foxfarm growbig for veg, tiger bloom for flower? input please


Well-Known Member
Myself I went with Humboldts Naturals and I will be using the Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Big Bloom. Big Bloom being the only organic substance they have besides their soil. Big Bloom is crazy good stuff. I use it as directed when I switch them over to the flower room. It soaks the soil in nitrogen based organics. Great stuff. Keeps the leafs green green through out the flowering period.
Always good to hear more people are discarding chemicals for growing purposes.


Active Member
I have been using the Trio-Pack, and the solubles for my first grow and I think they work great. I didn't have a TDS, or PH meter for my hydro grow at first, but just bought them last week. In one week of being on key, and they have almost grown 5 inch's in that short of time. I just threw them into 12/12 yesterday and I couldn't believe it but they already have hairs growing out everywhere. Highly recommend from my view.