foxfarm growbig for veg, tiger bloom for flower? input please


Active Member
i am using the full line up with soulables as per online schedule at full strength. My plants are beautiful. Only burned one with a spill(still fine tho)


Well-Known Member
I have been using Fox Farm Ocean Forest for 3 years now, best soil IMO. As for the FF grow big and FF Tiger bloom , Great Great Stuff. Use it every watering. And the trio set of solubles Worth every $ Great stuff. Check my albums all (except newest) all FF line up. Molasses another great additive. Oh and when you switch to flowering use Big Bloom for 3 weeks, that will help keep your leafs green throughout the flowering.[


Well-Known Member
I have been using Fox Farm Ocean Forest for 3 years now, best soil IMO. As for the FF grow big and FF Tiger bloom , Great Great Stuff. Use it every watering. And the trio set of solubles Worth every $ Great stuff. Check my albums all (except newest) all FF line up. Molasses another great additive. Oh and when you switch to flowering use Big Bloom for 3 weeks, that will help keep your leafs green throughout the flowering.[
I agree sir.


just throwing it out there, for veg, depending on age i use just grow big and water or big bloom and grow big. and for flower i use all three of them in the same water, a lot more tiger and big bloom and grow big but theres still a little in there....dont use their soil tho, too expensive, sunshine mix 4 all day...but just those three, none of the solubles, dont make that much of a difference from what ive seen....


Well-Known Member
I loved Fox Farm 100% and still would be using them if I did not go on an organic diet. Funny how things work, what I mean is my wife went to a local Organic store, made dinner from what she bought and for the first time ever the vegetables had serious flavor. We where amazed. So after a few organic dinners I told my wife it's time we went organic in the garden.
I have started with auto's just to get a grip and understanding of my new journey.
Had to pull out a 12" Hermi and like always I enjoy looking at the roots and pulling it all apart. Well for being only 4 weeks on a 3 gal container (FFOF soil) using organic nutes, the root system was mind blowing. It was ever so thick and white, just beautiful.


Well-Known Member
and. not organic?? mine says its organic! i think... i'm not checking it now, but i have FFgrowbig and bigbloom. i thought it was organic...? idk, i didn't buy it, a friend had some from last year. is it even good still, i wonder? any help with these things would be great. anyone? FFexperts?


Well-Known Member
I hope you guy's know that Kelogg's patio plus 1.5 cu ft around 7.00 a bag is the same shit as fox farm ocean forest just different bag. Yep your FF nutes are still good. True only the big bloom is organic, but all the other shit comes from rocks from the earth anyways, just in an imediate form.


Well-Known Member
yeah, after some research i'd say buy the FF big three , and about the non organic contents, i guess we should really all understand that FF is mostly organic and that there is no "mostly organic" section. but that doesn't help me in my real garden, which i am trying to get an organic certification on. can i use foxfarm? i'm going to google that and answer my own question, cause if I put anything inorganic in there I have to waqit five years for it to mulch down (it happened once, a hired gardner, trying to be helpful) and now I'm loking at certification this or next year and i don't want to BLOW it.

Disco Pwnstar

New Member
getting all the ferts is worth it for me. i tested it out on my first grow. better smelling, tasting, resin, overall. i use all the foxfarm line, superthrive, and molasses.


Well-Known Member
yeah, after some research i'd say buy the FF big three , and about the non organic contents, i guess we should really all understand that FF is mostly organic and that there is no "mostly organic" section. but that doesn't help me in my real garden, which i am trying to get an organic certification on. can i use foxfarm? i'm going to google that and answer my own question, cause if I put anything inorganic in there I have to waqit five years for it to mulch down (it happened once, a hired gardner, trying to be helpful) and now I'm loking at certification this or next year and i don't want to BLOW it.
From the Fox Farms Website:

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"We do offer some fertilizers with mineral-based, time-release ingredients that are not classified as organic. These include American Pride® and Marine Cuisine® fertilizers, Tiger Bloom® and Grow Big® liquids, and our soluble products like Cha Ching®, Beastie Bloomz®, and Open Sesame®." [/FONT]

I can't imagine anyone seeking organic certification for food production who would knowingly use these products. But, here we are in a supposedly organic forum with people promoting their use for growing 'organic' cannabis.

Organic growers I personally know (and not just cannabis) and posters on weed forums who know what they're doing would never use nutrient supplements, everything a plant needs should be in the living soil. A couple of AACT teas to refresh the soil microbe colonies, one during vegetation and another during flowering, does the job.


Well-Known Member
All but the Big Bloom has chelated ingredients in it.
Name brand loyalty has long been the primary motivation to purchase consumer goods, scientific facts being secondary to flashy labels and uneducated peer group recommendations. Marketing types know what they're doing.


Well-Known Member
Name brand loyalty has long been the primary motivation to purchase consumer goods, scientific facts being secondary to flashy labels and uneducated peer group recommendations. Marketing types know what they're doing.
yes but whats that have to do with only one out of the set of 3 being organic?

Disco Pwnstar

New Member
if your going organic, i dont think you'll get there with ff. i wouldnt classify anything other than big bloom as organic, i could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
Myself I went with Humboldts Naturals and I will be using the Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Big Bloom. Big Bloom being the only organic substance they have besides their soil. Big Bloom is crazy good stuff. I use it as directed when I switch them over to the flower room. It soaks the soil in nitrogen based organics. Great stuff. Keeps the leafs green green through out the flowering period.