Convict Kush!!!~~~~~1200 watt grow!!!


Active Member
Hmm, are Lady Bugs beneficial on marijuana plants at all? (Not that I'd ever consider it cause I hate the little things and its not like you can EVER just have ONE!)
Or will they eat the leaves??


Well-Known Member
Hmm, are Lady Bugs beneficial on marijuana plants at all? (Not that I'd ever consider it cause I hate the little things and its not like you can EVER just have ONE!)
Or will they eat the leaves??
I had lady bugs all over my place one day and placed like 5 in my grow room. They don't eat any of the plant but tons of aphids (small insects). This was like 3 months ago. I still have like 2 in my veg room now. Fred & Mariebongsmilie


Active Member
Hmm, are Lady Bugs beneficial on marijuana plants at all? (Not that I'd ever consider it cause I hate the little things and its not like you can EVER just have ONE!)
Or will they eat the leaves??
Wait till you run into thrips......lady bugs and praying mantis's will be your best friend.....and your plants :D


Well-Known Member
Lady bugz rock!!! <<<small insects. Prayin mantis' will handle erythang else.



Well-Known Member
my hydro shop caries them, lol they have a catalog with lots of insects infestations withs pics of the bug and what they do to your plant then what insects to buy to get rid of em was kinda cool lol. but you dont just buy one its a shit load that they keep in a fridge so they hibernate. and others come in eggs and dont member how many but wasnt a small amount.