The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
didnt so much fall off the wagon as hurled myself from it at a huge rate of knots. tbh i only did a gram of charlie so im not too bothered but i'm stll fuckin burned out today, thats the thing about gettin older, the fuckin recovery period is a lot fuckin longer. i'm going back to bed!


Well-Known Member
didnt so much fall off the wagon as hurled myself from it at a huge rate of knots. tbh i only did a gram of charlie so im not too bothered but i'm stll fuckin burned out today, thats the thing about gettin older, the fuckin recovery period is a lot fuckin longer. i'm going back to bed!
I feel your pain LOL...:)

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
dont know the exact story mate so i'm not sure who chucked him out, or even if he was chucked as opposed to just leaving, i think sum1 told me it was a business issue about advertising on the site but i cant really remember.
@ buds, pmsl, fickin dodgy, had shit like that happen to me before. laying in bed one nite about 15 years ago speeding outta my haed and i heard a car stop at the front of the house, looked out to c a cop car, now at this point i was dealing speed and had about an oz sitting in the house so i grabbed it and sat next to the window just peaking out, heart hammering away like fiddlers elbow paranoia seeping from every sweat filled pore, i was gonna eat as much as i could beforethe door got caved and then the cops let my little bro outta of the car, he was blitzed and the cops were bringing him home. i nearly knocked the little cunts teeth in.
ha ha thankfully my brothers a gentle giant an doesnt ever get into trouble so i dont have to worry bout him bringin hassle back lol
i did however have a similar experiance about 10 years ago i met this bird an her younger sister an started seein her, they were livin in a hostal as there parents had been killd in a car crash a few weeks before i met them, so one night we go out clubbin get hammerd an go back to mine next mornin im woke up by the police knockin my door, i think shit they have another warrent for me so i answerd the door an when askd "are you mr ++++++ +++++++ i said no im ++++++ +++++ the coper then askd my why id got this other blokes name tattood on my arm to which i replyd "he,s my boyfriend" the copper started laughin an said look i know who you are im only here to see if you have seen ++++++ ++++ turnd out the bird i was fukin was 18 but her sister who was at that moment in bed with my m8 was only 15 an hadnt informd the hostal she was staying out

Oh btw the harest went well got 20 oz from 8plants..
nice one m8 what strain was that ???


Well-Known Member
I said to my girlfriend, "Now remember, my mother is very old, so speak nice and slow and very loud."

Then I said to my perfectly capable mother, "By the way, my girlfriend is slightly retarded."

What fun that was...


Well-Known Member
This new "in private" browsing mode in Internet Explorer is rubbish. Everyone in the internet cafe can still see me wanking.


Well-Known Member
A man walks in to a library and asks for a book on midget sex. "How can you stoop so low?!" Asked the Librarian. "That's the one." The man replied.


Well-Known Member
I explained to the doctor, "Whenever I harvest our cornfields, I get a really bad headache."

"It's a migraine," he explained.

"No, it's not, it's mine - and why the fuck have you started speaking Italian?"


Well-Known Member
thats 2.5oz per plant , thats a decent harvest, what strains was it u were growin?
Yeah guys im made up but times are tough round here mate lots of weed about...

What do you wiegh a 20 sack at ????

Im leaning to 1.8


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Yeah guys im made up but times are tough round here mate lots of weed about...

What do you wiegh a 20 sack at ????

Im leaning to 1.8

your not doing much to dispell the myths about scousers being robbing bastards here lpool hahaha 1.8 do you wear a mask?


Well-Known Member
Yeah we get this rip off pish up here too a£10 a gram!!II also had to pay 25 for 3.5g,fuckin rip off.I have had 2 skunks sitting stinking my house out while I smoke shitty pollen!Thank fuck its cropped.No intention of selling but if I do for a mate it will be 3.5 for 20.I realise the nutes and leccy need paid for but 10 a gram is a joke.Someones selling blue cheese in my town 10 a gram and they are all paying it,cos they are used to shitty pollen or soapy.Big up to Speedy seedz ordered on sunday got my 5 LSD today with a free seed too.

mr west

Well-Known Member
your not doing much to dispell the myths about scousers being robbing bastards here lpool hahaha 1.8 do you wear a mask?
3.5 for 20 1.7 for a tenner is the price i would charge if i had enough left to sell lol. I feel if growers charge street prices for their gear they as bad as the chinks ffs. Greedy ppl get talked about.