Experiments In Dimensional Overlapping: A Grow Log

It's that time of year again :mrgreen: This is my second grow but my first grow log. Last year I did a little 4 plant, outdoor, guerrilla grow by myself. In order to water I hiked in a gallon(4 gallons total, about 33 pounds) for each plant once a week. Not to mention that I had to go through a relatively high traffic area to get to my spot. Trying to look "cool" with a lumpy backpack that looks like it's stuffed full of limbs, and more often than not was leaking a liquid, while walking off into the forest isn't easy and it's stressful to say the least! Basically it was a pain so I only really got to visit them about once a week. It wasn't ideal by any means but it was what was available. But this year I've got a place to grow, my buddies backyard, and him to help out. He doesn't know much about growing but I just tell him what to do when I'm not there and I can visit them pretty much whenever so they'll be well tended to. We've also got better nutrients and MUCH bigger containers this year (5 gallon buckets last year and 15-20 gallon this year.) So with the extra tending, better ingredients, and the input from this grow log I've got high :leaf: hopes for this season:bigjoint:

All questions & comments welcome! If you have experience with any of these strains I'd appreciate ANY advice or input. Same goes for the nutrients, mediums, or WHATEVER!

2010 Grow Log



Northern California

2 - Maui Wowie
2 - Granddaddy Purple
1 - Jack The Ripper
1 - AK-47 (The biggest one in the picture below)
(possibly more coming)

Roots organics "Buddha Grow" & "Buddha Bloom"

Growing Medium:
60% EarthGro Potting Soil
40% Perlite
Splash of worm castings and blood meal.

Clones on the day of purchase
Low stress training the AK-47. I simply poked a hole on each side of the pot and used some pipe cleaners to hold her down.

Also moved all but one of the smaller plants to slightly larger containers.


As you can see in some of the pictures, one of the Maui Wowies isn't doin so hot. She's been pretty droopy and doesn't seem to want to come out of it. Planning on giving it some superthrive tomorrow and seeing what happens. All the others seem to be doin pretty good. There is a slight bit of leaf clawing on the AK-47 but I'm not too worried about it, gonna be moving it to a bigger container soon and I'm hoping that that will fix it.
So the Maui Wowie clone that wasn't doin so hot is gone.
0605002238.jpg0605002239.jpgMay she rest in peace....

I went and picked up 6 new clones in her replacement, which I am currently hardening off.

1x Chernobyl
1x Lambs Bread
1x Af-Goo
1x Purple Haze
1x Pink Panther
1x Jack The Ripper

So now there is 11 total

1 - Maui Wowie
2 - Granddaddy Purple
2 - Jack The Ripper
1 - AK-47
1 - Chernobyl
1 - Lambs Bread
1 - Af-Goo
1 - Purple Haze
1 - Pink Panther

Except for the 1 Maui Wowie, all of the original clones are doing great and getting much bigger. Gonna take some update pics soon.
Here are a few update pictures. Some took off and some... Well to say they didn't grow much would be an under statement LOL (see below: Notice the one nug plant) The main problem probably has to do with the fact that my friend, whom I am growing with, didn't follow my directions properly on how to harden off the plants. I told him to put the plants out for about an hour a day and then bring them in and put them in a sunny window. What he did was put them out and then brought them in and put them in his closet. They were only getting a few hours of light and definitely more than 12 hours of darkness each day.:wall: I found this out the hard way, and a little too late, when I noticed that the plants looked like they were beginning to flower. They were. The shock and stress of reverting back into veg after beginning to flower definitely slowed growth I'm sure.

