Touchet's Perpetual Garden

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New Member
so a little research with the net, lol bunch of googles and gueeeessss what I found, read post 269

VictimlessCrime Registered User

Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 230

Re: The Scrog Method
Originally Posted by GrowBot
no one is going to come up with anything new for the most part. you start out by "copying" someone else's methods and making changes along the way to suit your individual needs/environment.

And this is where we will begin to differ. I didn't come here to just grow some smoke and post some shit. I came here as a favor to a friend (medical grower) and to solve his problems. I figured since I had every intention of solving his problems I might as well share my solutions with other growers. I'm not here to copy what other people have done "for the most part" I am here to innovate, to create. I've read countless problems on heat, lighting, space, etc etc. I intend to solve all those for my friend and for the people here as well.

I only hope along the way my information, hard work, time, and semi-deep pockets pay off. Might wanna keep an eye on my journal as I will be getting rid of equipment regularly for cheap as things change with the plants.
"Forgive them for they know not what they do..."

^^^^^^^ look at the sig!! ^^^^^^^^

think I found our boy!!! Sounds just like him, only problem is looks like he left that site to come here !!!!! arrrggghhhh i have sooo many questions for this dude


New Member
Fuck that bring him back mofo's . By far the most info on this entire site comes from touchet u dick's

From what i read on that other site it is for sure him!!

he made custom vids for people, just like he did here.

custom pics and , just like he did here.

over there people were calling him the next "Jorge" reading through a bunch of his posts over there right now, this dude spent sall his time in OTHERS peoples threads trying to help them, his own journal has been removed, links broke.

guess his wife wasnt lying, he asked them to remove it or did it himself, he takes his info were ever he goes


New Member

it IS him and he's on right now people....!!! i'm the shit! i fuckin found him

Today, 12:00 PM

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Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 231

I'm baaaaack!
After a brief intermission to get my head straight and a small tour of another site who will remain nameless, I got myself banned for giving away free shit!! LOLZ, oh well.

This time around I will keep my nose in my OWN journal so if you want/need help come find me in my new journal going up today. i love to help people and I think ya'll know this, I just have a lot going on in my garden right now so I need to focus there first.

I will gladly help in anyway I can, just ask. New journal will be up by tonight

"Forgive them for they know not what they do..."

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
man this ban shit is bsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
evrytime i get sumone to converse with on journals they either get banned or they just dont show up anymore wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff:fire:


Well-Known Member
man this ban shit is bsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
evrytime i get sumone to converse with on journals they either get banned or they just dont show up anymore wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff:fire:
just as pissed as you are thumbz. FUCK THIS FUCKING GAY FAGGOT ASS BAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss Touchet already, gay as that sounds, I fukin love that guy. You guys know what I'm talkin about.

I cant believe he's perma-banned. If he doesnt get the ban lifted I may bail on RIU and head over to the site were he at. He brought such knowledge and diversity to the site goddamn it MODS, I know you have to follow protocol but cmon get real you cant fukin ban Touchet. He knows now, BECAUSE THERE IS NO FUCKING ACCESS TO THE RULES fukin morons... he was just trying to help someone out of kindness, it was a little foolish but shit give the GD guy a break he had a very, very severe accident and sustained massive head trauma, making him mentally altered in a way. That alone should be grounds for a pass with a wrist slap!! and a warning to not dabble with " funny" talk anymore of trades and what not. DOES ANYONE AGREE WITH ME ON THIS?? ok I've ranted on long enough....fuk


New Member
just as pissed as you are thumbz. FUCK THIS FUCKING GAY FAGGOT ASS BAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss Touchet already, gay as that sounds, I fukin love that guy. You guys know what I'm talkin about.

I cant believe he's perma-banned. If he doesnt get the ban lifted I may bail on RIU and head over to the site were he at. He brought such knowledge and diversity to the site goddamn it MODS, I know you have to follow protocol but cmon get real you cant fukin ban Touchet. He knows now, BECAUSE THERE IS NO FUCKING ACCESS TO THE RULES fukin morons... he was just trying to help someone out of kindness, it was a little foolish but shit give the GD guy a break he had a very, very severe accident and sustained massive head trauma, making him mentally altered in a way. That alone should be grounds for a pass with a wrist slap!! and a warning to not dabble with " funny" talk anymore of trades and what not. DOES ANYONE AGREE WITH ME ON THIS?? ok I've ranted on long enough....fuk
i fully agree! dude has it hard enough and i think RIU was lucky to have touchet rest his head here for us to pick at. i didnt want to use it as a pass for him but its true, i found out what happened to him on the other site from an old post for he lef there,

"I was actually not in a car accident. I was at work one day and the building I was in collapsed during a severe storm. I received multiple head trauma wounds and was in a coma for a couple weeks. When I woke up shit was not the same for me. While I cannot seem to remember to eat or sleep on my own I can seem to remember everything I ever learned about growing. And I truly mean everything I have ever read, seen, heard, anything I have basically ever come into contact with in regards to growing, I just seemed to know. It was like God himself woke me up and said 'here *****, go show the world what my plant was truly capable of.' So thats what I did. Spent two years doing more research before I actually moved stuff indoors and set up my little workshop. During that time I designed ******* ********** for MTX, Rockford Fosgate, and Bose. FoMoCo added three of my "ideas" to their new car line up for 2011 and 2012 respectively. Thats how I can afford my car sir."

i took out shit to protect his identity, like his name and job title. This dude sold "ideas" to Ford?! MTX?! Bose?! Rockford mother fucking Fosgate which i have tons of their shit in me trunk! touchet was seriously some type of wonder engineer that solved problems for big companies like listed above. and then dude decides to grow pot?! and they ban him?! can we vote on this somehow, maybe start petition to admins?? can we do something mang?!?!?!?


New Member
here's more from same conversation,

"Nah its not like that. Think of it like this, it's kinda like day trippin for the rest of your life. My eyes see things differently than yours do. I see light different than you. While you may see a pure white lights edge against a white wall and only see that 6000k spectrum your eyes perceive it to be, mine see almost the entire spectrum individually. By that I mean if I look at a 6000k reflectors "coverage line" against a white wall or surface I can see more than one color at the edge. Thats how I built those ********** for those companies, I could "see" the sound waves in my head and what they needed to do in order to produce a flat response in the vehicles interior once you take into all the obstacles and challenges of reflecting sound with any degree of control in a car interior. There are so many different surfaces, hard soft, etc, these all change how our ears perceive the sound. I can just figure it out in my head, dont know why, I just can. Some people think its a gift, I say not really, I sleep about 20 hrs a week unless I am on meds to make my brain shut down at night."

thats fuckin nutz right ther people!! 20 hrs a week?! dude can see light we cant see because of his brain injury?! hows them apples for karma, dude can barely drive his lambo, only at night cause he cant go outside in the day time cause of his eyes, or brain, sumthin like that.

man i have to go get munchies and some kleenex, more i dig into this guy crazier it gets i feel fuckin bad and i didnt even do anything. he said i was the first person from here to go to GC and say what up, made him feel good cause people dont know him there and he hates most the people there. the admins there even offered to make him a mod if he came back. he denied, to much time devoted to perfecting cannabis cultivation he said. I know his nickname from real life cause he told me, we both like drag cars.



About 192,400 results (0.25 seconds)

i wonder how smart you have to be to have almost 200,000 google references

pretty sure if this guy had been able to find the rules he never would have done what he did


Well-Known Member
i fully agree! dude has it hard enough and i think RIU was lucky to have touchet rest his head here for us to pick at. i didnt want to use it as a pass for him but its true, i found out what happened to him on the other site from an old post for he lef there,

"I was actually not in a car accident. I was at work one day and the building I was in collapsed during a severe storm. I received multiple head trauma wounds and was in a coma for a couple weeks. When I woke up shit was not the same for me. While I cannot seem to remember to eat or sleep on my own I can seem to remember everything I ever learned about growing. And I truly mean everything I have ever read, seen, heard, anything I have basically ever come into contact with in regards to growing, I just seemed to know. It was like God himself woke me up and said 'here *****, go show the world what my plant was truly capable of.' So thats what I did. Spent two years doing more research before I actually moved stuff indoors and set up my little workshop. During that time I designed ******* ********** for MTX, Rockford Fosgate, and Bose. FoMoCo added three of my "ideas" to their new car line up for 2011 and 2012 respectively. Thats how I can afford my car sir."

i took out shit to protect his identity, like his name and job title. This dude sold "ideas" to Ford?! MTX?! Bose?! Rockford mother fucking Fosgate which i have tons of their shit in me trunk! touchet was seriously some type of wonder engineer that solved problems for big companies like listed above. and then dude decides to grow pot?! and they ban him?! can we vote on this somehow, maybe start petition to admins?? can we do something mang?!?!?!?
I'm all for starting a petition to raise his ban, this is crazy to have him gone man this guys a genius and a ghuru and not to forget a completely nice guy... sux ass that hes out
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