1200 Watt Blue Dream, Lemon Widow & Odyssey Grow


I think you must be right, as I can't find the strain lineage anywhere. It's turning out to be real nice, and the plant in enormous with lots of large buds...not super dense yet, but we'll see when it's all done.


Sad news today. Had to leave town for 6 days due to a family emergency...and if that wasn't sad enough, when I got back the 2 Odyssey plants had bud rot in the uppermost colas. These plants were affected because the buds are super dense and just ready for harvest (the cause was likely too high of humidity and too low of air flow (these didn't get very good air flow because they are significatly shorter and smaller than the other plants)). Sad because I had to toss out an ounce or two (basically the 3 biggest colas)...the remaining 5 or 6 ounces seemed to be fine...but I'm going to speed dry with a fan just to be sure...and I didn't get to flush, so hopelly it tastes fine.

Actually, my biggest concern is that the spores will infect the other plants (Blue Dream and Lemon Widow) which clearly have a couple weeks remaining. I will be watching them carefully, and have already addeded a fan as well as have opened up the room for better air circulation. I'll probably pick up a dehumidifier too.

Edit: digging deep into all the other plants/colas...I found the ever-so-slight start of budrot in a couple Blue Dream colas too, so I cut and trashed these and then removed all the other dense top-colas for fear that it would start there as well. Depressing. Nevertheless, even 2+ weeks early, the Blue Dream is absolutely loaded with crystals...more so than the finished Odyssey...so I'm anticipating it will still be top-tier, A-grade smoke.


Active Member
I think you must be right, as I can't find the strain lineage anywhere. It's turning out to be real nice, and the plant in enormous with lots of large buds...not super dense yet, but we'll see when it's all done.

I,m trying to get a clone of it as we speak I,m guessing its a lemon skunk x WW but who knows what it is. I have tried the LW befre and its in a league of its own.

I just got a dehumidifier and it says it can take 10ltr of water outa the air every 24 hours. with humidity at 70% in week 5 of flower I hope its enough.

sounds like you had botrytis. sort out your air and humidity and it should'nt spread any further.

I'll be watchin this grow from now on !


I too am guessing it would be Lemon Skunk X WW...Haven't had the Lemon Skunk before, but since it was crossed with Super Silver Haze to make the canibus cup-winning Super Lemon Haze, it's gotta be good. The fact that it's buds still have 2 - 3 weeks to go and it's composed of huge "airy" buds might have saved me from the bud rot...as I dug deep through all the buds yesterday, I found the initial makings of some rot in the Blue Dream top colas too...forcing me to prematurely harvest the upper portions of all my plants except for the Lemon Widow. I thought I could get away without having a dehudifyer because I essentially have a small grow box within a very large room...but I was paifully wrong...my first major Rookie mistake.

I have purchased a dehumidifyer, so I'm sure hoping I can take the Lemon Widow and remaining Blue Dream the proper end.

I,m trying to get a clone of it as we speak I,m guessing its a lemon skunk x WW but who knows what it is. I have tried the LW befre and its in a league of its own.

I just got a dehumidifier and it says it can take 10ltr of water outa the air every 24 hours. with humidity at 70% in week 5 of flower I hope its enough.

sounds like you had botrytis. sort out your air and humidity and it should'nt spread any further.

I'll be watchin this grow from now on !


Active Member
I too am guessing it would be Lemon Skunk X WW...Haven't had the Lemon Skunk before, but since it was crossed with Super Silver Haze to make the canibus cup-winning Super Lemon Haze, it's gotta be good. The fact that it's buds still have 2 - 3 weeks to go and it's composed of huge "airy" buds might have saved me from the bud rot...as I dug deep through all the buds yesterday, I found the initial makings of some rot in the Blue Dream top colas too...forcing me to prematurely harvest the upper portions of all my plants except for the Lemon Widow. I thought I could get away without having a dehudifyer because I essentially have a small grow box within a very large room...but I was paifully wrong...my first major Rookie mistake.

I have purchased a dehumidifyer, so I'm sure hoping I can take the Lemon Widow and remaining Blue Dream the proper end.

yeh we can only guess the genetics of the LW I have grown GHS lemon skunk before nice smoke but a pain in the ass plant to grow.

sorry about your bud mould, but for your first grow you have done very well.

spent a hundred and forty on a dehumidifier and it dont make hardly any difference to the RH, its 70-80% in there now. gonna go circulation fan crazy in there and cry if mould eats all my work.

Tee Five

Active Member
Protecting the Lemon Widow is your first priority.

Everything else you can set on fire!

i kid...i kid.

But how can a strain be from clones only? I can't wrap my head around that. It's like saying you have chicks...but no eggs?


How about - "seeds are not available from any known sources". Obviously, somebody performed the cross, just "underground."

Protecting the Lemon Widow is your first priority.

Everything else you can set on fire!

i kid...i kid.

But how can a strain be from clones only? I can't wrap my head around that. It's like saying you have chicks...but no eggs?


Okay, I've got updates. I have pictures from week 8 (today is actually week 9). A day or two before week 8, I chopped about 10% of the limbs off to promote circulation and stop the spread of mold (I think I only lost a couple ounces due to mold, and may have lost a couple more by prematurely harvesting some of the plants).

Couple pics of what is hanging (Mostly Odyssey), and then a pic of the remaining plants (I took the mylar down to increase circulation).

Picture 035.jpgPicture 034.jpg
Picture 056.jpg


Pics of some Blue Dream at just under 8 weeks - super crystalized. A couple more-experienced growers have viewed my set-up and have confirmed what I suspect - the Blue Dream is as good as it gets. It's pretty ridulous! And the plants still have 2 weeks to go in my estimation. The Left and Right pictures are some bottom nugs (so I could get some decent lighting, shielded from the HPS light).
Picture 059.jpgPicture 061.jpgPicture 026.jpg


Some Lemon Widow Pics for yall Lemon Widow Lovers. The yeild will undoubtably prove to be amazing - the largest cola is bigger than a football. If the branches were pulled upright, this plant would be 8' to 9' tall (after 5 weeks of vegging and 8 weeks of flowering). Crystalization is starting to get pretty good too despite the fact that it has 2.5 weeks (est) remaining! Bud pattern is remotely similar to Jack Herrer as you can see by the second pic...kinda twisty-looken buds. I'm expecting this plant to 8 ounces or so...
Picture 057.jpgPicture 054.jpgPicture 045.jpgPicture 055.jpg


Here is the dud of the operation - the Sour Grape. It's real nice smoke (have tasted a few early samples), but the plant is minature compared to the others (probably 1/3 the size of the Odyssey and 1/10th that of the monstor Lemon Widow). Show's nice crystalization...just not worth keeping the genetics of this runt. Buds are rock-hard, so maybe it'll yield an ounce.
SG Plant.jpgSG.jpgSG pic.jpgSG 8 Weeks.jpg
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Some Odyssey Colas a half week before harvest (they are gone now). Nothing special - I would have been happy with this smoke in the early 90's, but by today's standards, it's just not good enough to continue growing. I'm sure I'll find a way to enjoy the smoke just fine though :)
Picture 010.jpgPicture 022.jpgPicture 015.jpg


Couple pics of the first dried nugs. The Blue Dream nug (left) was harvested about a week and a half early but is still unbelievable...the Odyssey (right) was harvested right on schedule but is clearly not is the same class as the Blue Dream. I don't have any pics yet, but the Sour Grape is also incredible (couch-lock for sure)...too bad the plant was such a runt (1/5th the size of the other plants).

Picture 067.jpgPicture 068.jpg

Tee Five

Active Member

Couch-lock & drool...lol, I like the sounds of that. Real nice grow.

So what tasted the best so far? And which had the best "high"? (as opposed to "stone")

BTW were any of these Sativa? (I could look it up--but you'd probably know in a heart beat)


The Sour Grape and Odyssey are indica-dominent for sure. The Blue Dream and Lemon Widow are Sativa Dominat...the Lemon Widow is actually extremely sativa dominant! The Lemon Widow has taken so long to mature that I can't fairly judge the final product on this one yet (in a week or so), but to answer you question, the Sour Grape tastes the best...it is seriously "sour" with a hint of fuity taste!

The best high is by far and away the Blue Dream...good all-around uplifting high, and extremely potent. The plan is to try 2 or 3 new variety each grow until the garden is filled with "the best of the best"...I'm relatively certain the Blue Dream is here to stay. Judging the final dried product against anything I can find at the medical dispensaries, I can say with confidence that it is as good as it gets! The picture above of the dried Blue Dream was actually taken from the plant nearly 2 weeks early.


Today or tomorrow the Lemon Widow will come down. It's been just about 9.5 weeks, and though I would say it is a 10.5 week plant, it is now holding up the entire second grow...and I feel it is "finished enough". I will get some good pics up, as the Lemon Widow is a monster..not quite as resinous as the Blue Dream, but the heavy yeild easly compensates!

Tee Five

Active Member
Well I am sold on the Blue Dream---Im definitely going to get that for my next grow (since I have no way to get Lemon widow clippings)

I thnik I saw Blue Dream for sale at my local depenserary....I hope so.

EDIT: Crap--they don't have it listed; lemme guess...clippings only...am I right?


Yield on the Blue Dream was solid. One plant produced about 8 ounces and the other was probably 5 or 6...it got kind of hard to track because of the mold issue forcing some early cutting.