jont wont stay lit

del taco lover

Well-Known Member
just finished growing some hashplant haze from dna genetics and hung them out to dry 7 days ago. fast forward to today they felt dry so i put it in the curing jar but took a sample to roll a joint. the shit wouldnt stay lit at all.....does this mean it wasnt flushed properly(i.e nutrients left in the plant) or is it because its not fully dried yet?


Well-Known Member
just finished growing some hashplant haze from dna genetics and hung them out to dry 7 days ago. fast forward to today they felt dry so i put it in the curing jar but took a sample to roll a joint. the shit wouldnt stay lit at all.....does this mean it wasnt flushed properly(i.e nutrients left in the plant) or is it because its not fully dried yet?

Get them back out the jar/s before the buds rot and dry for another 4-5 days before jarring the bud and when its jarred open the jar for an hour everyday for the first 2-3 weeks to get some fresh air in there and to let the buds breathe.

del taco lover

Well-Known Member
i dont know, these buds seem awfully dry when i touch them, almost crispy like. kinda hard to imagine theyre still wet but who knows im a noob anyway. i will try drying them for another week.


Well-Known Member
i dont know, these buds seem awfully dry when i touch them, almost crispy like. kinda hard to imagine theyre still wet but who knows im a noob anyway. i will try drying them for another week.
I dry my small buds for at least 10+ days just to be safe and bigger buds 2 weeks at least.


Well-Known Member
del taco...what you wanna do is put your buds in a a trash bag...tie a knot in it so its air tight..keep them in this for about 4 or 5 days...but be sure to open the bag a few times a day to let frest air do this because when you hang dry, the outside of the buds dry first leaving the inside buds still when u put them in a bag, or something thats air tight and holds in good moisture, it forces all the moisture from the inside of the bud outwards making for a more even cure....then smoke..enjoy


Well-Known Member
del taco...what you wanna do is put your buds in a a trash bag...tie a knot in it so its air tight..keep them in this for about 4 or 5 days...but be sure to open the bag a few times a day to let frest air do this because when you hang dry, the outside of the buds dry first leaving the inside buds still when u put them in a bag, or something thats air tight and holds in good moisture, it forces all the moisture from the inside of the bud outwards making for a more even cure....then smoke..enjoy
I would never store bud in any plastic containers or bags as it has an impact on taste and thats why we use glass mason jars and not plastic containers.