should i do ex?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
i used to take like 40/50 over a weekend,every w.end, stoped takin them 4 years ago, my mental state is stil questionable
If there is any possibility of that being true, no shit your mental state is still questionable.

the bigest prob i had was gettin used to normal life/routine again.wen u stop takin them life gets sooo fuckin boring
That's with all addiction I think..

the day after u will feel like shit, your jaw will be agony, wont be able to eat, get an erection, think straight.the second day you will be alot better, if a little slower psyicaly/mentally.
Not necessarily. I have not had any of those problems ever, on the contrary, the day after I felt amazing and at peace. I was less depressed the days after than the days before I took E as well.

main ingredients rat poison(this is actually a benefit it slows ur heart rate down), washing detergent
C'mon man.. you know that's horse shit.


Active Member
I say go for it test it out, I personally can't currently roll because of a certain antidepressant I'm described gives me such a base of a major components of tabs around here, if I had near pure MDMA, then that be a different story but I only got shit tabs near me


Oracle of Hallucinogens
The rat poison is what scares me.
Please do not believe that.

Rat Poison is not a chemical, solely a name for a chemical derived from the Strychnos nux vomica tree; Strychnine.

The original myth:

"strychnine is commonly found in LSD"

That was bullshit as well. So:

1) The guy has the myth, hence, his drugs fucked up
2) He couldn't tell you that Strychnine was in Ecstasy, he said "Rat Poison" (leading me to believe he is uneducated on the subject)

Don't believe everything you read.


Well-Known Member
Just do it man, fuck its not like crack ,trust me, I've done crack... Not everyday you get to use that line.

Its not an addiction thing, its just you brains reward system learn a new trick, a novel experience... but its not like you are fiending for more after the first dose.
You never ever have to do it again...and you'd be just fine with that.

Bout two weekends ago, I took 2 synthetic MDMA pills but didn't realy get off much, eventualy I ended up talking to a guy who handed me some MDMA in the dark.
I didn't realy expect it to be much, but apparently he had a shitload.. as the next thing he said was, take some now and keep the rest for later.... WAY TOO LATE...
He then told me that I just took as much as the 6 people in their party took toegether so far... Man I was railed pretty hard, but i was just fine by the next morning and drove the 80 miles home.


Active Member
you should do it, if your dealer and others say they are decent. (there are fakes going around)

Its about as addicting as sex. thats the way i think about it. It feels really fucking good, and your probally going to want to try it again. but its all a choice. its not that bad.

only take between 1 or 2 (my first time was 1.5 and it was good. take the first one, then take half 45 min later)

drink 3 to 4 bottles of water though out the day before you do it. and dont worry about drinking tons of water, but ALWAYS carry water with you, and have it near you. and just sip it/drink it when you feel thirsty. you never need to chug water. but have 5 or more bottles of water ready, and drink them slowly durning the experience, and as you naturally feel thursty.

also i would skip dinner before you do it. most drugs (except weed) dont mix well with a full stomach.

enjoy your experience. a one time experience taking 1 or 2 is not going to give you permenent brain damage. youll be fine. and i would space out rolling every couple months.

Also the FIRST time is the BEST time. so make sure you do it with someone special. you will remember it for the rest of your life.

also i alway feel like a million bucks the next day. like just so happy, and optimistic. and i usually feel great for 3 to 4 days later. even when ive taken what i consider a lot for me. (4 rolls in one night)


Active Member
only 4 more days till 6-apdb comes out...thats why im not rolling tonight, im saving my serotonin for that shit lol...hopefully its worth it.


Active Member
Its not, you don't want to be an Etard. you will take this then start hanging out at the bus station drinking cough medicine like all the Etards here.


Well-Known Member
lol dude, I maybe do it like once or twice a year depending on the need for social therapy.


Well-Known Member
Erm, I am disabled and stay at home most of the time, so I get a little awkward in terms of dealing with real physical people after too long.
A good dose of MDMA and meeting the right strangers at a party can totaly shatter that akward wall and help me connect with people again with the effects lasting quite a while.
It also teaches one some interesting things about oneself and perceptions if you are analytic enough.


Well-Known Member
drink 3 to 4 bottles of water though out the day before you do it. and dont worry about drinking tons of water, but ALWAYS carry water with you, and have it near you. and just sip it/drink it when you feel thirsty. you never need to chug water. but have 5 or more bottles of water ready, and drink them slowly durning the experience, and as you naturally feel thursty.(quote)

the whole thing about the water really only applies if you are at the club/rave dancing for hours at a time. people would take pills and dance for like 8 hours straight and fall out from being dehydrated. if your just chillin at your house thats not going to happen.


Active Member
drink 3 to 4 bottles of water though out the day before you do it. and dont worry about drinking tons of water, but ALWAYS carry water with you, and have it near you. and just sip it/drink it when you feel thirsty. you never need to chug water. but have 5 or more bottles of water ready, and drink them slowly durning the experience, and as you naturally feel thursty.(quote)

the whole thing about the water really only applies if you are at the club/rave dancing for hours at a time. people would take pills and dance for like 8 hours straight and fall out from being dehydrated. if your just chillin at your house thats not going to happen.
u still want water near you at all times. IMO


Well-Known Member
It won't fry anyway.. there would be some neurotoxicity, but so would there be in you take any drug multiple times in a week.

Don't listen to this. This is absolute bullshit.

They have found PMA, Methamphetamine, Ketamine, BZP, TFMPP, etc. in Ecstasy tablets.

I got a grey star that was Ketamine and (meth?)Amphetamine.. it was very heavy weight for both (as I am very familiar with dissociatives and speed) and I thought I was going to have to visit the hospital (the other kid who took it did).

The dealers don't give a fuck about you having a good time, they care about their money.
I think your wrong Shepj, because it turns out I am an ecstasy pill and I think id know what im made of.