should i do ex?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I had a problem with pissing for 8 hours on it once. Had the urge to go, but never could, it was the biggest piss off.
That sounds like the presence of an opiate/opioid... stimulants & water make you piss like a motherfucker.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
all my experiences with molly does no justice to what a good mint will do for me. I dont understand it. maybe im just getting shitty molly


Well-Known Member
he shorted me one, so i just got 5 =[
but i had fun. wasnt as much of an upper as it usually is though, kinda tiring and fucked up, like shrooms body high kinda


Well-Known Member
Baaah even with all the shit that potentialy goes into the stuff, I have only ever gotten shitty pills twice, the one left me moody in the way amphetamines typicaly does, and the other was just not the same experience, and was synthetic MDMA.


Well-Known Member
all my E has always been good. in fact, the only E i have taken that could slightly be considered lower grade, i was convinced was due to the way it was cut. it was about 5x as strong as any E i had taken before, but it hit within about 15-30m of taking, and only lasted about 2 hours. seemed like something about it just caused it to hit you hard and heavy and just run through the body super fast. again, this stuff was great, but it was different. super intensity, short duration. would be fun to find this kind again =D


Well-Known Member
Same here. It changed me for sure in good ways for the most part. Big part is knowing what you are eating. And never snort them unless u want to feel the biggest burn in your life.Might as well go snort a zoloft or something.