Arizona law about ethnic classes

The Arizona law passed was nothing more then the state activly stating they will enforce the laws of this country no more no less. Its far from profiling or racists and thoise who have issues are the people who are illegally here. Look if a cop stops you in a car, remember they have to have cause after a legal interception, for say speeding they will ask you white, brown, black, yellow or red for your id and registration. You must show this if you dont then they may ask do you have proof of identity? State id work papers, green card, viasa, social security number..If you cant provide any of this yes they should detain you and check you out as something isnt right.. Now if you have one of these they run you no warrants they write a ticket your on your way. Now lets say it happened to be a car with 8 people in a 4 door car. Doesnt matter if your white or not thats illegal so tey can stop then process those in the car.. Nothing wrong there.yes the numbers will be out of proportion showing more hispanics stopped and arrested as the population there is majority hispanic so if you have 15 beads 12 are red and 3 are blue you will pull more red then blue just science.People and the media forget that there is a difference between immigrants and illegal aliens..Aliens have no rights from the constituion of the united states as they are not citizens. they dont have a right to public school or those rights in the constittuion. The AZ law just makes the process faster and less red tape for both the detained and the detainee as the cops can do the work the border and immigration cant as they are under manned so instead of sitting in a holding cell while immigration is contact just to find out if your illegal the locals can do this on the spot and let those who are leagl go on thier way. Not one bit racist its the law of this country plain and simple. Even mexican immigrants want the illegals gone as they basically cut in line as it takes 2-4 years to get citizenship and the illegals make life hard on those who did it right and became us citizens via the legal way.. All states should adopt AZ way of requalifying what is already federal law.And the part about the classes is right on too. Public schools have the obligation to teach american history. Other history comes for college to further getr alternate sides and version from those such as african slaves or such. As a us citizen the child is to learn the history that was that of america from americas eyes. It eliminates crap like having classes taught in spainish to accomidate those who refuse to learn this countries language . Immigration through esimilation is the process. Not to say screw america and lets just bend to cater those who are not citizens..


Well-Known Member
wow you fuckin retards sound like your from arizona. you scared republican whiteboys are always crying about "white guilt" while you watch your country trample over the world. maybe you should be more worried about the house bill laying foundation for not being able to denounce the government on school property, beginning with this whole no talk of "overthrowing gov", and no talk or "controversial events in history" (9/11, IRAQ WAR, OIL WARS, SCANDALS, CONSPIRACIES, RECENT FLOOD OF AMERICAN MILITARY RESOURCES TO COLUMBIA TO FIGHT VENEZUELA FOR OIL) . if they dont like you talking about something all they have to do is cloud the argument...and magic, controversy.

if arizonans are to stupid to protect their vanishing rights, then fuck em they didnt deserve them anyways.

btw, great job with Arpio...douchebags.

you gonna stop with all the name calling or do i just go ahead and ban you now? :fire:


Active Member
This bill is the epitome of how the terrorists won. This is a chest thump, a show of the same intolerance we are vowing to destroy. Repukes obviously don't understand how knowledge is power. This, along with Texas' education law is the application of the supposed indoctrination repukes were accusing Obama of planning.

We are not doing our kids any favors by not offering these clases.

I know when kids start failing courses they'll start blaming all sorts of things, I hope they remember those banned ethnic studies courses, you know, the ones that make school just interesting enough.....

You are also a victim of the soundbite mentality. Had you payed further attention rather than listening to the pablum fed you, you would understand that these courses are still going to be taught! They are not Banned as the liberal media would have you believe. They are simply not going to be allowed to teach Separatist, supremist, anti-american rhetoric as a part of their course study.


Well-Known Member
If you'd have any notion of reality you'd know that condoning solidarity in an academic environment is a thousand times better than having that same solidarity express itself as the Aryan brotherhood, which is the type of behavior this law is promoting by making teaching solidarity inthe classroom illegal.

As for the socialist takeover from the classroom up, it's a fantasy. You might think that there's 5000 teachers out there preaching hate, your wrong. Ethnic studies is more about learning about past hardships so they don't happen again, it's also about teaching kids about why cultures are different. Teaching these things in the classroom promotes integration, by making this a political thing, were seeing another casualty of the hyper-political, divisiveness, and somehow a scholastic learning experience has been turned into a bad thing.

There wasn't anything wrong with ethnic studies. It was made into a fake problem by sleazy politicians looking to score political points, this time at the expense of our youth.


Active Member
wow you fuckin retards sound like your from arizona. you scared republican whiteboys are always crying about "white guilt" while you watch your country trample over the world. maybe you should be more worried about the house bill laying foundation for not being able to denounce the government on school property, beginning with this whole no talk of "overthrowing gov", and no talk or "controversial events in history" (9/11, IRAQ WAR, OIL WARS, SCANDALS, CONSPIRACIES, RECENT FLOOD OF AMERICAN MILITARY RESOURCES TO COLUMBIA TO FIGHT VENEZUELA FOR OIL) . if they dont like you talking about something all they have to do is cloud the argument...and magic, controversy.

if arizonans are to stupid to protect their vanishing rights, then fuck em they didnt deserve them anyways.

btw, great job with Arpio...douchebags.
Further!! You point out the fallicy of media hype. I too look at the hype machine that is Media. The media is a double edged sword and one need look as closely at the edge that we agree with. You seem to look at the other edge without regard to the other.
The media fascination with the teaprty and AZ's immigration laws should give one pause to wonder what they are hiding or promoting. Chomsky writes that when the media becomes frenzied in one direction one must look further than the surface to find the reality. Amnesty is a play by corporations to infiltrate our workforce with low wage workers. They have to portray AZ as racist to defect the real agenda.


Active Member
If you'd have any notion of reality you'd know that condoning solidarity in an academic environment is a thousand times better than having that same solidarity express itself as the Aryan brotherhood, which is the type of behavior this law is promoting by making teaching solidarity inthe classroom illegal.

As for the socialist takeover from the classroom up, it's a fantasy. You might think that there's 5000 teachers out there preaching hate, your wrong. Ethnic studies is more about learning about past hardships so they don't happen again, it's also about teaching kids about why cultures are different. Teaching these things in the classroom promotes integration, by making this a political thing, were seeing another casualty of the hyper-political, divisiveness, and somehow a scholastic learning experience has been turned into a bad thing.

There wasn't anything wrong with ethnic studies. It was made into a fake problem by sleazy politicians looking to score political points, this time at the expense of our youth.
Now you go from Banning classes to some other bent. You were wrong about classes being banned and instead of admitting you were wrong you attempt to defect by insinuating something else. Again, if you failed to read what was so plainly written. These classes are not being banned, they are not being told to not address past hardships. The solidarity being banned is," SOLIDARITY FOR ONE RACE OVER ANOTHER" Not as you incorrectly insinuate of solidarity between the races. Of sourse solidarity between races should be taught, but atht is not what we are talking about, now is it!
So there is 1,000 times a better difference promoting Brown, solidarity, separatism and supremacy than White.?!?
You sir are obviously slanted in your reasoning. I see no difference between Brown, black, or any races supremist, separatist or anti-american rhetoric in our school systems. If you do in fact promote such racist tendencies and call for such in our schools then you have just shown yourself as no better than those you rail against.

Patrick Bateman

Active Member
Like it or not the Judeo-Christian tradition is what made us who we are. It is what gave us the ability to recognize that men ought to be free and it was the main motivation of our Founding Fathers. This crap you spew about our traditional beliefs being similar to Islam is pure nonsense. In fact it is an ignorant statement. How many honor killings are committed by Christians? How many women are stoned to death in Christian countries for having been raped?
'Fraid not.

Although we do have many roots in the Judeo-Chrisitian tradition, separation of church and state is THE reason we are not still in the dark ages. Religion hinders progress in all aspects of life, be it social equality, medicine, progress of knowledge, etc. That is a fact.

How many lynchings were committed by "Christians"?


Active Member
'Fraid not.

Although we do have many roots in the Judeo-Chrisitian tradition, separation of church and state is THE reason we are not still in the dark ages. Religion hinders progress in all aspects of life, be it social equality, medicine, progress of knowledge, etc. That is a fact.

How many lynchings were committed by "Christians"?
Way too many. Separation of church and state is the cornerstone of our democracy. Kudos.


New Member
Please take a minute to actually think about what is presented without dogmatic interpretation.

Here are few provisions of the law.
Prohibits a school district or charter school from including in its program of instruction any courses or classes that:

•Promote the overthrow of the United States government.
Why would AZ do this? Because many of these types of classes are promoting just such a thing. In many school districts in AZ, Cali, NM, Texas and other states course instructors are teaching that America is bad and needs to pay for what they did to Mexico. They teach that america stole the southern states and that Mexico and Mexicans should take them back by force. Some are actually advocating and encouraging their students to participate in violence against America and Americans. The law does not say a student cannot speak of overthrowiing the US, only that such cannot be taught in AZ High schools.

Well, gee, I attended ALL the most advanced ethnic studies my high school in Queen Creek, AZ had to offer. I was taking classes designed primarily for native spanish speakers. None of those classes even came close to matching your description of these classes that supposedly exist, not even in the least. I would be interested to know what your basis for making such a claim is....

•Promote resentment toward a race or class of people.
Again, many of these course instructors are teaching their students hatred towards other races and advocating,
"La Raza, Brown Power, Brown Supremist" Does that sound familiar at all, it should. Those is the very same terms used by neo-nazi's and the KKK. Placed in the frame of White power, White supremacy and White race these terms are quickly deemed racist, seperatist and supremist. What deems them any different when used in the terms of Brown.

You do realize that La Raza can describe one of two separate advocacy groups, right? And that they do not advocate 'brown power', but rather they are designed to open opportunities for hispanics. KKK and neo-nazis are violent hate groups. They are not the same thing. To argue that they are is dishonest.

•Are designed primarily for pupils of a particular ethnic group.
Again frame this in terms that are easily understood. Were these classes that promoted White studies they would be deemed racist and seperatist in nature. Yet when framed in Brown they are not?

Every single class, with the exception of ESL studies, was open to any and every student who meets the prerequisites. I doubt there are any classes in the whole of Arizona that are 'brown only'. So the law is not needed.

•Advocate ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals.
This is not very hard to understand. advocating one race over another in public schools is not what I pay taxes for. I pay taxes to promote my sons as their own individual persons. Not Black or Mexican. Which BTW my adopted sons are in fact Black and Mexican.
Why stop at ethnic solidarity. In this same framework the schools should then be required to teach, catholic courses and christian courses and Hebrew courses and Muslim courses, Italian courses, etc, etc, etc.

Again, through the myriad of courses I took in high school, not a single one could meet this description. Wait, check that. AP History, the regular old type, seemed to promote ethnic solidarity through such glorious euphemisms as 'manifest destiny' (Indian slaughter) or 'The Great Emancipator' (ps - a WHITE man set them free!....see Mr Show for full comedic robustness of this reference).

Here are a few examples of just such an educator.

As far as those two videos, they both depict the same person. ONE does not speak for the WHOLE, and to confuse one person's opinion as the opinion of the whole is a MAJOR fallacy, so I hope you don't actually believe he speaks universally for La Raza.

You want me to go dig up some videos? I can, it's easy, and I can make whatever cause is near and dear to you look foolish. Try me. Name any cause, even underwater basket weaving. I will find a video of an underwater basket weaver looking like an ass.

As I said before, the only real fix here is to disregard teaching anything whatsoever that may promote resentment in any way and just learn about pink fluffy bunnies instead.


Active Member
As far as those two videos, they both depict the same person. ONE does not speak for the WHOLE, and to confuse one person's opinion as the opinion of the whole is a MAJOR fallacy, so I hope you don't actually believe he speaks universally for La Raza.

You are obviously being fallacious.The reference clearly said," Here are a few examples on just such AN educator. And contrary to your vast Massachusetts knowledge of Mexican heritage classes The educator is a representation of many.

You want me to go dig up some videos? I can, it's easy, and I can make whatever cause is near and dear to you look foolish. Try me. Name any cause, even underwater basket weaving. I will find a video of an underwater basket weaver looking like an ass.

You do fine making yourself look foolish my friend, when you constantly speak volumes about things you obviously have no understanding about. How many Mexican heritage classes have you been exposed to In Massechusetts. I grew up in San Jose and resided in Hollister for over a decade. Both are primarily hispanic. I hahve been exposed to a great many Mexican heritage attitudes and educators.

As I said before, the only real fix here is to disregard teaching anything whatsoever that may promote resentment in any way and just learn about pink fluffy bunnies instead.
With that final statement you truly reach the pinnacle of foolish posts. If you have not recognoized that La raza, Brown power and brown supremacy has no place in the classroom then you are beyond any hope of reaching. I am constantly amazed at how many people are so polarized within their party lines that they can reach such foolish conclusions.


New Member
If you have not recognoized that La raza, Brown power and brown supremacy has no place in the classroom then you are beyond any hope of reaching. I am constantly amazed at how many people are so polarized within their party lines that they can reach such foolish conclusions.
Did you miss the part where I mentioned I went to high school in QUEEN CREEK, AZ? Or are you simply 'so polarized within party lines' that you 'reach such a foolish conclusion' that I am from Massachussetts somehow? Did you even read anything I posted?

I read what you posted. You compared La Raza, which can refer to several ADVOCACY groups for hispanics, to neo-nazi groups and the KKK, which are HATE groups. Let's play a game. For every video you can produce of a La Raza member speaking about 'brown power', I will produce 2 videos that characterize La Raza more accurately. We will see who runs out first.

And if you failed to recognize the apparent sarcasm in my 'pink fluffy bunnies' remark, you obviously did not read my first post in this thread. That was the one that posed the question: Someone please tell me how we are going to discuss the holocaust or any other instance of genocide or oppression by race/class/ethnicity without it promoting any resentment of the race or class of people who comprise said oppressors/genociders.

I'm just curious why the hell you think I'm from Massachusetts. I can't even spell the state name properly.


Active Member
Did you miss the part where I mentioned I went to high school in QUEEN CREEK, AZ? Or are you simply 'so polarized within party lines' that you 'reach such a foolish conclusion' that I am from Massachussetts somehow? Did you even read anything I posted?

I read what you posted. You compared La Raza, which can refer to several ADVOCACY groups for hispanics, to neo-nazi groups and the KKK, which are HATE groups. Let's play a game. For every video you can produce of a La Raza member speaking about 'brown power', I will produce 2 videos that characterize La Raza more accurately. We will see who runs out first.

And if you failed to recognize the apparent sarcasm in my 'pink fluffy bunnies' remark, you obviously did not read my first post in this thread. That was the one that posed the question: Someone please tell me how we are going to discuss the holocaust or any other instance of genocide or oppression by race/class/ethnicity without it promoting any resentment of the race or class of people who comprise said oppressors/genociders.

I'm just curious why the hell you think I'm from Massachusetts. I can't even spell the state name properly.
I thought we were playing games, If you can't recognize the apparent sarcasm in my saying you were from Massachusetts then you are definitely not paying any attention at all.
You play on La raza and skirt the Separatist and Brown power portions of my post. that is how you spin obviously. La raza translates as The race.
Placed in the actual frame of my post the race coupled with , Brown power and a seperatist bent is nothing less than what one hears from The KKK or neo-nazi groups. I am not going to let you pick and choose soundbites in order to spin some fable.


New Member
And contrary to your vast Massachusetts knowledge of Mexican heritage classes

How many Mexican heritage classes have you been exposed to In Massechusetts. I grew up in San Jose and resided in Hollister for over a decade. Both are primarily hispanic. I hahve been exposed to a great many Mexican heritage attitudes and educators.

This was 'apparent sarcasm'? Yet you could not recognize 'pink fluffy bunnies' as such?

I am curious, does your knowledge of La Raza extend beyond being able to translate it to 'the race' and this one video from youtube? Because if you were familiar in the least, you would know it is an advocacy group. Good luck trying to analogize an advocacy group to a hate group, as you seem to be trying to do.


Do you want to go on about how similar they are? I can play that game all day.


Active Member
And contrary to your vast Massachusetts knowledge of Mexican heritage classes

How many Mexican heritage classes have you been exposed to In Massechusetts. I grew up in San Jose and resided in Hollister for over a decade. Both are primarily hispanic. I hahve been exposed to a great many Mexican heritage attitudes and educators.

This was 'apparent sarcasm'? Yet you could not recognize 'pink fluffy bunnies' as such?

I am curious, does your knowledge of La Raza extend beyond being able to translate it to 'the race' and this one video from youtube? Because if you were familiar in the least, you would know it is an advocacy group. Good luck trying to analogize an advocacy group to a hate group, as you seem to be trying to do.


Do you want to go on about how similar they are? I can play that game all day.
You play games instead of actual debate. How terribly sad that is. Again I pointed out that La Raza coupled with Brown Power and Brown seperatism is the post I made and yet you keeep working your way back to one aspect,"La Raza"
I will acquiesce to your disingenuous tactic of defelecting the argument from it's root.
Your wikipedia reference does nothing to demonstrate how La Raza works at street level and shows your lack of actual knowledge.
As I posted already, I grew up in San Jose Cali. Some of my Kajukenbo Martial Arts HOMEBOYS were with a group called the brown berets
We would hang at La Raza park and i got a firsthand street level education of what La raza means to Chicanos. It aint about some Wiki article picked outta your whimsical game play. At street level or in the minds of those who use it as a battle cry it is about race superiority. Get a clue MR I know it all, you can't get all your knowledge from Wikipedia.
Go play your games with the kiddies at I aint the one.


Well-Known Member
Exclusive: The Truth About 'La Raza'
By Rep. Charlie Norwood (more by this author)
Human Events
Posted 04/07/2006 ET
Updated 04/07/2006 ET

The nation's television screens many days recently have been filled with scenes of huge crowds carrying the colorful green and red flag of Mexico viewers could well have thought it was a national holiday in Mexico City.

It was instead, downtown Los Angeles, Calif., although the scene was recreated in numerous other cities around the country with substantial Mexican populations. Hordes of Mexican expatriates, many here illegally, were protesting the very U.S. immigration laws they were violating with impunity. They found it offensive and a violation of their rights that the U.S. dared to have immigration laws to begin with.

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa mounted the podium, but any hopes that he would quiet the crowds and defend the law were soon dashed. Villaraigosa, himself, has spent a lifetime opposing U.S. immigration law.

For law-abiding Americans without knowledge of the dark side of our current illegal immigration crisis, all this is unfathomable. For those who know the truth about the "La Raza" movement, these demonstrations were a prophecy fulfilled.

It is past time for all Americans to know what is at the root of this outrageous behavior, and the extent to which the nation is at risk because of "La Raza" -- The Race.

There are many immigrant groups joined in the overall "La Raza" movement. The most prominent and mainstream organization is the National Council de La Raza -- the Council of "The Race".

To most of the mainstream media, most members of Congress, and even many of their own members, the National Council of La Raza is no more than a Hispanic Rotary Club.

But the National Council of La Raza succeeded in raking in over $15.2 million in federal grants last year alone, of which $7.9 million was in U.S. Department of Education grants for Charter Schools, and undisclosed amounts were for get-out-the-vote efforts supporting La Raza political positions.

The Council of La Raza succeeded in having itself added to congressional hearings by Republican House and Senate leaders. And an anonymous senator even gave the Council of La Raza an extra $4 million in earmarked taxpayer money, supposedly for "housing reform," while La Raza continues to lobby the Senate for virtual open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens.

The Mexican flag flew over a crowd of pro-amnesty marchers in New York. Marches like this across the U.S. have been supported by the “La Raza” movement. (Reuters/Seth Wenig)

Radical 'Reconquista' Agenda

Behind the respectable front of the National Council of La Raza lies the real agenda of the La Raza movement, the agenda that led to those thousands of illegal immigrants in the streets of American cities, waving Mexican flags, brazenly defying our laws, and demanding concessions.

Key among the secondary organizations is the radical racist group Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, or Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan (MEChA), one of the most anti-American groups in the country, which has permeated U.S. campuses since the 1960s, and continues its push to carve a racist nation out of the American West.

One of America's greatest strengths has always been taking in immigrants from cultures around the world, and assimilating them into our country as Americans. By being citizens of the U.S. we are Americans first, and only, in our national loyalties.

This is totally opposed by MEChA for the hordes of illegal immigrants pouring across our borders, to whom they say:

"Chicano is our identity; it defines who we are as people. It rejects the notion that we...should assimilate into the Anglo-American melting pot...Aztlan was the legendary homeland of the Aztecas ... It became synonymous with the vast territories of the Southwest, brutally stolen from a Mexican people marginalized and betrayed by the hostile custodians of the Manifest Destiny." (Statement on University of Oregon MEChA Website, Jan. 3, 2006)

MEChA isn't at all shy about their goals, or their views of other races. Their founding principles are contained in these words in "El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan" (The Spiritual Plan for Aztlan):

"In the spirit of a new people that is conscious not only of its proud historical heritage but also of the brutal gringo invasion of our territories, we, the Chicano inhabitants and civilizers of the northern land of Aztlan from whence came our forefathers, reclaiming the land of their birth and consecrating the determination of our people of the sun, declare that the call of our blood is our power, our responsibility, and our inevitable destiny. ... Aztlan belongs to those who plant the seeds, water the fields, and gather the crops and not to the foreign Europeans. ... We are a bronze people with a bronze culture. Before the world, before all of North America, before all our brothers in the bronze continent, we are a nation, we are a union of free pueblos, we are Aztlan. For La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada."

That closing two-sentence motto is chilling to everyone who values equal rights for all. It says: "For The Race everything. Outside The Race, nothing."

If these morally sickening MEChA quotes were coming from some fringe website, Americans could at least console themselves that it was just a small group of nuts behind it. Nearly every racial and ethnic group has some shady characters and positions in its past and some unbalanced individuals today claiming racial superiority and demanding separatism. But this is coming straight from the official MEChA sites at Georgetown University, the University of Texas, UCLA, University of Michigan, University of Colorado, University of Oregon, and many other colleges and universities around the country.

MEChA was in fact reported to be one of the main organizers of those street demonstrations we witnessed over the past weeks. That helps explain why those hordes of illegal immigrants weren't asking for amnesty -- they were demanding an end to U.S. law, period. Unlike past waves of immigrants who sought to become responsible members of American society, these protesters reject American society altogether, because they have been taught that America rightfully belongs to them.

MEChA and the La Raza movement teach that Colorado, California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, New Mexico, Oregon and parts of Washington State make up an area known as "Aztlan" -- a fictional ancestral homeland of the Aztecs before Europeans arrived in North America. As such, it belongs to the followers of MEChA. These are all areas America should surrender to "La Raza" once enough immigrants, legal or illegal, enter to claim a majority, as in Los Angeles. The current borders of the United States will simply be extinguished.

This plan is what is referred to as the "Reconquista" or reconquest, of the Western U.S.

But it won't end with territorial occupation and secession. The final plan for the La Raza movement includes the ethnic cleansing of Americans of European, African, and Asian descent out of "Aztlan."

As Miguel Perez of Cal State-Northridge's MEChA chapter has been quoted as saying: "The ultimate ideology is the liberation of Aztlan. Communism would be closest [to it]. Once Aztlan is established, ethnic cleansing would commence: Non-Chicanos would have to be expelled -- opposition groups would be quashed because you have to keep power."

MEChA Plants

Members of these radical, anti-American, racist organizations are frequently smoothly polished into public respectability by the National Council of La Raza.

Former MEChA members include Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who was officially endorsed by La Raza for mayor and was awarded La Raza's Graciela Olivarez Award. Now we know why he refuses to condemn a sea of foreign flags in his city. California Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante is also a former MEChA member. He delivered the keynote address at La Raza's 2002 Annual Convention.

The National Council of La Raza and its allies in public office make no repudiation of the radical MEChA and its positions. In fact, as recently as 2003, La Raza was actively funding MEChA, according to federal tax records.

Imagine Robert Byrd's refusing to disavow the views of the KKK, or if Strom Thurmond had failed to admit segregation was wrong. Imagine Heritage or Brookings Foundation making grants to the American Nazi Party.

Is the National Council of La Raza itself a racist organization? Regardless of the organization's suspect ties, the majority of its members are not. When one examines all the organization's activities, they are commendable non-profit projects, such as education and housing programs.

But even these defensible efforts raise the question of whether education and housing programs funded with federal tax dollars should be used in programs specifically targeted to benefit just one ethnic group.

La Raza defenders usually respond by calling anyone making these allegations "a racist" for having called attention to La Raza's racist links. All the groups and public officials with ties to the La Raza movement can take a big step towards disproving these allegations by simply following the examples of Senators Byrd and Thurmond and repenting of their past ways.

If they are unwilling to admit past misdeeds, they can at least state -- unequivocally -- that they officially oppose the racist and anti-American positions of MEChA, and any other groups that espouse similar views.

Through public appearances, written statements, and on their respective websites, La Raza groups and allies must:

1. Denounce the motto "For La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada," as repugnant, racist, and totally incompatible with American society or citizenship.

2. Acknowledge the right of all Americans to live wherever they choose in the U.S. without segregation.

3. Commit to sponsorship of nationwide educational programs to combat racism and anti-Semitism in the Hispanic community.

4. Denounce and sever all ties with MEChA and any other organizations with which they have ever been associated which held to the racist doctrines held by MEChA.

5. Acknowledge the internationally recognized borders of the U.S., the right of the citizens of the U.S. to determine immigration policy through the democratic process, and the right of the U.S. to undertake any and all necessary steps to effectively enforce immigration law and defend its border against unauthorized entry.

6. Repudiate all claims that current American territory rightfully belongs to Mexico.

If the National Council of La Raza, other La Raza groups, and local and national political leaders with past ties and associations with the radical elements of the La Raza movement can publicly issue such a statement and live by every one of these principles, they should be welcomed into the American public policy arena, with past sins -- real or imaginary -- forgiven.

If they cannot publicly and fully support these principles, Congress needs to take appropriate steps and immediately bar any group refusing to comply from receiving any future federal funds. Both the House and Senate should strike these groups from testifying before any committees, and the White House should sever all ties. Both political parties should disengage from any further contact with these groups and individuals.

There are plenty of decent, patriotic Hispanic organizations and elected officials to provide Congress with necessary feedback on specific issues confronting Americans of Latino heritage. Any group or individual who can agree with the simple six points should be welcomed into that fold.

If not, the American people will know there's a wolf in their midst, and take the necessary precautions to defend our Republic against an enemy.

Mr. Norwood, a Republican, represents the 9th District of Georgia.


Active Member
^^^^ xlnt article fdd2blk.
So much for Dukeofbajas La Raza!
This is the La Raza at street level. Not the La Raza that comes from wikipedia articles that the Dukeofbaja tried to present ad hominem
This is what my post was elluding to in regards to La Raza, brown power and Brown seperatism.. This is what the AZ law is addressing. I can't wait to read the deflection that Duke will post to attempt to discredit the factual information contained in this article. He will probably pick one tiny portion and post ad nauseum infinitum without addressing the root of the article.


New Member
Geeze, I hate to admit it FDD, but excellent article. I actually live in the Barrio, turned that way in the last ten years as the hoards of illegals flooded into Vegas and started taking construction jobs. They now have a huge foothold and some are down right uppity. I see this superiority complex in a few chicanos, like at my grandkids school, where they are outnumbered 100-1. The majority of chicano kids are OK, but the parents are the condescending ones. I see parents that can't speak a word of english picking up their kids every day. If one didn't know difference, one could actually believe they were in some town in mexico. You'll not hear a word of english spoken by the parents, but the kids are morphing into english speakers, although many start out in Kindergarten speaking only spanish. My problem is not with the mexican race, it is with the gross promotion of all things Mexican . Most of the local supermarkets, Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot, etc. all have aisles posted in spanish. I would like to see laws promoting english only in public places, force assimilation, or get the fuck out. BTW, Mexico lost the war, to the victor goes the spoils. I say we kicked their asses once, we could surely do it again.