how do i make water Ph 6.5?


Active Member
local hydro shop has ph up and ph down, its pretty cheap. I think garden centers carry it also , but i think if you search you can find materials that lower or raise ph.

I forget but its like vinegar and baking soda or something.

I buy ph up and ph down from


New Member
local hydro shop has ph up and ph down, its pretty cheap. I think garden centers carry it also , but i think if you search you can find materials that lower or raise ph.

I forget but its like vinegar and baking soda or something.

I buy ph up and ph down from
i didnt think i could use it, im new to growing and using im using soil specialy for low Ph plants,
does that literaly does what it says on the bottle Ph down . so i could ajust a container of water and water my plants with that?
+Rep for you thanks


Active Member
vineger will make the pH more acidic (the number will go down) and baking soda will make the pH more basic (the number will go up)
in your case you would use vineger.


Well-Known Member
yeah man just get ph up and ph down.. but when your putting that dont put too much not a lot is needed..
Stealth hydros products are good however their measurments are a bit off with the PH up. I did what they said and it raised my PH through the roof. I lost 2 out of 4 plants doing that. ALSO I would never recommend using tap water. Distilled water is best, in a sense it is in it's purest form with no additives or chemicals.


Well-Known Member
^^^ ditto, vinegar works great. its super cheap, natural, and they sell it at the grocery store. cant tell you how exactly much you need, but get a gallon of water and add vinegar a 1/4 teaspoon at a time untill you get your desired ph. Where i live i need to add 1 tsp per gallon to get my water right.


Well-Known Member
My tap water is in the high 7s, low 8s, and one half teaspoon of distilled white vinegar will bring a five gallon bucket down to an even 7. A smidge more will take it lower.

I would not recommend anything but distilled white vinegar. No cider, red wine, or any flavored crap. All you want is the acetic acid.


New Member
Stealth hydros products are good however their measurments are a bit off with the PH up. I did what they said and it raised my PH through the roof. I lost 2 out of 4 plants doing that. ALSO I would never recommend using tap water. Distilled water is best, in a sense it is in it's purest form with no additives or chemicals.
reckon i should use rain water instead of tap, or shall i buy some cheap bottles of still water?


New Member
My tap water is in the high 7s, low 8s, and one half teaspoon of distilled white vinegar will bring a five gallon bucket down to an even 7. A smidge more will take it lower.

I would not recommend anything but distilled white vinegar. No cider, red wine, or any flavored crap. All you want is the acetic acid.
thanks thats a good guide of how much ill need my water is about the same. do you mean like' five gallon bucket ' 1 gallon or 5 gallons of water ? sorry just making sure dont want to get it wrong


Well-Known Member
thanks thats a good guide of how much ill need my water is about the same. do you mean like' five gallon bucket ' 1 gallon or 5 gallons of water ? sorry just making sure dont want to get it wrong
Five gallons of water, 1/2 tsp vinegar. I really only takes a little. It takes a little trial and error to get it just right for your water.

One thing you have to be aware of is that the ph will climb back up as the dissolved minerals slowly react with the added acid. Wait 24 hours and retest, and you'll see what I mean.