growing in the hempy buckets will suffer from this. I am currently flushing them with 1.5L of water each day. If I don't see improvement I may cut them just to be safe, I don't want to get bud from plants with rotting roots. Anyone know anyways to correct this condition without re-potting? I don't think I can safely remove the plants from the hempy buckets without killing a substantial amount of their root system which would probably ruin their flowering anyways. Weigh in with any ideas guys, other then that I have three healthy females. Started germinating some new Bagseed I just came across from a strand known as "Odin's Berries" A cross of two local strands Odin's Hammer and Blueberries. Tastes great I can't wait!


Active Member
The purchase of the 400W light system has helped tremendously! $265.00 out the door and now I have one light to mess around with making it much easier to raise and lower. Also I have more room because I don't have 5 four foot long lights hanging around!

Out of my initial seedling only five have made it to flowering. All of them are producing nice white hairs.

Only one plant with the soil setup was a female, she is the healthiest of all the plants, aka Geroge.

These two are the soil/perlite mix. Both are yellowing on the bottom leaf sets, I have added some extra flowering nutrients to try to correct the problem. Other then that they seem fine. They get watered only as often as the soil plant.

Now onto the problem two plants. I believe they have root rot. Once I killed the males I turned their buckets over to get the old dirt out and found an extremely pungent aroma coming from the vermiculite layer at the bottom. They have a strong smell now even as they continue growing, I think it's because I used so much organic material in a system that cannot handle that much. I have added H2O2 in the watering for today hopefully that will help. take a look at the pictures attached to see those plants they have the narrow and curled leaves. They seem healthy about half way up the plant, and they are starting to produce some bud so it wont be a total loss.
I started some new bagseed that I found, and also created a seedling condo in the grow area. They are getting 12/12 light because I really don't have anywhere else to put them yet. I will switch them over to 18/6 once I harvest the other plants. They look great so far and came from a crossed strand from a local dealer. Some blueberry mixed with a strand nicknamed Odins Hammer. Can't wait! Thanks for the support.:leaf:



Active Member
The purchase of the 400W light system has helped tremendously! $265.00 out the door and now I have one light to mess around with making it much easier to raise and lower. Also I have more room because I don't have 5 four foot long lights hanging around!
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Out of my initial seedling only five have made it to flowering. All of them are producing nice white hairs.
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Only one plant with the soil setup was a female, she is the healthiest of all the plants, aka Geroge.
View attachment 928357

These two are the soil/perlite mix. Both are yellowing on the bottom leaf sets, I have added some extra flowering nutrients to try to correct the problem. Other then that they seem fine. They get watered only as often as the soil plant.
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Now onto the problem two plants. I believe they have root rot. Once I killed the males I turned their buckets over to get the old dirt out and found an extremely pungent aroma coming from the vermiculite layer at the bottom. They have a strong smell now even as they continue growing, I think it's because I used so much organic material in a system that cannot handle that much. I have added H2O2 in the watering for today hopefully that will help. take a look at the pictures attached to see those plants they have the narrow and curled leaves. They seem healthy about half way up the plant, and they are starting to produce some bud so it wont be a total loss.
I started some new bagseed that I found, and also created a seedling condo in the grow area. They are getting 12/12 light because I really don't have anywhere else to put them yet. I will switch them over to 18/6 once I harvest the other plants. They look great so far and came from a crossed strand from a local dealer. Some blueberry mixed with a strand nicknamed Odins Hammer. Can't wait! Thanks for the support.:leaf:


Active Member
I also left in two daylight CFL's and two Daylight 4' tubes. Seems to be helping growth, I have a lot of room to use up and some more reflective stuff I want some bud!!!

MT Marijuana

Active Member
Hey glad to hear you stepped it up a notch! If you wouldn't mind explaining exactly how you have that plant with the canoe leaves planted?? I see a ton of perlite on the top, is it just on the top or is the rest of the bucket like that?? anyways, make sure the buckets feel light to pick up b4 you water and I suggest again you spend $5 and ph your h2o and then go from there. Good luck


Active Member
Hey glad to hear you stepped it up a notch! If you wouldn't mind explaining exactly how you have that plant with the canoe leaves planted?? I see a ton of perlite on the top, is it just on the top or is the rest of the bucket like that?? anyways, make sure the buckets feel light to pick up b4 you water and I suggest again you spend $5 and ph your h2o and then go from there. Good luck
Sure no problem. That bucket was my first attempt at making a "hempy" system which has failed so far. I put a hole in the side one inch from the bottom and put 2.5 inches of vermiculite and filled the rest with perlite on top. 2.5 gal size bucket. The plants were started in degradable cups filled with seedling soil. I planted those directly into the "hempy" bucket which is the reason for the discoloration in the center. The buckets rarely feel light anymore I have been adding 750ml of water everyday for 10 days and I pour out all the excess by tilting the pot.


Well-Known Member
just found three of the best bag seeds iv ever found. all in one lil bud, the only i could find in two ounces of dank that i bought. two spouted plantin them tommorow.. bet.