My 1st DJ Shorts Blueberry


This is my first grow and I am growing a single DJ Shorts Original Blueberry and I am almost a week from when my clone rooted. The only thing I need a little advice on is what will follow...

Light Source - 480 W HPS w/ Sun Systems Visor
Problem - IMG00115-20100514-0009.jpg, IMG00116-20100514-0009.jpg
Grow Setup - 5 Gal Bucket w/ Copper Water Lines, Air Pump and Air Stone
Nutrients - Ionic Grow (for Veg St.) and Ionic Bloom (for Flowering)
Light Cycle - 18/6
Water Stays On 24 Hrs a Day
Temp sits between 65 and 70 depending on the time of day
Relatively low humidity
but it tends to get hot when A/C is off and Fan isn't in the room

Any tips are greatly appreciated. For anyone who would like to give me some tips I would prefer that you email me @ (S1C)ness. Be sure to put your name and put "1st Grow" in the subject. I am able to check my email from my phone so don't hesitate to email me.

Thanks S1C :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Dj's line is a heavy heavy feeder. i found that his blue moonshine and true blueberry can take anything you throw at it nutrient wise.

it also can take high humidity with ease, and with the intense trichome production its awesome.

when it gets ripe his whole line turns a purple tint.

good luck!


thanks, do you by chance know what may be causing what's in the Pictures "Hurts Leaves 1-2". That is the main thing I'm worried about. I have a feeling that it will level out but I just don't want to waste what time I've put in and I don't want to not birth my first smokable child hahaha.


I'm sure you know what you are talking about, so I gotta ask. Is there anything I should do so that I have a better chance of yielding HIGH because this first plant is mainly for smoking. My next go-round will be the money maker, deffinatley plan on doing some cross-breed research. I want to make a bomb-ass cross-breed. I have the help otherwise, but I'd like some other sources of information as well. The More Info I Get The Higher I'll Get As Well.


Well-Known Member
heyy man. yea you should be happy with that strain/plant.. i've heard great things about that strain.. tehy sell out so fast..

i dont see any pics....? soo i cant really help ya out with ur leaf problem.. and as far as mkaing ur yield bigger... just basically take care of it.. you can try topping your plant.. which will give it 2 tops instead of 1. which usually increases the yield slightly.... or you can do a SCROG.. it takes a little more time.. but you can increase your yield a good amount by doing that. you can also add molasses to your water the last few weeks of watering before harvest.

if you can... try to post the pics up again


Well-Known Member
i jus ordered another pac of grape krush,insane strain,dj shorts blueberry worth every penny.real purple frosty tops ,dj shorts strains all strong usually not alot of variation,,yu also ought to try spice of lifes blue sattelite #2 ,dj short used this one ina few of his strain luck,subscribed.


Well-Known Member
Dj's line is a heavy heavy feeder. i found that his blue moonshine and true blueberry can take anything you throw at it nutrient wise.

it also can take high humidity with ease, and with the intense trichome production its awesome.

when it gets ripe his whole line turns a purple tint.

good luck!
how did yure blue moonshine turn out,got pics,rdr.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you know what you are talking about, so I gotta ask. Is there anything I should do so that I have a better chance of yielding HIGH because this first plant is mainly for smoking. My next go-round will be the money maker, deffinatley plan on doing some cross-breed research. I want to make a bomb-ass cross-breed. I have the help otherwise, but I'd like some other sources of information as well. The More Info I Get The Higher I'll Get As Well.
your fan leaves looks to be burned from heat stress. notice how the middle finger of the fan leaf is synged and burned and not the tips? try not to get it too hot in there as every strain loves cool temps. as far as yeild, his strains if kept happy, will yeild a shit load more than any other strain. it is just great genetics all around


Well-Known Member
does yure ac hava temp controller,jus set it and leave,produces a fan wen not cold,slight nute burn or heat stress.try not to let temp get over 87F at the top of the plants,,dont know much abour aeroponics,i'm a soil grower.i could hep ya get some monsters with some soil mix and perilite and fox farm ns settup , yu should score.rdr.


Well-Known Member
yea mane after i ran his true blueberry i check the TUde everyday for that damn moonshine and finally it came in breifly

his genetics are top shelf


Well-Known Member
my grape krush be here any las was grape colors and smell amazing,def top shelf.was yure moonshine in the paper yellow envelope? it wasnt taped to a card was it?i purchased some once but it was the fake ones taped to a card.but attitude made it rite.remember that?


Well-Known Member
yea i remember that shit. nah its legit in the paper envelope. the tude rectified themselves and got back on track with the dj. i will eventually try every strain he has because they are just that good.the grape krush is next on the list

i never did pop the fake ones. gave them to my brother


Well-Known Member
they were shit,lol,got 6ft and i trashed them all but one,real crap,lol... but yea theres a few more i'm goin for also.


I was also wanting to get into cross-breeding, because I honestly want to smoke some the most killer weed ever and it would be the best if i could actually grow and breed it as well. Do you guys have any good strains that would be good to cross-breed?


does yure ac hava temp controller,jus set it and leave,produces a fan wen not cold,slight nute burn or heat stress.try not to let temp get over 87F at the top of the plants,,dont know much abour aeroponics,i'm a soil grower.i could hep ya get some monsters with some soil mix and perilite and fox farm ns settup , yu should score.rdr.
I really don't know anything about soil growth, so you would have to let me know everything I would need for a soil grow. Even in that case I would need to make a run through with a couple plants before I would get into growing 10 to 15.


Nothin' has really change that much. I have the A/C on and a fan blowing air on it from a distance. The leaves are staying green and more of the stems are starting to turn purple will post pics later of Stems. Looks beautiful, I just need to get it back to 100% again. I will also be adding another light source. It will be a smaller lamp to hit the leaves and stems at the base, they are a little overshadowed. I was wondering if anyone knew why it has 2 different types of leaves?


I set my plant inside a bigger pot with some Hydroton and I raised my light up and put a fan that goes all day. In the week since all of that took place the plant is growing like crazy. I just measured it and it's almost to a foot tall. There are some roots that have finally sprouted outside the bigger basket. It'll be a matter of time before it has a giant root nutsack, hahaha. Here is a video of her progress...and to show how happy this plant is and continues to become, but first I'm going to upload pictures of what it looked like before...Be aware the pictures are gruesome :cry:IMG00112-20100510-2210.jpgIMG00111-20100510-2210.jpgIMG00110-20100510-2209.jpg

But contrary I did record this video showing the now...That up there was when I first got it and didn't know a fuckin' thing about growing...For those that don't know, Hydroton is what is in the bottom of the pot at the end when the camera looks straight down at it.
Here she is better thanks to the help from the ones that gave advice...It's all up from here :hump:


Well-Known Member
I was also wanting to get into cross-breeding, because I honestly want to smoke some the most killer weed ever and it would be the best if i could actually grow and breed it as well. Do you guys have any good strains that would be good to cross-breed?
good lookin plant,lots of roots,i was thinking dj short grape krush crossed with bcseedkings purple kush fem. would be qite strong , or crossing a dutch passion bluemoonshine with dj short grape krush sounds yummy.the moonshine and g13hp def. the strongest i've had.