Air- Pot Club


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I just wanted to chime in. So I've made 2 separate purchases of these air pots from
and while somehow I got extras of certain parts while less of others on my first order, and then they gladly added said missing parts to my next order, that most recent order was missing the screws (which wasn't a huge deal because you don't always need 2 per pot and I had others from the smaller sizes). Anyway I wanted to say these guys are absolutely awesome because with every mistake they have offered to send out the missing parts immediately. I even mentioned how I would like to have extra screws so every single air pot I had could have 2, and they sent me extras! So presently I have all my airpots (four .3, four .8, four 2, and four 5.2 gallon air pots) and 8 small screws and 8 big ones, with 2 seperate envelopes on the way (they acted on my emails in order before reading them all first) one of which has 4 more small screws and the other 4 more large.

PS: excuse the grammar in that last paragraph, i'm too tired to perfect it
bottom line: These guys have the best price in North America as far as I can tell, and they have no problem making up for any mistakes, and even sending me extra parts on request for free. Good guys


Well-Known Member
does it stunt growth when you trim at the bottom like that? ive read in a few places ( one being the cannabis bible ) that your not supposed to trim at all throughout the plants life unless the leaves or growth is dead. hmmmm. + rep for a innovative potless idea
the cannabis grow bible has helped me out alot. very informative


Well-Known Member
So u could just veg and veg then u could veg some more without getting rootbound?

thats about right. The purpose of the pot was to stop the normal activity of potted roots which is spiraling in their pot and eventually becoming root bound. Im assuming you have seen the video from the first post where how they work is explained. They just make happy healthier roots , which in turn makes happy, healthier plants : )


I am highly interested in seeing some auto strains grown in these, they have a short life span and I wonder if it would be worthwhile. I am currently using 2 gallon pots but I am growing a minimally branching strain indoors and they get no wider than 6-8 inches wide..I am thinking I can fit at least 15 more plants in my tent w/ the air pots, i could always do with another 8ozs of production or so. I will place an order for these for my next outdoor round and do a side by side of automatic blueberry.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I guess it depends on how large the root mass of an auto can get to be compared to a regular plant. I would imagine though that a 2 gallon air pot would be superior to a standard 2 gallon pot though. I guess the real question should be which size of air pot would be the most appropriate for an auto. 2 gallons is a good start!

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
just spotted ur updated pics in the coco thread there lookin really good you seem to have them sorted
thats wot i like to see iv found these air pots for a few £ each so if you do well with them i might try 1 out


Well-Known Member
just spotted ur updated pics in the coco thread there lookin really good you seem to have them sorted
thats wot i like to see iv found these air pots for a few £ each so if you do well with them i might try 1 out
dude they are working soooo good! Closet growth is using the 5gallons for his plants and even though they are in soil, they have just recently passed up the plants in his DWC buckets! He is also using Jacks Classic Fert which is miracle stuff but Soil beating hydro in air pots ... my sweet mother of god! : D and thanks for the plant compliments! they are growing , showing ... and about to start flowering !
