unemployment sucks


Active Member
I'm actually accepted. But I'm still tight on cash. And I'm 18 I'm in highschool but I'm a senior
you got your whole life in front of you. It is still possible for you to be anything you want. Really!!!!
when your 25 you will be like i can't believe that guy smoked 1000 dollars worth of crack.
When your thirty you will be like I can,t believe that guy paid 1,000,000 dollars for that house done the street.
don't know about 40.

I no you've heard it over and over again. But I bet thier aren't to many people on here that are thirty that wishes they tried a little harder when they were your age. When I was 14 i had cut grass in the summer for four years. Buy the time i was 18 i had brought a truck and a boat. Worked 3 days a week sunup to sun down. No boss no nothing just mow and weed eat and anything else. You wuldn't believe the job offers I had from the customers or the horny house wives. Wish i had stayed with it but started growing pot when i was 16 and that was the end of my motivation.

What do you want to be????????????


Active Member
If you think looking for a job for a is hard. Wait till you hit the real world. Tuffin up or you will be left behind.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I have been laid off for 15 months so far. I am a stay at home dad while my wife works (RN). I am still collecting unemployment from Massachusetts which can be for up to 110 weeks now I think. I go to school a couple nights a week so I can have a back up career. I was driving a beer truck and I am a Teamster but I get laid off too much and need more stable work. I I I lol

But yeah I have had a little cabin fever here and there but I try and keep busy with lots of hobbies. I go fishing, play my drums, grow some herb, play ps3, take care of my kid. I am actually thankful for being laid off because I get to watch my little girl grow up, my wife gets jealous sometimes. Plus my daughter loves to sleep in so I get to sleep til she gets up which is about 8:30-9. lol I am kinda loving life right now. Hopefully I am back to work before my checks run out. heh


Active Member
I have been laid off for 15 months so far. I am a stay at home dad while my wife works (RN). I am still collecting unemployment from Massachusetts which can be for up to 110 weeks now I think. I go to school a couple nights a week so I can have a back up career. I was driving a beer truck and I am a Teamster but I get laid off too much and need more stable work. I I I lol

But yeah I have had a little cabin fever here and there but I try and keep busy with lots of hobbies. I go fishing, play my drums, grow some herb, play ps3, take care of my kid. I am actually thankful for being laid off because I get to watch my little girl grow up, my wife gets jealous sometimes. Plus my daughter loves to sleep in so I get to sleep til she gets up which is about 8:30-9. lol I am kinda loving life right now. Hopefully I am back to work before my checks run out. heh
Got to love that unemploment check. I drew out of mass. once it was like 600+ a week. It was the highest on the east coast. My union buddies still drive al the way up there to file from 3 or 4 states south. Penn. was close to the same and closer for me. Mine is 400+ a week.

Your life almost sounds like mine except for the drums. I never get bored when I'm layed off I try to squeeze every minute out of it.
I had a lot more fun before i had kids though. Still love it to have time to spend with them.

My old lady makes more money then I do and my house,boat,and truck are paid for.
Unemployment for me is more like a paid vacation.


Active Member
Getting ready to buy 5 acres and a camp on the river with 1000's of acres of wilderness area on the other side of the river.


Well-Known Member
Got to love that unemploment check. I drew out of mass. once it was like 600+ a week. It was the highest on the east coast. My union buddies still drive al the way up there to file from 3 or 4 states south. Penn. was close to the same and closer for me. Mine is 400+ a week.

Your life almost sounds like mine except for the drums. I never get bored when I'm layed off I try to squeeze every minute out of it.
I had a lot more fun before i had kids though. Still love it to have time to spend with them.

My old lady makes more money then I do and my house,boat,and truck are paid for.
Unemployment for me is more like a paid vacation.
Yup very similar. My wife makes more than me and the house and truck are paid for too. I am saving for the boat but I always blow it on something else. heh


Well-Known Member
I graduated today two years ago with a bachelors degree. If I would have known finding a job would be this hard I would have just continued school. I never thought about trade school, i've always been pretty clumsy around tools. I don't have kids, so I don't qualify for unemployment. This area is mostly a white collar area, illegals do pretty much all the unskilled work.


Well-Known Member
Just started my new job this week. I got 59 hours M-F and I have to work in the morning. It kind of sucks but I just keep thinking of the pay check and how much dank I'm gonna grow in my new house! :D


Active Member
I graduated today two years ago with a bachelors degree. If I would have known finding a job would be this hard I would have just continued school. I never thought about trade school, i've always been pretty clumsy around tools. I don't have kids, so I don't qualify for unemployment. This area is mostly a white collar area, illegals do pretty much all the unskilled work.
I thought you were older. Only use trade school as a last resort. Don't worry about being clumsy with tools its taught to you. I have seen some wierd, crazy, lazy, burnt out, pilled up you name it I seen them knocking down some jack. If you find yourself despret I would recommend looking in to witch trade I liked and going to the local union hall. If you got some sense about you you have nothing to worry aboutand will work around some cool SOB's.