DUDETASTIC and just gay shit

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i gess its fair enoth but i dont no whats so hard to understand. u means you ur means you are and da means the and yes cock sucking is gay.
if ur is you're then what is your? hence why it's stupid? the main thing is that it makes you look TOTALLLY stupid yourself, whether you are or aren't


Active Member
OK...in what language?....it's funny you spelled cock sucking right...you must be gay.
ok then

if ur is you're then what is your? hence why it's stupid? the main thing is that it makes you look TOTALLLY stupid yourself, whether you are or aren't
shit lol i ment your

How fucking lazy do you have to be to type NO instead of KNOW... WHAT THE FUCK...
how fukin sad do you have to be to care they are both the same word just with diffrent meanings.


Active Member
sounds a lot like baby talk. how old are you? rollitup is 18 and over only. i may have to ban you. sorry. :(
your alwase talkin shit to people and your a mod wtf kind of mistake did the owner ofthis site make to make you a mod? mabe you should ban your self you might have to get a life out side of roll it up then and not post 50 times a day.


Well-Known Member
how fukin sad do you have to be to care they are both the same word just with diffrent meanings.
It's very sad... when our world has come down to shortening a four letter word, even though you probably type at least 35+ words per minute. It kind of sickens me knowing that because of this douchebaggery that is "txting speak" has made our world dumber tenfold.

Also, you're keeping up the stereotype that all stoners are dumb, blubbering morons.

Has anyone seen Idiocracy? This is how it starts...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
if you meant that ur is your then what is you're. hence stupid.

it has nothing to do with being sad enough to care about grammar and such. we're amture adults, we realise the importance of how you convey a message. you however just sound like some little juvenenille kiddy.

great shout on the film idiocracy, how very true!


Active Member
your alwase talkin shit to people and your a mod wtf kind of mistake did the owner ofthis site make to make you a mod? mabe you should ban your self you might have to get a life out side of roll it up then and not post 50 times a day.
um..i have a feeling that your going to regret this...he doesnt like to be talked down to like that...your going to make him angry..you dont want to see him when he gets angry


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
your alwase talkin shit to people and your a mod wtf kind of mistake did the owner ofthis site make to make you a mod? mabe you should ban your self you might have to get a life out side of roll it up then and not post 50 times a day.
what happen you talk to much shit , FDD getcha..


Active Member
LMAO im 23 but i dont give a fuk what any of you think i just said i think its lame how every one on this site cares so much about grammer n spelling what is every thinkin there better than other people cus they can spell and fuck you tip top tryin to talk down to me like your some thing specal go get out the house and stop liveing in the uk thred you sad fuk.

im not going to argue with you im off out


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
LMAO im 23 but i dont give a fuk what any of you think i just said i think its lame how every one on this site cares so much about grammer n spelling what is every thinkin there better than other people cus they can spell and fuck you tip top tryin to talk down to me like your some thing specal go get out the house and stop liveing in the uk thred you sad fuk.

im not going to argue with you im off out
you must care to carry on like this. so go and double talk yourself sum more


Well-Known Member
LMAO im 23 but i dont give a fuk what any of you think i just said i think its lame how every one on this site cares so much about grammer n spelling what is every thinkin there better than other people cus they can spell and fuck you tip top tryin to talk down to me like your some thing specal go get out the house and stop liveing in the uk thred you sad fuk.

im not going to argue with you im off out
4th grade called, they say you have some unfinished business regarding some spelling tests.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
LMAO im 23 but i dont give a fuk what any of you think i just said i think its lame how every one on this site cares so much about grammer n spelling what is every thinkin there better than other people cus they can spell and fuck you tip top tryin to talk down to me like your some thing specal go get out the house and stop liveing in the uk thred you sad fuk.

im not going to argue with you im off out
go get a house... hahahahahha, breath, hahahahahahahahahahaaa. and it's nothing to do with talking down, it is fact, plain and simple, this is the internet, if you talk like a retard you will be percieved as a retard... i am nothing special in any way, it's grammar, it's part of the language we speak, have done since we've been able to form words. on the whole it's lazy dumb fucks that have to take text talk outside of well, texts. you probably LOL out loud because laughing the bog standard tedious hahahahaha is too much work as well, i've noticed that one creeping into society.


Well-Known Member
go get a house... hahahahahha, breath, hahahahahahahahahahaaa. and it's nothing to do with talking down, it is fact, plain and simple, this is the internet, if you talk like a retard you will be percieved as a retard... i am nothing special in any way, it's grammar, it's part of the language we speak, have done since we've been able to form words. on the whole it's lazy dumb fucks that have to take text talk outside of well, texts. you probably LOL out loud because laughing the bog standard tedious hahahahaha is too much work as well, i've noticed that one creeping into society.
HAHA LOL out loud.


Well-Known Member
LMAO im 23 but i dont give a fuk what any of you think i just said i think its lame how every one on this site cares so much about grammer n spelling what is every thinkin there better than other people cus they can spell and fuck you tip top tryin to talk down to me like your some thing specal go get out the house and stop liveing in the uk thred you sad fuk.

im not going to argue with you im off out
Hurry back to school....recess is almost over.