Salvia conundrum


Well-Known Member
Me and a couple buddies smoked salvia today. 20x standardized extract. 3 out of 4 people experienced effects, i could not get anything out of the experience. We used a proper butane torch with a glass bowl. I tried 3 bowlpacks before i decided it was probably futile. Anyone have any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Ive used it before and got absolutely skullfucked for like 5 minutes, but i also did it about a week ago with a friend. He tripped, i was smiley but nothing really to speak of


Well-Known Member

Yep it is very important as you will likeyat some point "become" your environment, or something in it, I'd hate to become a filthy appartment or toolshed.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Yep it is very important as you will likeyat some point "become" your environment, or something in it, I'd hate to become a filthy appartment or toolshed.
dude, I smoked way too much one time..

my feet were tiles, my arm was a windowsill, my ass was a toilet seat...

^ Bathrooms are not good settings, make sure you go BEFORE you smoke salvia! lol.


Active Member
Amazing how many people actualy piss themselves when they try it. It is more common than you'd think
I've seen people piss themselves after having a few too many good mushies also :hump:.
Don't know what they were thinking (or not) ;)


Well-Known Member
It's really not that hard.. if you can get pot seeds you can get salvia.

Click Here
Yes, i've tried to find it. All the stores i've gone to refuse to send it to my state, and the one time a store actually sent some they replaced it with K2 and Kratom, with an apology saying they couldn't ship Salvia to my state.


Well-Known Member
Ive gotten it shipped to Florida, but the only negative was the place I used was super expensive. The funny thing was was the guy asked me to call him because he had a few questions about the order, and he basically told me he couldn't ship it out because it was illegal here. I was like okay, and assumed he wasn't going to ship it. It was here like 3 days later. I was like WTFF??