first timer ;-)

my friend planted the seeds after soaking them over night and after two weeks of growing
we walked about .6 of a mile and quickly replanted

the leafs died down they started drooping so what can we do to help them grow better? (since we cant afford it just yet we don't have pots and its planted straight into the ground we decided we have about 30 more seeds and by this Friday we will have 50$ so would it be safe assuming we should plant later? when we have more cash to grow? we are also thinking about doing an indoor setup but we heard it gets real expensive we are just trying to grow about an ounce or two in the next 3 months or 4

please help us out thanks with anything you can provide :)



Active Member
id get a book, I read a few and recomend "the indoor outdoor medical grower's bible" by jorge cervantes,

pirate bay has it in stock :-)
P.S. What fertilizers are you planning on using?
Whatever you tell me you think it good :P well okay the yellow and drooping leaves have fallen off and three new little leafs are starting to sprout how many times a day should i water? the plant looks kinda hot its been about upper 80's to low 70's for the past few weeks so should i water 3 times a day and how much?? or what should i do? i will post more pictures once i get the chance thanks for all the help
there ya go happy toking :D help me out please thanks in advance (btw althought the rock sand/dirt that its planted in seems to be a dirty place for it to be planted the plants stem is actually extremely hard for a little plant it doesn't bend or lean or need a stick to be held up :P)



Well-Known Member
I wouldent water more than once a day. Any more than that and it may cause problems like root rot. Marijuana dosent like soaking wet soil. As for fertilizers your choices are limitless but the basic rule to remember is they need more nitrogen during veg and more phosphorus with very little nitrogen during flower. The amount of nitrogen, potasium and phosphorus in a fertilizer is determined by the NPK numbers on the label. The N stands for nitrogen, the P stands for phosphorus and the K stands for potasium. For example, a fertilizer that has a NPK of 10-5-3 would have 10% nitrogen, 5% phosphorus and 3% potasium. Good luck, any other questions feel free to ask.


Well-Known Member
Not an exact number just something with higher nitrogen. This stuff is great. It's organic which is a plus for so many reasons, it has the right NPK and it also contains micro nutrients that plants need. It's available at Wal-Mart, Home Depot and lots of other local stores. Be Warned- It smells terrible lol.


Well-Known Member
Not an exact number just something with higher nitrogen. This stuff is great. It's organic which is a plus for so many reasons, it has the right NPK and it also contains micro nutrients that plants need. It's available at Wal-Mart, Home Depot and lots of other local stores. Be Warned- It smells terrible lol.
That must be an old photo as Alaska Fish Fertilizer is no longer OMRI listed. Good shot of nitrogen, but at the cost of using a product containing heavy metals.


Well-Known Member
It a far better choice than using some Miracle Grow or other low end crap alot of newbies go with. Sure there are better choices but for the price and quality it's a good product.


Well-Known Member
Cold process.
What makes Organic Gem® so good?

Better ingredients make a better fertilizer.
We start by using only FRESH FISH - providing you with the purest organic fish fertilizer on the market today! Our fish are deep-water bottom-feeders - rich in trace minerals and free from harmful coastal heavy metals.

A superior process.
Our unique cold enzymatic process is strictly controlled for the highest quality in FDA approved facilities. We never denature the natural fish proteins or remove beneficial oils and collagen, providing you with all of the best ingredients.

Organic and safe.
Organic Gem® is listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI), one of the strictest organic review agencies in the country. It can be applied with no worries to human health and will not compromise local water supplies.


Well-Known Member
Cold process.
What makes Organic Gem® so good?

Better ingredients make a better fertilizer.
We start by using only FRESH FISH - providing you with the purest organic fish fertilizer on the market today! Our fish are deep-water bottom-feeders - rich in trace minerals and free from harmful coastal heavy metals.

A superior process.
Our unique cold enzymatic process is strictly controlled for the highest quality in FDA approved facilities. We never denature the natural fish proteins or remove beneficial oils and collagen, providing you with all of the best ingredients.

Organic and safe.
Organic Gem® is listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI), one of the strictest organic review agencies in the country. It can be applied with no worries to human health and will not compromise local water supplies.
Sounds like an excellent product.
Okay ladies and gents so tomorrow is watering day i watered my plant last wed I'm going to start watering the soil and the leafs every 3 days or 4 depending on how dry my plant looks ( i can kinda tell if she needs water or not).....

Now how should i use the fertilizer and should i get some new soil? should i buy a pot? i mean i have two perfect spots to grow this thing without a care in the world I'm just going to need to know if its possible to just put down some new soil and put that fert on top would i be good? how much do you think i should water it how much fertilizer should i use should i buy everything and do it tomorrow? for ex.. buy the fert and the soil and move the plant into the new fert and soil and water it ? or should i water it tomorrow and not move it? sorry im such a noobie guys thanks for all your help hopefully ill have some great results to post in the next few weeks i will upload pictures at request either for more info on what i should do or just weekly progress thanks again anyone who helps WALL OF TEXT I KNOW SORRY!!!

ps. whats the price of that fish fert and incase i do need another soil and maybe a pot some pictures of what i have to buy would be great thanks alot guys :)


Well-Known Member
Well, you should have put them in the good soil and/or pot in the beginning after you transplanted them if thats the route you wanted to go. Transplanting from the ground to another location or a pot is difficult because the roots have already begun to spread out and make themselves at home. That being said it is still possible because they are not too big, if you are very careful. Just be sure that your next location is the one you want to go with for good. After you transplant them water them. Wait a few days before you fertilize. As for dosage just follow the directions on the bottle.