dr. greenthumbz lst bonanza... feat. agent orange, sage, chocolope, rocklock

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
shout out to the mods man and the whole community. i was just thinking where wood i be without rollitup? id be willing to say that thru my google searches a rollitup thread has came thru with the answer i was seeking at least 70% percent of the time but probably a lot more often. epecially the elders u kno who u are i wont start to name cuz if i forget sumone i dont want them to feel left out and i will forget this trainwreck has got me rippped. needless to say a year ago i was just ur average stoner with average stoner knowledge. i now hold the knowledge to grow perfect plants and that is all thanx to this community and its many members. thank u RIU, and may u live on thru these tough and arduous times of wearing these hideous colors. ONE.

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
growth is really quick this time around now that im not a noob. i swear every mornin i wake up everything has completely changed. the fact that this plant remains illegal in most places around the world saddens and amazes me.

dazed... confused


dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
u kno i was just peepin thru the ol journal perculatin like i do and i like this ten day tranformation i realized. first pic is just 10 days ago. second is today. at this rate i may need to flower in ten more days.



~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Lookin good Greenthumb....Nice 10 day pic.

''i swear every mornin i wake up everything has completely changed. the fact that this plant remains illegal in most places around the world saddens and amazes me.''

And Im just as confused as you sir, It amazes me everyday.


Well-Known Member
new pics. six confirmed females. three cant really tell yet. i will kno soon enuff tho cuz ill be flowering in about a week.
which way those growin? sideways bro? haha nice work. Should be over 12 inches and bushy as fuk when you flip. Clean setup. You gonna cut some clones off those? I let mine dry out too much :shock: half will live, hopin. Smokin that dank ~ BCbuddy

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
Sorry I didn't respond fukin server kept timin out on me then I got tired of tryin and passed out:eyesmoke:. Anyway I too two clones of evrything three days ago now and none are droopin yet and the shoots I didn't cut seemed to be growing yesterday so hopefully they are on their way to rooting. Got veg tent up and runnin with 5 cataract kush seedlings and clones bout to add the blue satelites to the veggin mix when they pop i started germin today. So stay tuned bro plenty of buds to cum. No more downtime for me so even tho I ain't gona be able to veg to the 18" id like to this round cuz my stash is runnin low due to extravagent potheadery ill have bushes ready to throw right in this time around.
Ooh yeeah,

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
On a sidenote for anyone actgually followin my journal the og kush will not be joinin my squad. Fuk it. For sum reason only one out of 8 beans cracked and it went nowhere from there. Fuk it. I'm chalkin it up to shitty genetics to make myself feel better about it. I'm gonna just say fuk it maybe that will help.:fire: I really wanted to do sum crossin with the og if I got keeper male or female.:fire:

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
made the flip today jars are lookin a little too short. lucky i got a fat ball of hash to help sustain me.based on the height im being forced into flowering at i wont be running initial 1200 stated just a 600 hps and 400 mh. 1200 wood just be overkill imo based on what ive done with bigger plants and a thousand watts.also got a baby shot cataract kush seedlings and clone action still waitin on roots. cum on budz.:weed:
patiently waiting like a ninja monkey,



New Member
I have a quick question, I see your growing chocolope. Have you grown this before, I apologize as I am tired and trying to be quick. I am wondering because I am looking for some traits it has. I was considering crossing a white widow and a chocolope to make "White Chocolate"

What do you think?

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
Its cool bro. I actually had to put a wait on sleep and calm the beast below with sum sugar cookies and peanut butter cookies. Mmmmmmmm. Anyways I think the idea of it sounds rather tasty although I can't really give u any traits besides wat u could read on the attitude cuz I've never grown it. But I have two fems this time around so we'll see how these two are.

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
U know that strain wood be killer just cuz of the name. I had a buddy back in the day calle me that it was always funny as hell. Not to mention who doesn't like white chocolate?
Officially zzzzzzz,


New Member
I know in flavor it has that classic chocolate going from the OG Thai stick it was bred from. Cannalope. She can be pushed hard with nutes, I know that, and she grows BIG! So I figured if I crossed her with one of my widows, hopefully some of the crystal pheno would carry over onto that chocolate monster. Or vice versa with smaller dense buds more consistent with the widow but that chocolate flavor.

that and the name is catchy

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
Ill update pics in a few days just figured id let u all know that the three in question are males for sure. I knew they were, but until u see balls its hard to swing the axe. Well I'm not actually swingin the axe as I believe in takin em outdoors when the weather permits it. So seven plants to flower 2 rocklock 2 sage 2chocolope and 1 agent orange.
Flowering really slows life down don't it?
Keep it green,

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
well here are the girls. sorry about pic quality. i will take updates on daze when i have the 400mh in instead of two hps from now on. i have an average stretch of around five inches per plant so far, probably be sumwhere around 2 & a 1/2 feet when they are finished who knows tho ive never grown any of these strains:-?:hump:. stuck a pick in of a nice fan i accidently broke off just for aesthetics. looks cool illuminated. gave me an idea to laminate fans and put em all round the fuker. now that wood be a lamp i wouldnt mind havin on my desk.

peacin out to see doctor feel good,

