beginner grow cabinet setup

whats up guys, ive checked out this forum and im pleased with what ive read so far so i set up an account to discuss consumption of the good herb with my fellow pothead brethren...

well ive been smokin it up for bout 5 years now and this year is the year i decided to try my hand at growin bud

ive got a plan for a grow cabinet thats planned on being mounted in a closet, somethin low key just to start with, for starting plants in the colder months and moving outside when it gets warm/ tryin to grow short bushy plants, my plans are as follows for my cabinet... critiques, suggestions, and comments are welcome

cabinet dimensions are 3 feet tall, 2 feet wide, and 1 1/2 feet deep
planning to caulk all the cracks inside and out, and a door with 2 locks... inside of the cabinet painted in a white enamel with 1inch wide strips of mylar criss crossed on the inside walls about 2 inches apart

power supply is a power strip plugged into a GFCI in an electric box mounted on the cabinet, with a cord plugged into an outlet powering the GFCI

ventilation plans consist of a ball bearing computer fans powered by use of a ac/dc adapters, 1 at the bottom for intake, 3 in a row about 2 inches apart at the top to push the air through a charcoal filter, and 2 on the inside blowing in a clockwise direction in efforts to circulate air efficiently

lastly, as far as lighting is concerned, 2 100 watt spiral flourescent lightbulb on a bar that can be raised/lowered by means of simple brackets cut out of wood on opposite walls inside the cabinet...

just some meager plans for a bud growing project, lemme hear what ya think, thanks guys:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Good start token, glad to see you have been thinking about this, I have some suggestions, but I have to ask.... how old are you?

whats up guys, ive checked out this forum and im pleased with what ive read so far so i set up an account to discuss consumption of the good herb with my fellow pothead brethren...

well ive been smokin it up for bout 5 years now and this year is the year i decided to try my hand at growin bud

ive got a plan for a grow cabinet thats planned on being mounted in a closet(being as i live in an apartment and need to keep shit on the down low), somethin low key just to start with, my plans are as follows for my cabinet... critiques, suggestions, and comments are welcome

cabinet dimensions are 3 feet tall, 2 feet wide, and 1 1/2 feet deep
planning to caulk all the cracks inside and out, and a door with 2 locks... inside of the cabinet painted in a white enamel with 1inch wide strips of mylar criss crossed on the inside walls about 2 inches apart

power supply is a power strip plugged into a GFCI in an electric box mounted on the cabinet, with a cord plugged into an outlet powering the GFCI

ventilation plans consist of a ball bearing computer fans powered by use of a ac/dc adapters, 1 at the bottom for intake, 3 in a row about 2 inches apart at the top to push the air through a charcoal filter, and 2 on the inside blowing in a clockwise direction in efforts to circulate air efficiently

lastly, as far as lighting is concerned, 2 100 watt spiral flourescent lightbulb on a bar that can be raised/lowered by means of simple brackets cut out of wood on opposite walls inside the cabinet...

just some meager plans for a bud growing project, lemme hear what ya think, thanks guys:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Initial suggestions below.

whats up guys, ive checked out this forum and im pleased with what ive read so far so i set up an account to discuss consumption of the good herb with my fellow pothead brethren...

well ive been smokin it up for bout 5 years now and this year is the year i decided to try my hand at growin bud

ive got a plan for a grow cabinet thats planned on being mounted in a closet, somethin low key just to start with, for starting plants in the colder months and moving outside when it gets warm/ tryin to grow short bushy plants, my plans are as follows for my cabinet... critiques, suggestions, and comments are welcome

cabinet dimensions are 3 feet tall, 2 feet wide, and 1 1/2 feet deep
planning to caulk all the cracks inside and out, and a door with 2 locks... inside of the cabinet painted in a white enamel with 1inch wide strips of mylar criss crossed on the inside walls about 2 inches apart.

What are the locks for?
Paint and mylar? Why both? I would suggest one or the other.

power supply is a power strip plugged into a GFCI in an electric box mounted on the cabinet, with a cord plugged into an outlet powering the GFCI

ventilation plans consist of a ball bearing computer fans powered by use of a ac/dc adapters, 1 at the bottom for intake, 3 in a row about 2 inches apart at the top to push the air through a charcoal filter, and 2 on the inside blowing in a clockwise direction in efforts to circulate air efficiently

I have a similar sized box. I have 2 4inch fans at the top and a 3 inch at the bottom. I dont feel as if that is enough, I will be adding another fan after this grow to the bottom.

lastly, as far as lighting is concerned, 2 100 watt spiral flourescent lightbulb on a bar that can be raised/lowered by means of simple brackets cut out of wood on opposite walls inside the cabinet...

just some meager plans for a bud growing project, lemme hear what ya think, thanks guys:blsmoke: