Beginning my Super Silver Haze grow.


Active Member
Well I just got my SSH is the mail yesterday, and I'm going to germinate them within a couple days, but before I start I wanted to get a few things straight, and before I begin asking questions, I got to burn. :eyesmoke:

Now lets start.

I had 5 Mazaar seeds lying around so I germinated them. Once they popped I planted them in 1.5 inch rockwool cubes, put them under CFL's with a total of 240w, left the lights on 24, and within a couple days they sprouted. I had presoaked the rockwool cubes the night before in 2L container with 5.6 ph'd water and a drop of Superthrive and extremely light amount of AN SensiGrow A+B, B-52 and Sensizym, my PPM's ended up being 200PPM, starting at 77PPM. Sound ok so far or no? Now here are my questions for my future SSH grow that is also connected to the experimental Mazaar grow.

A) Feeding them nutrients at an early age is alright, or wait till the get somewhat big?
B) How much can I increase the amount of light(CFL's) without burning the starting plants? I only ask because the last 2 I started I had under a 40w CFL, once they sprouted, I then threw them under my 400w Metal Halide with about 12 inches of space and it seemed to burn the sprouted leaves.
the next few questions I have are more towards persons with knowledge on growing in rockwool.

C) I hear I'm not supposed to squeeze the rockwool, instead I should shake the excess water. Yes or no? Also, is it necessary to presoak the rockwool? About how much water should it hold? Should it be heavy, dark (due to the water its holding) and damp, or slightly moist and lighter in color and weight (a little heavier than dry)?
I have a couple more questions, but ill wait on some replies before I get ahead of myself. :blsmoke:

If you must know the setup for the SSH, I have one 400w MH for vegging plus another +300w CFL's, two 400w HPS for flowering, and intend on adding another light, just waiting for my boy to sell me his 600w HPS/MH. I'm using a timed drip system once they move into 5 gallon buckets, manually watered while they are babies, and being fed an Advance Nutrient line only: SensiGrow and Bloom, Big Bud, SensiCal Bloom (will eventually get Grow), B-52, Sensizym, and Superthrive. I'm also getting Bud Candy, Overdrive, and Final Phase. I want to veg the SSH for about 4-5 weeks, and then kick them into flowering. Height is not a problem, just time. They start off in 1.5in cubes, then I'm going to move them into 4in cubes and put them into 5 gallon pots with Hydroton. I'll also be taking clones of the females I get. bongsmilie

If this sounds gravy, or if anyone has suggestions on altering my setup or on anything I left out, let me know as I am willing to learn as much as I can. And if people seem interested ill post pics from day one of the SSH, which would be in like a day or two.bongsmilie After all these vape hits im tired!:sleep:


Well-Known Member
Everything sounds pretty good.
it is necessary to soak rockwool, this helps to buffer their ph, and don't squeeze extra water out. if you conpress the cube its harder for roots to grow.

i've done SSH a few times and i can tell you she is a hungry girl and takes a long time to flower. Just put a new one in my flower room yesterday


Active Member
Everything sounds pretty good.
it is necessary to soak rockwool, this helps to buffer their ph, and don't squeeze extra water out. if you conpress the cube its harder for roots to grow.

i've done SSH a few times and i can tell you she is a hungry girl and takes a long time to flower. Just put a new one in my flower room yesterday
Hey thanks for the quick response naimad, really appreciate it. So for the rockwool i'll make sure i always soak the rockwool, and never squeeze the cubes. You have any journals on your SSH, would love to check it out. What setup did you use for you SSH naimad?